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Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 1]

I guess that was pretty suspicious. I don't have any other leads, so...
Sorry for not posting earlier, I forgot Dx
Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 1]

By the way, Glace, were you the one who froze Stormecho?

Just asking so we potentially have less enigmas to deal with.
Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 1]

Since when can you watch Pheonix Wright?

...Sorry. I mean, watching someone play Ace Attorney while I watch said YouTube video because I'm too cheap and too poor to go out and byt the came for myself.

Anyway. It looks as though there's not much time left until the poll is over. About seven hours, if I'm not mistaken. Therefore, I say we lynch RK-9.

I'm with you on that. Lynch RK-9.
Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 1]

...Sorry. I mean, watching someone play Ace Attorney while I watch said YouTube video because I'm too cheap and too poor to go out and byt the came for myself.

Playing is better than watching!! I know by experience. Take that!

I'm a bit hesitant, but RK-9, because I'd rather have it defend itself first. But we're running out of time.
Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 1]

After a long day of discussion, the townspeople decide to kill off Bisharp, believing him to be a part of the mafia. They force him up on to the stand, and then, with a concentrated burst of attacks, knock their target into the large building behind him, snapping his neck.

The inspector walks up to the corpse, and then, after a few minutes, turns around, shakes their head and says, "Innocent." Despite his nature, his intents were in support of this town.

As the sun sets and Stormecho is freed from the last of the ice, the citizens return to their homes, fearful of what might await them tonight...

RK-9 is dead. They were innocent.

48 hours for night actions.
Re: DIY Pokémafia [NIGHT 1]

When the townspeople woke, they once again found the body of an innocent. However, this was different. The Charizard's body was found lying in the center of the square, with twin bolts of fire and electricity cutting him in half. The inspector said that the marks were caused by Reshiram and Zekrom, as punishment for not helping the town.

DarkAura was modkilled for inactivity. She was innocent.

48 hours to discuss.
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Re: DIY Pokémafia [NIGHT 1]

HEY!! I was active. I was moving all the way across the country,so i only got on at night. but i always checked on here to see what happened.
Re: DIY Pokémafia [NIGHT 1]

Generally one is mod-killed for inactivity when one fails to send in a night action.

Anyhow, hooray for no Mafia deaths! It's still rather early for any inspectors to have a clue (or to be willing to sacrifice themselves for lynching the mafia) although, if anyone knows someone who will flip Mafia, we probably still have a healer alive.
Re: DIY Pokémafia [NIGHT 1]

I think that a healer intervened, Alien, Bodyguard, Bulletproof, or some other role stopped death last night.
Re: DIY Pokémafia [NIGHT 1]

Woot, no deaths! That's pretty awesome. And I'm not frozen so I can talk despite not having much to say.

There are many reasons why we might not have had any Mafia kills. :/ I'm new to this - is there any way we could be more certain? I'm iffy on roleclaiming this early, obviously.
Re: DIY Pokémafia [NIGHT 1]

Unless a healer comes forward and says "I healed X," an inspector comes forward and says "Y is Mafia," or our Mafia are nice enough to out themselves, there's not a lot we can do besides attempt to figure it out on our own. Since we know everyone's Pokemon, it might be easier for some guesses to be made, although it would be easier still if we had another death to confirm methods to better point out the killers. I dunno, I have no real leads.
Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 1]

Okay, Player list for our convenience, along with who is what.

1. Stormecho - Dragonair
2. I Liek Squirtles - Squirtle
3. RK-9 - Bisharp
4. ole_Schooler - Houndoom
5. Glace - Glaceon
6. Mai - Swoobat
7. Legendaryseeker99 - Chandelure
8. Chief Zackrai - Dusclops
9. Superbird - Ditto
10. Seritinajii - Kingdra
11. DarkAura - Charizard
12. Squirrel - Altaria
13. Parasitic - Zoroark
14. Metallica Fanboy - Magikarp
15. Ya Ok - Gengar

Updated. Unfortunately we can't know what happened, but...

Just wondering, does everyone have a night action/power or are there useless townies out there?
Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 2]

Thanks for updating that, Seri. I completely forgot to do so! >_<

And yes, I have a night action. Though I know there are roles with a day-action or something. I know we definitely have healers and inspectors, but we probably also have some or all of the following:

•self-healer(every other turn; could be the cause of the lack of death last night)
•De-Alienator (deactivates Alien at the cost of giving them an extra life)
•Person who sacrifices their life to change day into night.
•And Roleblocker. Also possible cause of lack of death.
Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 2]

I've got a power too, pretty close to my type. :/ Not really what I expected but cool nonetheless.
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