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Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 3]

Covered in white is death from a fishing brother (Altaria). No wounds sounds either psychic or a healing overdose. So maybe we should focus on Mai's mark.
Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 3]

First, I'll repost the player list for page 4.

1. Stormecho - Dragonair
2. I Liek Squirtles - Squirtle
3. RK-9 - Bisharp
4. ole_Schooler - Houndoom
5. Glace - Glaceon
6. Mai - Swoobat

7. Legendaryseeker99 - Chandelure
8. Chief Zackrai - Dusclops
9. Superbird - Ditto
10. Seritinajii - Kingdra
11. DarkAura - Charizard

12. Squirrel - Altaria
13. Parasitic - Zoroark
14. Metallica Fanboy - Magikarp
15. Ya Ok - Gengar

Covered in white is death from a fishing brother (Altaria). No wounds sounds either psychic or a healing overdose. So maybe we should focus on Mai's mark.
Well, that explains the white marks and clears your name. If you don't mind me asking, who was your fishing brother?

...It still looks to me like Swoobat hit a Nexus—the heart mark was most likely caused by Heart Stamp, which only Swoobat can learn (out of out participants). It's possible that I Liek Squirtles is a nexus of some sort, considering his pokémon choice...

...And we still haven't determined what else could've happened here. I vote that Seritinajii was mafiakilled, so we should look for something capable of doing strictly mental damage—Houndoom, maybe?
Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 3]

...And we still haven't determined what else could've happened here. I vote that Seritinajii was mafiakilled, so we should look for something capable of doing strictly mental damage—Houndoom, maybe?

What, seriously? You're attempting to pin a mental attack on a dog with large fangs and fire powers? I mean, I'd look at Psychics, or maybe Ghosts or Dragons for mental powers. Dark/Fire? Not so much.

Of course, with a Pokemon that can mimic others, perhaps we should be looking closer at you, Superbird. You did admit to being a variable, and it's possible you had the choice between Mafia and townies. I'd also ask you to say who you blocked each night, as if you're innocent, it could be a clue as to who's not.
Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 3]

...Okay, explain-reasoning time! First of all, I looked through the options and Houndoom seemed the only one even possible for the mental intrusion I was insinuating. Unless we take Chandelure, which is also a large possibility.

Second of all, yes, I am the variable. And yes, I am a townie. But I confess; I was lying about being Roleblocker. I'm actually now an Vaporeon, AKA Healer. I just claimed roleblocker to get myself off of the Mafia target list. I healed:
N0: Seritinajii
N1: I'm honestly not sure; It's not in my sent folder, so maybe I forgot...?
N2: Chief Zackrai, which could mean Healer Clash.

I'm confused about the Nexus possibility because that wasn't one of my variable choices (obviously).
Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 3]

Another possibility for the lack of marks is that there's a janitor among us.

Like, say, a Zoroark.
Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 3]

Another possibility for the lack of marks is that there's a janitor among us.

Like, say, a Zoroark.

Janitors hide the body, so you can't see the alignment, role, ect.
If the lack of marks would be caused by a Janitor, then there would also be a lack of alignment-revealing at the day start.
Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 3]

Janitors hide the body, so you can't see the alignment, role, ect.
If the lack of marks would be caused by a Janitor, then there would also be a lack of alignment-revealing at the day start.
Normally, yes, but in a game where the flavor text can be so revealing, a role that eliminates the clues from that sounds valid enough.
Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 3]

Maybe this is my own bias, but I don't understand how a Houndoom can be accused of "mental intrusion." About the only stretch I can think of is "howling them to death," and something like that would probably have been made mention of in the flavortext. Now, if the death was by fire, or biting, I could certainly understand these accusations. However, it seems like you're trying to call out the dark-type as Mafia with little proof to back it up.

I will reiterate: I am not Mafia. My ability is, upon my death, I can choose someone to take down with me.

Now, the actual description of deaths from last night:
Kingdra's body is floating in the fountain, yet strangely, there are no wounds on his body [Seritinajii]. Glaceon and Swoobat, on the other hand, are lying next to each other next to the fountain. Glaceon's body was covered in white [Glace], and Swoobat's had a large, heart-shaped mark on them [Mai].

And the previous night:
The Charizard's body was found lying in the center of the square, with twin bolts of fire and electricity cutting him in half. [Dark Aura][/B]

And the first night:
Floating in the central fountain is the dead body of a Gengar, which was almost ripped in half by a large claw. However, there are two sets of footprints leading towards the fountain - maybe he was killed twice? [Ya ok]

So far, each death was different:
Floating in fountain and ripped in half by a large claw
Twin bolts of fire and electricity (Modkill)
Floating in fountain with no wounds
Covered in white (Fishing brother claim)
Heart-shaped mark

There were only Mafia kills on the first and third nights. Both those nights have a death involving someone floating in a fountain. What if the lack of marks didn't mean a mental attack, but drowning? It would explain the fountain motif, as well as the lack of marks on the most recent kill. That still leaves "huge claws" and "heart-shaped mark," but those could have be a vigilante (which would make sense for RK-9 as a Bisharp, and why there haven't been any deaths like that since) and a lover suicide (since Mai, as a Swoobat, was probably a lover).

Long story short: The Mafia is drowning their victims. This brings I liek Squirtles (as a Squirtle), Metallica Fanboy (as a Magikarp), and Superbird (as a Ditto-turned-Vaporeon) under suspicion, as all are water-types. I'm loathe to lynch the Magikarp until we have too, as I still think they're an alien. It's somewhat petty of me to suggest Superbird, although he's already admitted to lying, as he may still be. This leaves I liek Squirtles, who has posted once to claim to not be the freezer. Sounds like Mafia trying to fly under the radar to me.
Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 3]

Maybe this is my own bias, but I don't understand how a Houndoom can be accused of "mental intrusion." About the only stretch I can think of is "howling them to death," and something like that would probably have been made mention of in the flavortext. Now, if the death was by fire, or biting, I could certainly understand these accusations. However, it seems like you're trying to call out the dark-type as Mafia with little proof to back it up.

For the record, I was referring to Dark Pulse, which likely wouldn't leave any marks, but that's a stingy possibility at best.

There were only Mafia kills on the first and third nights. Both those nights have a death involving someone floating in a fountain. What if the lack of marks didn't mean a mental attack, but drowning? It would explain the fountain motif, as well as the lack of marks on the most recent kill. That still leaves "huge claws" and "heart-shaped mark," but those could have be a vigilante (which would make sense for RK-9 as a Bisharp, and why there haven't been any deaths like that since) and a lover suicide (since Mai, as a Swoobat, was probably a lover).

That...that makes a lot of sense, I admit. Actually, you seem right...

Long story short: The Mafia is drowning their victims. This brings I liek Squirtles (as a Squirtle), Metallica Fanboy (as a Magikarp), and Superbird (as a Ditto-turned-Vaporeon) under suspicion, as all are water-types. I'm loathe to lynch the Magikarp until we have too, as I still think they're an alien. It's somewhat petty of me to suggest Superbird, although he's already admitted to lying, as he may still be. This leaves I liek Squirtles, who has posted once to claim to not be the freezer. Sounds like Mafia trying to fly under the radar to me.

...though I don't really see how a Kingdra can actually drown. But that logic is probably not in play here anyway, so I'm gonna agree with you on this one. And lynch me if you must—though I warn you that if you do you'll just be killing another helpful innocent.
Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 3]

For the record, I was referring to Dark Pulse, which likely wouldn't leave any marks, but that's a stingy possibility at best.

That...that makes a lot of sense, I admit. Actually, you seem right...

...though I don't really see how a Kingdra can actually drown. But that logic is probably not in play here anyway, so I'm gonna agree with you on this one. And lynch me if you must—though I warn you that if you do you'll just be killing another helpful innocent.

I forgot about Dark Pulse, sorry. I don't want to accuse an innocent, there's few enough of those left, we just really need a lynched Mafia right now. Being fair to the possibilities, "no marks" could indicate an illusionist (which could also explain how a Kingdra drowned), and Parasitic the Zoroark has also been quite quiet. However, I'm going to stick with Squirtles for now.
Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 3]

The sun sets, but not before the townspeople choose a victim.

They bring Squirtle to the center of the town square, and, as before, they stand back and release a volley of attacks against him. However, Squirtle appears to calmly accept his fate, and does not even attempt to block any of the attacks, even as he is knocked off his feet and sent flying - ironically - into the fountain. Unfortunately for the townspeople, Zekrom replies to this with the word "Innocent". Only one theory is correct, and it is not necessarily the first.

With the numbers shortening on one side, the townspeople don't have much time left to save themselves...

I liek Squirtles is dead. He was innocent.

48 hours for night actions.
Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 3]

The next morning, the townspeople awake, and expect to find another scene of carnage, as there was yesterday. However, the town is oddly quiet. There are no bodies to be found, yet a strange presence lurks over the area...

48 hours to discuss.
Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 4]

...Mafia forget to send in their night action...? That's what I'm willing to bet it is, and that casts suspicion on one person alone: Parasitic.

Parasitic has been suspiciously inactive these last few days, and that may have been because he may not have had access to a computer or something. So logically, he might not have been able to turn in a Mafia-er's night action.

...I healed Squirrel, by the way.
Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 4]

...Mafia forget to send in their night action...? That's what I'm willing to bet it is, and that casts suspicion on one person alone: Parasitic.

Parasitic has been suspiciously inactive these last few days, and that may have been because he may not have had access to a computer or something. So logically, he might not have been able to turn in a Mafia-er's night action.

...I healed Squirrel, by the way.

Don't lynch me!
I was on vacation.
Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 4]

I've a suspicion to voice.

ole_schooler claims to have a role that, upon being killed, will kill a chosen target, on the grounds that "the hounds of hell stick around longer than they should" or something like that. This claim has had me suspicious for quite a while now. It doesn't make that much sense. For one, Houndoom may be based on hellhounds, but that doesn't mean they are hellhounds, and I'm pretty sure they don't have supernatural powers over death or something to that effect. Furthermore, anybody roleclaiming themselves as a bad kill can't be taken for their word too easily, because there's a good chance they're lying in order to gain lasting ability.

There was something else bothering me, but I'm failing to recall what that was right now. Anyhow, there's something worth thinking about there.
Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 4]

What's with the flavour text? A "strange presence" meaning... what? Just dread, or could it be the lingering effect of a night action?

As for ole_schooler, yes, his role does seem weird. As far as our roles go, mine at least was based on a move related to my Pokemon, and so far the others seem to match. For his to be based off of a mythological reference rather than a move, ability or even Houndoom's flavour text...

Actually, isn't the pain of being burned by them supposed to stay forever? So I suppose there's that. But still, it's... shaky. :/
Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 4]

I was thinking it was either an alien or an in-story way of saying that the killers are still around.

So between Parasitic and ole_schooler, we're favoring the latter at the moment, right?
Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 4]

Heh, I knew my paraphrasing days would come back to haunt me some day...

I did take a bit of creative liberty with the wording of my power; I wasn't looking at the PM at the time. The actual wording is thus:

zeKieranator said:
Your Pokemon is Houndoom, and your role is Vengeance Killer. Each night, you can select one player. If you die that night or the following day, the player you selected also dies.

You came to this town years ago from Johto. It was never easy, trying to prove your worth to your fellow villagers, who feared you for the fiery devastation you could cause and your frightening appearance. Over time, they came to accept you, though you still aren't really one of them. The rejection grates on you, and you're afraid of what you might do if provoked.

I understand that the role doesn't quite match, but then, who would have pegged an Altera for a fishing brother?

I'm positive the "strange presence" was the alien getting activated. After all, we've still not managed to hit a Mafia, and this is the first time we've gotten that message. (Don't know why they're hitting the alien now...)

One last thing: zeKieranator mentioned that only one of our theories before was correct, and not necessarily the first one. That I could tell, the theories from yesterday were: 1) I was killing people via Dark Pulse, 2) the Mafia was using water to drown their victims, 3) Superbird was lying, and 4) Parasitic was killing people via illusions.
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