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Warrior Cats Mafia [Mafia Victory]

Re: Warrior Cats Mafia

The cats all were in agreement that they couldn't pick anyone to kill if there was no evidence, and no one wanted to pick a random cat.
No one was lynched. 48 hours for night actions.
Re: Warrior Cats Mafia

Due to the lack of kills the previous day, the Clan was wondering if their dreams were just dreams. But, when the Dawn Patrol set out, they saw a hideous sight just outside the camp. Lying outside the camp was the body of Hidan, who had been bitten in the neck by possibly the sharpest teeth the cats had ever seen. Back in camp, by the most secluded den, the elders found the body of another cat - zeKieranator. She had been torn to scrapes by what looked like a cat's claws. After burying the bodies, the Clan gathered in a circle to discuss the remaining cats' fate. Even the Medicine Cat had no idea what to do. "Well. What do we do now?"

Hidan is dead. He was Innocent.
zeKieranator is dead. She was Innocent.
You have 48 hours for Discussion.
Re: Warrior Cats Mafia

...oh no wait the Prophecy Cat could have chosen Healer too. Well, the role descriptions don't say anything about death by overdose.
Re: Warrior Cats Mafia

Oh wow. Two innocents down. Perhaps the mafia got a hold of one of them, and the other I've no idea.
Re: Warrior Cats Mafia

I doubt a healer clash, it looks more like the Mafia than overdose. If it was overdose, they wouldn't really have wounds, but rather internal injury, right?

Plus, because of the lack of response the first two days, I suspect a third and possible fourth death was healed.

But the question is-

Who is Mafia?

More likely someone who was inactive, and just reappeared recently.

but that's just my two cents x3
Re: Warrior Cats Mafia

Well, that shows me. At least we have the chosen role of the Prophecy Cat down to two possibilities.
Re: Warrior Cats Mafia

Aren't there other possibilities for how the second kill happened, though?

*re-reads sign-up thread properly this time*
...so there are. Fine, ignore me.

SO the revised list of possibilties is Mafia kill and/or healing overdose and/or vigilante kill and/or secret admirer/lover death. Which tells us nothing at all really. Uh. What was my point again
Re: Warrior Cats Mafia

but abstaining might not be the best idea in the world, because then the mafia will start to gain the upper hand. D:

unfortunately I'm not seeing anyone suspicious
Re: Warrior Cats Mafia

Yeah, but we have no leads, and I don't want to lynch an innocent.
Re: Warrior Cats Mafia

So, if we can't abstain and don't want to lynch...

Maybe lynch an inactive member ? I don't know... >.<
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Re: Warrior Cats Mafia

I dislike the idea of lynching inactive members just for being inactive. Seems to me like mafiosi would try to get involved so they don't look suspicious. That said I dont have any other suggestions either D:
Re: Warrior Cats Mafia

we can lynch people suggesting to lynch inactive.

That seems just as arbitrary and irrational. I'd imagine the mafia would try to go after the more vocal players since they're the ones posing them the greater threat
Then again, they have a night killing for that. Thinking is hard :c
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