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Search results

  1. zeKieranator

    DIY Pokémafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 1] After a long day of discussion, the townspeople decide to kill off Bisharp, believing him to be a part of the mafia. They force him up on to the stand, and then, with a concentrated burst of attacks, knock their target into the large building behind him, snapping his...
  2. zeKieranator

    Association Game III

  3. zeKieranator

    This topic goes backwards

    Is Time Psyduck all right? I haven't seen him in a while...
  4. zeKieranator

    Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions

    Wear it on your head. It looks like a good enough hat. Is Justin Bieber secretly a girl in disguise?
  5. zeKieranator

    Fortunately & Unfortunately

    Unfortunately, it was dial-up.
  6. zeKieranator

    Lie About the Above Poster

    ^ Forgot a fire extinguisher.
  7. zeKieranator

    You're Banned (Reincarnate)

    You're banned for assuming that you have to be banned for something that relates to you.
  8. zeKieranator

    Suicide Game! =D

    The penny appears above the Empire State Building and falls to the ground, hitting me on the head. Fortunately, as proven by Mythbusters, this does not kill me, but does knock me off my feet and into traffic. Fortunately, I land on top of the car, sustaining only minor injuries, and a free...
  9. zeKieranator

    iPod Shuffle Game

    Here It Goes Again - OK Go Which of your songs would sound great if it were sung by Justin Bieber?
  10. zeKieranator

    DIY Pokémafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 1] For your convenience, RK-9 is Bisharp and Mai is Swoobat.
  11. zeKieranator

    DIY Pokémafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    Re: DIY Pokémafia [NIGHT ZERO] As the sun dawns on this town, the inhabitants gather towards the city square, hoping that the Mafia had decided to spare them that night. This was not the case. Floating in the central fountain is the dead body of a Gengar, which was almost ripped in half by a...
  12. zeKieranator

    Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions

    No, that's just a mutant human. He is thought to be good at soccer betting, though. If the world were destroyed and only you managed to escape in time to save yourself, what would you do?
  13. zeKieranator

    DIY Pokémafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    DIY Pokémafia [INNOCENTS WIN] The sun sets over this town. 48 hours for night actions.
  14. zeKieranator

    DIY Pokémafia

    Re: DIY Pokémafia OK, then. That's 15 players. I'll send out the PM's, and then it's time to get this show on the road.
  15. zeKieranator

    The wish game

    Granted. Your mind explodes from information overload. I wish that no one else will post in this thread.
  16. zeKieranator

    DIY Pokémafia

    Re: DIY Pokémafia I will if I can find suitable roles for all of them, but otherwise I'll just handpick the one that works the best. Not if I can help it. I'll try and make roles for everyone. EDIT: I'm honestly surprised how popular this has become. I'll give it another 24 hours, then we...
  17. zeKieranator

    iPod Shuffle Game

    Dear Prudence - The Beatles What is your favorite song?
  18. zeKieranator

    DIY Pokémafia

    DIY Pokémafia This is probably going to fail miserably, but... O.K. So, here's my idea. Basically, instead of me choosing everybody's characters, you get to choose. When you join the game, you have to post the Pokémon that you would like your role to be. Then, when I have enough players, I...
  19. zeKieranator

    Yeah, sorry about that. I was working on it last night, but I had to go to bed before I could...

    Yeah, sorry about that. I was working on it last night, but I had to go to bed before I could finish all of your profile info.
  20. zeKieranator

    Pathos vs. Ampharos

    Pathos's Active Squad elekid Mal (♂) Ability: Static Item: Electirizer togepi Chelsie (♂) Ability: Serene Grace Item: Shiny Stone ekans Corky (♂) Ability: Shed Skin Item: Black Sludge scraggy Brittany (♀) Ability: Shed Skin Item: Eviolite skorupi Lacey (♀) Ability: Sniper Item: EXP Share...
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