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Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Lobby

Shiron stopped once he hard someone calling out. He raised his head to take a look. That Sprigatito from before? What was her name? Felix?


"Hi, miss Felin! I'm a bit lost!"

Wait, not that kind of lost. "...Not in a physical sense. I wanna find something to help. Err, a job."
"That so. What are you good at then?" Felin asked, reaching over to lick at her bandage. She caught herself and shook her head. "Seems as good a place to start as any to me."
Frick. The worst type of question. And he couldn't reply with "nothing", as much as Shiron wanted to.

"Uh, me and my friends made a team, back in my world. We take care of lowly criminals, go into dungeons, explore other towns... I think that's the gist of it. I'm kinda new at this. It's why I wanted to join the rangers, but that seems a little hard right now."

Looking straight at her, only then did he notice all the bandages. Shiron gulped. "Uh, miss? What happened to you? Are you okay?"
Felin's pupils slowly dilated and a grin split her mouth wide. She flicked her paw and pointed straight at him. "If you were a part of some delving team then you better head up north to the bulletin board of mysteries."

Her shoulders bucked with laughter. Shiron's question made her pause, and she quickly waved him off with a paw. "Ah, this is nothing. Got roughed up a bit out on the field."

She raised her bandaged leg and sighed at it. "It's taking a while to heal back up though. What a bother."
"Up north? I guess I can do that. Hopefully I'm not that weak."

He looked at her injuries again, frowning. The gills around his cheeks flopped down.

"You don't look so good... I don't think so, at least. Are you sure you're okay?"
"Shiron, please..." Felin's eyes darkened, her voice grew solemn and she looked as if she was about to pour her heart outt o him. "RELAX!"

She lifted the ruse with the spread of her arms. "I am Felin Boots! A few cuts and scratches aren't gonna put me down. Trust me, I've been through much worse. This is a dangerous line of work, you know?"
"R-Right. I imagine..."

Still, he couldn't take his eyes off the bandages. Was it really all that common?

"Say, err, what would you recommend to someone that wants to join that line of work?"
It wasn't really all that common, contrary to what Shiron might think. Felin's wounds came as a reward for taking a risk she wasn't prepared for, but she wouldn't say that.

"Well, you've already been in this line of work already, haven't you?" Felin said with a hearty chuckle. "You said it yourself; taking care of lowly criminals, going into dungeons, exploring other towns. You won't find a shortage of such jobs on the bulletin board."

She tapped her chin a few times and fell into thought, a curtain of silence draping over her. "If you're up for the challenge, you can jump straight into those. Be that as it may, however, our bodies here are weak and wounds heal slowly. Can't fix up a broken leg with an oran soup and a good night's rest. In a way that makes the thrill all the more exciting."

She smiled like a cat who'd just seen a mouse dangling by a ledge. "Don't you think?"
"I'll be honest, I don't really like fighting. I didn't do it much. But I'll take that into consideration. Don't wanna get hurt that badly, miss."

Shiron had the experience, and knew to be cautious. But that was on another world...

On the bright side, that Sprigatito was very helpful. She was nice.

"I think I'm up for the challenge. Just, uh, need to get used to being a Mudkip. I was a Marshtomp, so now I feel really weak."
"Ah, I like your spunk, Shrin," Felin said in amusement. "I'd partner up with you for a few jobs to show you the ropes, but alas I'm on forced leave. Annoying, right?"

Despite that, her smile never faded at all. "Ah, what the heck. I'm coming with you anyway! There's no better teacher than first hand experience!"
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"Uh... I'm not sure if that's wise, but..."

Shiron had to admit. He did need some help, and she was offering...

"Right. Okay, we can do that! Just... I don't wanna bite off more than I can chew, y'know?"
His remark got another laugh out of Felin, and she made a showy gesture towards her tail in all its half singed glory. "Trust me, you don't want to bite off more than you can chew just yet. Better to lose tail fur than lose your head."
"...I don't have fur, but I think I know what you mean."

He was also better at handling fire. Probably.

"Well, it's settled, then! When I take on a mission, I'll invite you, miss Felin."
"Splendidly, Shiron." She pushed to her feet in spite of the stinging of her wounds and the slight wince in her eyes. Her arms spread wide as if to reach the corners of the earth and she smiled brilliantly. "As long as you're with Felin Boots, you have no reason to fear!"
"R-Right. I hope so..."

Right. Everything would be just fine. New world, new friends... Shiron had a good start.

[Ch01] (Clover and Felin) Super-Hyper-Battle-Buddies Go!
Clover saw Felin proudly marching out for missions while covered in enough bandages one could think she was part Dusclops. The poor cat looked as likely to trip on a bandage as she was to successfully preform an attack.

"Um, are you sure you're okay? There's a doctor in town who I hear makes very yummy medicine." Felin was weird, she wasn't hurting herself to down out emotional pain, like some people Clover had met. Felin just... looked proud of herself?
"Um, are you sure you're okay? There's a doctor in town who I hear makes very yummy medicine." Felin was weird, she wasn't hurting herself to down out emotional pain, like some people Clover had met. Felin just... looked proud of herself?

Felin flicked an ear at the sound of the voice and glanced over her shoulder to see who it was. A spark of recognition shone in her eyes and she stopped walking to wave at the Shuppet. Though what the ghost said only got a snort out Felin, and she shook her head from side to side to quell any worry.

"I have already seen the Indeedee and she has treated me well enough!" Felin said with a small laugh. "Won't exactly call the medicine yummy, though. It leaves a bad taste in the mouth, but one must first tussle with hardship to live, don't they?"

"Also, your concern is appreciated and encouraged. Don't feel the need to worry about me however, my good mon. These bandages only conceal the prize of my valiant victory!" Felin boasted brashly with a swing of her arm. As for what she was valiantly victorious over however...?
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These bandages only conceal the prize of my valiant victory!"

"Um, what did you win, other than scars? Do you like getting hurt that much? I don't think that's healthy." Clover frowned. "I don't really get why Pokémon like fighting. It just hurts one or both of them." There was another reason Clover shied away from battles, but that was a secret she barely admitted to herself.
Felin regarded Clover with softened eyes. In all her years of adventure, she has heard similar lines of question from others she has met. She pondered how to respond, as their worlds were different. Most certainly their cultures would be too. She could admit that an accidental encounter with a hungry raticate got her in her current state, but that detail was irrelevant.

"Can't say I know what your homeland was like, but battle makes for great fun. Bonds are strengthened through fang and claw," Felin said, swinging her arm into a flex. "You can understand a great deal about a mon through how they fight."
"I know lots of Pokémon like battling! It's a huge sport where I'm from! Pokémon even make it their whole career and get SUPER strong! But even then they took days off between tough battles to heal. Are you going out to that mission board place today? You might want to take a break before you get hurt worse because you're not at your best."
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