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Search results

  1. Neirdae

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Lobby

    "I think you can do the same thing with an electric attack, though. Almost all my powers come from fear, anger, and even hate, and then that power hurts in ways that Orans can't heal. I think there are other things Shuppet can learn, but it's not easy or natural for us to shoot ice beams. I...
  2. Neirdae

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Lobby

    Clover spoke very quietly. "More like Spite, Grudge, Hex... and Curse. Some Ghosts are straightforward and attack with ghostly energy. Shuppet and Banette aren't. Their moves make people suffer and scream as they die. I was never really welcome anywhere back home. Allowed, sure. But the moment...
  3. Neirdae

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Lobby

    "Oh, battles can be really fun to watch! And song what people and Pokémon can learn to do with their moves is super cool! I just don't like battling myself." Clover frowned. "Most moves I can learn make me feel icky. I want to make Pokémon happy, not give them nightmares!" She forced a smile...
  4. Neirdae

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Lobby

    "I know lots of Pokémon like battling! It's a huge sport where I'm from! Pokémon even make it their whole career and get SUPER strong! But even then they took days off between tough battles to heal. Are you going out to that mission board place today? You might want to take a break before you...
  5. Neirdae

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Lobby

    "Um, what did you win, other than scars? Do you like getting hurt that much? I don't think that's healthy." Clover frowned. "I don't really get why Pokémon like fighting. It just hurts one or both of them." There was another reason Clover shied away from battles, but that was a secret she barely...
  6. Neirdae

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Lobby
    Threadmarks: [Ch01] (Clover and Felin) Super-Hyper-Battle-Buddies Go!

    Clover saw Felin proudly marching out for missions while covered in enough bandages one could think she was part Dusclops. The poor cat looked as likely to trip on a bandage as she was to successfully preform an attack. "Um, are you sure you're okay? There's a doctor in town who I hear makes...
  7. Neirdae

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Lobby

    "It's always nice to make new friends! And you can always talk to me if you're feeling bad. I'm sure you feel better now than you did five minutes ago!" Clover tapped a particularly frayed edge on Lavender's poncho. The threads rolled up where they had been dangling and getting caught. "That...
  8. Neirdae

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Lobby

    "But then I'd be scary. Nobody's heard of a friendly Banette before!" Clover heard the town's bell-tower ring out the time. "Oops! I'd better get going! I hope you feel better now!"
  9. Neirdae

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Lobby

    "I'm not really an empath, not like a lot of Psychics are. I don't experience what others deal with, and I can't tell the history or reason someone feels the way they do, like they sometimes can. Instead, I eat bad feelings! I can tell where they are and what flavor it is, but a happy person is...
  10. Neirdae

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Lobby

    "I lived around humans, but never got caught by one. Mostly they chased me off if someone saw me. You'd think they'd put two and two together and realize I was the reason they felt good enough to leave the house that week." Clover looped around in the air. "Still, I can't blame them too much...
  11. Neirdae

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Lobby

    "I could at least clean it. And make it fit better around the shoulders. And maybe add a bit of color to it- blue or red would look so cute on you..." Clover felt him get more annoyed. "Um, too much? What's your name, at least? And where are you from? I'm from Sinnoh!"
  12. Neirdae

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Lobby
    Threadmarks: [Ch01] (Clover and Lavender) Clover used Therapy! It's not very effective!

    <><><><> Clover floated in the lobby of the Traveler's Haus, greeting everyone that came in or out. She'd tried taking to the Maus, but they were  boring and didn't talk. Well, they all seemed happy enough, and Clover couldn't sense much negative emotion from them, not even stress from...
  13. Neirdae

    Offscreen Activities

    Clover has steady employment now, though Lorenzo barely tolerates her antics. Her skill with fabric and thread is undeniable, however, so she's trusted with basic tailoring and sewing. She's content right now gathering intel from the clients about the outlaws, and shares any leads with Archie...
  14. Neirdae

    Frontier Town Main Street

    "Yay! Thank you, Mr. Lorenzo!" Clover spun around, making another button fly off and her scarf unravel. "Oops! I really could use some thread though." Clover saw Lorenzo's barely-contained frustration. "It can wait for tomorrow, though!" she squeaked as she gathered up her accessories. "It's...
  15. Neirdae

    Frontier Town Main Street

    Clover put on her cutest, most serious face when she saw the owner. She floated upright, her eyes big and glowing soothing blue, and her tongue was firmly contained in her mouth. "Actually, I as hoping to find a full time job. I just got here, and I'm not good at battling. But I can do all kinds...
  16. Neirdae

    Frontier Town Main Street

    "Sadness and grief tastes the best! Anxiety is pretty good too. Anger or hate give me a tummyache." Clover poked her 'belly'. "Do I even have a tummy? I bet this all makes as much sense as when someone tried to tell me what cake tastes like!" "I didn't see any giant flags or pictures of a king...
  17. Neirdae

    Frontier Town Main Street

    "When you're feeling bad, I eat all that sadness and bad thoughts away! I also give hugs. And laughter is the best medicine!" Clover flipped upright again. "If you're a detective, any ideas for why we're here? I don't see any evil overlords to fight. Not that I'm any good in battle anyways."
  18. Neirdae

    Frontier Town Main Street

    Clover heard the door swing open behind her. A lot of Pokémon had joined her! Archie from the Wandering Zera had caught up and was talking to Corey, and a Spearow hopped in behind them. Clover spun upside down and zoomed in front of Kalas. "Hi! Are you with our group? I hadn't met you before...
  19. Neirdae

    Frontier Town Main Street

    "Oh, silly me! I didn't introduce myself!" Clover posed with her tongue out. "I'm Clover, the therapy ghost! Most Shuppet make Pokémon feel bad so they can keep eating, I just eat those yummy fears away so we both feel better!" Clover spun around, looking in windows for clothes, before popping...
  20. Neirdae

    Frontier Town Main Street
    Threadmarks: [Ch01] ~ Retail Therapy

    (Cool, cross thread quotes do work. Praise be to Dragonfree!) Clover picked up the button and adjusted it on her head. "I only put a couple threads in it, so it was barely hanging on. It takes a bit of time to make something like that really a part of me. Sewing it in will help." Clover...
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