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Search results

  1. Alexi

    Ostara is a Wiccan holiday in spring. A sabbat what Wiccans call their holidays. Because that's...

    Ostara is a Wiccan holiday in spring. A sabbat what Wiccans call their holidays. Because that's how they roll.
  2. Alexi

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I just spent the last three or so days with my witchy friends. <3 My cat, who went missing last night, came home. <333 I made a new friend today! <3
  3. Alexi

    The Dream Thread

    ^That is an awesome dream!
  4. Alexi

    Favorite in game Music

    Just got PMD2: Darkness, and I love Team Skull's music! Sounds like Danny Elfman wrote it...It's so cool~
  5. Alexi

    Unintenional Innuendoes!

    So a friend of mine and I were talking about a certain member of the forums earlier (you know who you are, you sexy bastard), and this is what I said: "But hey, ya gotta love [him] as he comes" And that is made all the more funnier, because we had just moved on from a conversation about orgies.
  6. Alexi

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Just had thunder that shook my fucking house! :D :D :D
  7. Alexi

    Did You Ever Want to Tell Something to a Character on Your Pokémon Games?

    Re: Did You Ever Want to Tell Something to a Character on Your Pokémon Games? Grunts need individual names. D: Poor guys are the anonymous guards you just plow through, but some of them have very distinctive personalities. ;-; I think I'll call the Cerulean TR Grunt Chaz. He reminds me of an...
  8. Alexi

    Education in US

    I'm a senior, so I don't have to take the STAR tests anymore, thank goodness, but that doesn't stop my mix-grade classes from cramming as well. Last year, my chem teacher just said "fuck it" and taught what she wanted, and even though I didn't know 45% of the chem STAR test, I still got a...
  9. Alexi

    Did You Ever Want to Tell Something to a Character on Your Pokémon Games?

    Re: Did You Ever Want to Tell Something to a Character on Your Pokémon Games? I think you're just in love with Galactic Grunts. XD That's fine; TR's grunts are pretty amazing in my view. I especially love the one in GSC Cerulean City. XD I understand the Grunt-love.
  10. Alexi


    GS remake plz I replaced the battery in my Gold, will have to do soon for Crystal. Been attempting to blitz Crystal with Typhlosion, but that epicfailed when I got a pichu from the Odd Egg. I couldn't resist. Piiikaaachuuu~
  11. Alexi

    D/P/Pt Do You Want to Walk a Human Character in Amity Square?

    These people, in no particular order (or logic): Cyrus Byron Cynthia (if only we can have some alone time in one of those little rock-house things...~_^) Riley GSC Rival Altmershed
  12. Alexi

    Did You Ever Want to Tell Something to a Character on Your Pokémon Games?

    Re: Did You Ever Want to Tell Something to a Character on Your Pokémon Games? "GSC Rival-kid, I love you and I want to make sweet, sweet love you and HEY WHERE ARE YOU GOING?"
  13. Alexi

    Behind the Avatar [SELF PICTURES GO HERE]

    It's been a while since I popped in here... All I have to say is: VPLJ, you + braces = screamingly cutely sexy. Prepare to have someone have pedophilic dreams about you.
  14. Alexi

    The Dream Thread

    I've recently been having a lot of FA (fat admirer) dreams and waking up very aroused.
  15. Alexi


    I see your point, and I agree with you on that. I have similar views regarding kids. I was just curious. (But wow damn man we gotta talk srs more often)
  16. Alexi

    Vermont close to legalising samesex marriage

    What is this "other"?
  17. Alexi


    One doesn't have to be religious to not like or agree with abortions. (Though I admit, I'm surprised you feel that way. Why is that?)
  18. Alexi

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Spring break! <3333
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