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Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Lobby

It was a good thing he was covered head to toe in fur, otherwise he’d probably have visibly paled at Bellatrix’s conjecture. There was no saving a doomed universe. And even if he told her his fears, she wouldn’t remember them when she returned home. No, he shouldn’t assume that her universe was in any way like his was on that front. It could be any number of things, or nothing at all. For all he knew his understanding of the Mystery Dungeons back home was wrong. It wasn’t like he’d studied them himself, he only knew what other people told him. The Oshawott shook his head again.

“Well, it’s a scary thought!” He said, trying to inject some false cheer into his voice. But thankfully, the Zorua gave him an out soon enough. He studied the pile of papers again.

“Uh… Are you sure?” He said quizzically, tilting his head to the side. Then he realized how that might sound, and he held up his paws in a conciliatory gesture, “N-not that I mean to question your ability or anything, but it does seem like a lot for one person! And not to mention, we’re all not as strong as, uh, we used to be.”

Back at the pile, she frowned. "Is it?" she questioned, "It's a full day's worth of requests with a little bit of overtime, I don't need to sleep that much." She then pawed at the ground. "And I know, which is why I'm working with missions that are more within my capabilities. It's a rather effective means of retraining to my prior level, I must admit."
Okay. There was work ethic, and then there was whatever this was. The Oshawott didn’t want to push the subject to the point of annoying the Zorua, but, he wasn’t quite sure he was ready to quit the subject just yet. He really just did not see how she’d have the time to do all this by herself and then do anything but collapse into a bed to start it all again the next day.

“When do you eat?” The Oshawott questioned. “Do you do anything, you know, recreational? How little sleep are you getting? Is it safe to go into these kinds of dungeons alone? How deep are you going?”

He took the two pages off the top, one in each paw, giving them both a look over. “Are you hunting bandits on top of all this too? What happens if you get ambushed? Does anyone even know where to find you?”

The buddy system was important when it came to Mystery Dungeons, that’s why at their lodge applicants were always accepted in pairs! His partner quitting – and his refusal to swallow his pride and ask for help or find another – had really sidelined the progress of one of Archie’s lodgemates back home. It was simply considered too dangerous for an Adventurer to go it alone, especially weaker or more inexperienced ones!
Bellatrix shook her head at his initial set of questions with an unamused stare. "I haven't been going into dungeons. Not yet, -" not ever, she hoped "- all these missions are general odd jobs around the board or the road. And I eat between jobs; the maus here make more than enough at breakfast to last the entire day with a few extra provisions." At the mention of them, one of the maus who'd been passing by along a pulley gave a small to the duo, before continuing on with their day. Bellatrix's tail twitched in response.

"I get enough," she answered vaguely as she continued, "and there isn't much recreational activity to do here. As for bandits, I plan on taking on a few once I regain enough of my strength but evading them is hardly an issue." She went invisible for a moment. "I am a zorua, meaning that I am an illusionist; that was how the group I'd arrived with made it safely to the town through the wilderness after we got off the train," she added.
Well, she was certainly dodging a question or two, and Archie frowned deeply at the Zorua every time she didn’t give him a straight answer. The Oshawott had to remind himself that, regardless of how the people of this world saw them, they were adults. He could offer his help and advice, and Bellatrix was free to accept or refuse it as she desired. He couldn’t force the issue, and he certainly didn’t want to risk burning bridges before he’d even finished constructing them. He did take a moment to tip his hat at the passing Maus before he said anything, though. Something about the little rodent Pokemon was a little unnerving, but they seemed harmless and well intentioned.

“Well, alright,” he sighed, before adding, humorously, “but try not to work yourself to death, okay?”

Zorua did have powerful illusory abilities, the Oshawott did have to admit that. At least until they got hit and the illusion broke. Ah well, maybe Bellatrix just needed more time to warm up to the people around her before she felt safe enough to rely on others assistance. Hopefully it didn’t bite her in the ass before she got to that point. He looked from the Zorua towards the door, and back again.

"Well uh... I guess I should leave you to it?" He said. It didn't really feel right to end it right here, but at the same time he really didn't want to overstay his welcome.
"I don't plan on it," Bellatrix answered, perhaps a tad smugly before returning to her papers. She could always appreciate someone who knew how to leave well enough alone. That coupled with their general overlap in experience gave her a shred of hope that there were some people here that she could see herself having a productive working relationship with.

"Ah, yes I believe these will do," she then muttered to herself, shuffling a few requests to the side. She looked back at the oshawott with a nod. "I will need to leave shortly myself and organise the rest of these," she added, gesturing to the stack. There was a brief moment of pause before her ear twitched, like she felt mildly embarrassed about what she was about to say next. "And... I found the details about your world interesting. I would like to talk about it more sometime soon."

Without another word, she rolled up the missions she'd settled on for the day and slid them beneath her tail-scarf before picking up a portion of the remaining papers in her mouth to take back to her room. It seemed like she was going to need to take a few trips to take them all back, however.
Well, alright! Seemed like the conversation had gone pretty well all things considered. The Oshawott was beginning to think he’d be able to handle being a conversationalist without Spencer there to take some of the heat after all. Or maybe it was too early to say. Still, Archie tried to remain optimistic. His ears lifted a little when Bellatrix mentioned she’d be interesting in hearing more about his world. Certainly seemed like a great sign!

“Yeah, I’d love to hear more about your world too!” He grinned, “Maybe next time we both have a second’s peace?”

He considered leaving it at that, but, well… It just seemed kind of rude to leave the Zorua hanging with all these papers she had to carry back. So the Oshawott gathered as many as he could carry in his arms, and said, still grinning, “At least let me help with this, and then I promise I’ll be out of your hair.”

And he made sure to keep it to just that. Just as soon as Bellatrix’s additional requests were returned to her room, he wished her luck, bade her good day, and went out to face the new day himself.
[Ch01] (Clover and Lavender) Clover used Therapy! It's not very effective!

Clover floated in the lobby of the Traveler's Haus, greeting everyone that came in or out. She'd tried taking to the Maus, but they were  boring and didn't talk. Well, they all seemed happy enough, and Clover couldn't sense much negative emotion from them, not even stress from overwork. Well, the real reason she couldn't sense much from them might have been the storm of emotional energy coming from her fellow new arrivals.

Clover saw a disheveled Eevee leaving the Haus, wearing a ragged and stained poncho. Either he'd pulled it from the trash, or he didn't care about his appearance. Either way, she could help!

"Hello! I haven't met you yet! I'm Clover, the friendly Shuppet! Are you new here? I bet I can fix up your clothes, if you want!"
Lavender wanted to pretend that the cheery Shuppet wasn't talking to him. There were probably a dozen newcomers in the Haus right that moment, but unfortunately he was well aware he was the one she had her sights set upon.

Part of him was tempted to keep walking. Her loudness reminded him of the worst aspect of his sister (one of them anyway), and the very thought of that sent him into a momentary daze where he was a kit again and spending afternoons avoiding her. It stirred up a tempest of resentment that Clover probably would have sensed.

He stopped and turned to address the Shuppet, facing her with a blank look.

"Clover," he said respectfully, his even tone contrasting with the bitterness that was thankfully growing fainter with each word he spoke. "Yes, I am new here. We're compatriots and I believe we met together with that speaking cloud. I appreciate your offer about my clothes, but I'm quite content with it."
I appreciate your offer about my clothes, but I'm quite content with it."
"I could at least clean it. And make it fit better around the shoulders. And maybe add a bit of color to it- blue or red would look so cute on you..."
Clover felt him get more annoyed. "Um, too much? What's your name, at least? And where are you from? I'm from Sinnoh!"
"Gla- Eevee. Eevee Lavender," he answered back as he looked her up and down. "Sinnoh is where you're from? I believe I've heard of a land by that name in books I read. Human and Pokemon populated land, I read if I recall correctly. Were you one of the trainer-less Pokemon, or did you spend your life with the humans?"
"I lived around humans, but never got caught by one. Mostly they chased me off if someone saw me. You'd think they'd put two and two together and realize I was the reason they felt good enough to leave the house that week."

Clover looped around in the air.

"Still, I can't blame them too much. Most Ghosts I've met so their best to make others feel bad so they can eat. I figured I can just move! There's enough misery to go around! And now I can talk to people and help them fix their issues instead of siphoning offthe worst of it and hoping."

"So what are you doing today? I work in a clothing shop and learn about the people here. It might come in handy later, you never know!"
"Oh, you're an empath. I had forgotten that was something Shuppet were known for. I'm too used to certain other Psychics being attuned to other's emotions," Lavender said as he watched her movements. "Well though I've only met you, I'm pleased to know that you're a helpful Ghost and not one that will stir up problems. We could use someone like you. Emotional support is always unvalued in situations like ours. And I'm rather sure that others appreciate your seamstress capabilities as well. Quite a few Pokemon are rather enamored with accessorizing themselves."

The irritability was gone, instead replaced with a vast emptiness. No annoyance, no sadness, no joy... simply nothing.

"I intend to visit the Board and see what jobs are available, since you ask," he answered. "I'm quite good at the odd job here and there, and until something urgent comes up that requires all of us otherworlders, I intend to continue to do that. At least until I have a comfortable amount of money, that is."
"I'm not really an empath, not like a lot of Psychics are. I don't experience what others deal with, and I can't tell the history or reason someone feels the way they do, like they sometimes can. Instead, I eat bad feelings! I can tell where they are and what flavor it is, but a happy person is as blank to my horn as a piece of paper."

"Isn't the Bulletin Board full of dangerous missions? Like going into Mystery Dungeons or fighting a lot? I'm surprised they let you do that, with us being weak. I'm happy in town, chatting and cheering people up! Maybe I should train a little bit, just in case I have to protect someone though."
"Sometimes," Lavender answered with a shrug. "From what I've gathered, many of us are used to living with danger around us, so it can be considered a familiarity."

He looked toward the door again. He needed to go soon. The best jobs would be taken if he didn't make haste.

"You should train, for your own benefit," he stated simply. "You never know when someone will want to hurt you. Train hard enough and you'll eventually evolve into a more formidable Banette. Your appearance alone will ward off certain individuals."
"Then you can be the first," he answered as simply as before.

She might have sensed something in him when she gave her farewell. Something that was faint, as though being drowned by a forceful hand. Anger? Sadness? Both? But his face was indifferent and gave no indication of any of this.

"Good luck," he said. "It was good to speak with you."
"It's always nice to make new friends! And you can always talk to me if you're feeling bad. I'm sure you feel better now than you did five minutes ago!"
Clover tapped a particularly frayed edge on Lavender's poncho. The threads rolled up where they had been dangling and getting caught.
"That should hold for an hour or two. Really, if you come to Lorenzo's shop I can hem all the edges in five minutes and have it look tailored to you. Looking good seems to be very important here. I hope I see you later!" Clover called as she skipped out of the Haus.

[Ch01] (Shiron and Felin) - "How does this all work?"
Waddle, waddle waddle.

Shiron left his room, waddling through the hall. Apart from being a quadruped now, things weren't all that bad.

Still need to find something to do, though. I never had a job before...

Granted, he was a hero home. Or trying to be. If that'd translate to this world or not remained to be seen.

Maybe I should ask someone around for help. Doesn't hurt.
Felin lay in the corner of the reception area, her companions of mouse squeaks playing like stimulating music to her ears. At a glance one would quickly notice bandages wrapped around her chest, her left calf and a chunk of fur missing from her already short tail. One of her boots even had a long scrape running down from her ankle. She didn't seem bothered. The fact that she hummed carefree to herself said as much. Still, what could've left her this worse for wear?

The Sprigatito popped an eye open as her ear flicked at the waddling sounds. She spotted the mudkip lurking about and headed her way. Amused, Felin rose up to sit and called to him.

"Oi, Shiron, yeah? Got free time on your hands it looks like," she said with a chuckle. "Your eyes tell me you don't quite know what to do with yourself."
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