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Search results

  1. G

    Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Mafia Win)

    Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 5) Hmm...lucky healer, or inactive mafia, I wonder?
  2. G

    ASB Data Collection Thread

    882 9 Griffin -- Active [Moonbeam] Hoothoot (M) Ability: Insomnia [Sherile] Absol (F) Ability: Super Luck [Vandal] Smeargle (M) Ability: Own Tempo Body Mod: Permanent Ink Description: Vandal is an odd sort of Smeargle. He wants desperately for his art to be recognized and become well-known...
  3. G

    Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Mafia Win)

    Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Night 3) Whoops. Sorry for not dropping in. Pig-serpent I guess.
  4. G

    Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Mafia Win)

    Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 3) Okay, if I was the don, why would I be as stupid as to out myself like that? I'm not one for double-bluff mindscrews. And LS, Zackrai used "he" to refer to me. Also, wouldn't anyone facepalm at forgetting to send in a night action, since most night...
  5. G

    Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Mafia Win)

    Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 3) So you can't be bothered to move your eyes a little bit downward to see if your assumptions are correct? Also, we're voting RTB because Orng is getting annoyed that we're not voting.
  6. G

    Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Mafia Win)

    Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 3) RespectTheBlade, because I don't want to die. Also, WHY DO PEOPLE KEEP CALLING ME AND WARGLE GUYS? We clearly state on our profiles that we are female! You can actually see it under our usernames!
  7. G

    Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Mafia Win)

    Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 3) Um, sorry for not posting. I was just on at a bad time for the first day. Also, I've read over everything, but don't really have any idea of what to do next. (also, forgot to send in night action *facepalm*)
  8. G

    Bank of TCoD

    $16+$3-$10=$9 Buying a Vulpix
  9. G

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office [Anmi] Vulpix (F) Flash Fire bank
  10. G

    Mosh Pit Free-For-All Battle

    Yes! It's actually happening!
  11. G

    Collaborative Writing?

    Um, is it too late for one more? I've always been interested in shared worlds...
  12. G

    The Challenge Board

    Oh hi there. I'm coming too!
  13. G

    Fifth Generation Evolutions?

    Ho-oh is a Chinese phoenix. They're more heavily based off peacocks. In fact, it looks way more phoenix-like to me when you compare it with the normal Chinese phoenix.
  14. G

    Warrior Cats Mafia [Mafia Victory]

    I'm a girl...T_T It says so right under my username! And yeah, I don't think we really got any good info most of the time...
  15. G

    Fifth Generation Evolutions?

    I facepalm every time someone calls the ice cream Pokemon "uncreative." No one's even tried making an ice cream fakemon before, as far as I can see! And yes, Bachuru is the most adorable thing to every walk the earth.
  16. G

    Mafitalia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Actually, there was a lover/alien in a game on the old forums. According to the game runner, the game just ends right after the alien wins, so the lover-death isn't used.
  17. G

    Mafitalia [INNOCENT WIN]

    Oh thank goodness! I was practically screaming at the screen when I saw everyone debating who was mafia. Also, I got killed the night of the day I suggested roleclaiming...so I'm sorry I never got to share my observations.
  18. G

    Mafia fixes

    Ah, alright. No problem then.
  19. G

    Mafia fixes

    Could you make it possible to turn notifications off? I just refresh the Mafia forum regularly, so they're kind of superfluous for me.
  20. G

    Warrior Cats Mafia [Mafia Victory]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia Ouch. Wonder what happened. Healer clash, perhaps?
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