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Warrior Cats Mafia [Mafia Victory]

Re: Warrior Cats Mafia

With the Clan down to so few cats, it was even more important that the traitors were killed. But said traitors decided that it was safe to reveal themselves, and sreservoir was clawed to death with their votes. The camp was virtually in the Dark Forest's control, but StarClan would fight on until none of their followers were left.

sreservoir was lynched. It was innocent. You 48 hours for night actions.

Sorry about the lateness. I had school.
Re: Warrior Cats Mafia

No one needed to look for any bodies, because with the death of Suki, the Clan was in the Dark Forest's control. However, the body of Leafpool was also found, killed in a fight to the death with her own comrade. StarClan was not to walk in those skies again. The Warrior Code was no more. The Clan was enveloped in the wrath of the Place of No Stars, and no cat would ever be safe in the forest again.

I'll post the roles in sometime tomorrow.
Sorry Leafpool ;D It was just for fun.

So yeah. Actually, people, there were two Mafia-aligned killing roles. You were ll patheticaly off!
God damn it Superbird why would you do such a thing

IF YOU ASK ME this game was imbalanced. not that I can complain 'cause I won but
Sorry for the delay, but...

Mike the Foxhog: Other Trainee
sreservoir: Warrior
zeKieranator: Deputy
Leafpool: Head Trainee
Flower Doll: Lover
Superbird: Prophecy Cat
werefish5: Tom
Suki: Medicine Cat's Apprentice
Griffin: Secret Admirer
Wargle: Leader
Teacher9985: Mystery Cat
Starreh-chan: Medicine Cat


Night One:
Starreh-chan doesn't heal anyone.
Mewtwo lynch-protects Starreh-chan.
Superbird chooses Fighter and Mafia.
werefish5 chooses Mike the Foxhog as kit and Leafpool as Queen.
Flower Doll chooses Mike the Foxhog as Lover. The RNG says Starreh-chan. (Kit cannot be lover'd)
Wargle inspects Suki.
Griffin admires Flower Doll. The RNG says zeKieranator. (Lover cannot be admired.)
Littlestream is incompetent and forgets to RNG kills.

Night Two:
Leafpool kills Wargle.
Hidan inspects Starreh-chan.
Superbird kills zeKieranator.
Starreh-chan heals Mike the Foxhog.
I forgot to not zeKieranator and Suki's night actions. Yeah. My brain is a sieve. But they didn't have an effect on the game, so...

Night Three:
Leafpool kills Flower Doll.
Superbird kills/activates Teacher9985.
Suki lynch protects Leafpool.
Starreh-chan heals Flora.

Night Four:
Leafpool kills Flower Doll. (Starreh-chan suicides.)
Superbird kills Teacher9985.
Suki lynch protects Starreh-chan.
Starreh-chan heals Mike the Foxhog.
Littlestream smacks herself on the head when she realizes that Griffin survived way longer than he was supposed to. Oh well.

Night Five:
Leafpool kills Suki.
Superbird kills Leafpool.
Suki lynch protects Mike the Foxhog.
Mike the Foxhog's kit powers are irrelevant, as the game is over.

Yeah. I'm not cut out for this. Oh well! What better way to learn than to make a sequel! Expect WCM2: StarClan's Comeback sometime this winter.

And yes, it seems a bit unbalenced. It would have been less so if people had lynched. And I'm a pushover, so I let the Mother, Father, and Kit all be Mafia. I hadn't thought that out well enough.
Kill the leader second night godammnit why me? WHY DO I ALWAYS DIE LIKE FIRST NIGHT?

Actually that was my fault. I got suspicious over your "other people are more useful than Starreh-Chan" comment on Day 1 and suggested the Mafia kill you off thinking you were the Leader and had inspected her. And I was half-right :D
I'm a girl...T_T It says so right under my username! And yeah, I don't think we really got any good info most of the time...
WOW I've been gone a long time 0_0

Yep, I was healer. I was probably too conspicuous, but meep. I like Mafia, I think :3

I was actually fairly important, and I tried to be useful, but we didn't have much to go on.

Good game, everyone~
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