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Search results

  1. Zoroark

    Black And White Status Thread

    Game: Beaten. Currently levelling for after!game events and the Gear Station battles. Current lineup: Dreamworld!Ninetails (I love Drought. It gives that Solarbeam I put on her so much more use) 60 Golurk 67 Volcarona 60 Sawsbuck 60 Pokemon I'm considering: Cryogonal 60 Scrafty 60...
  2. Zoroark


    That explains ASB. It looks like I'm going to have to conduct a google search to find out about Mafia. And done. Is it this Mafia? Which version is it?
  3. Zoroark

    Thank you. I'll be sure to do so. I'm checking things out at the moment, but the instant I...

    Thank you. I'll be sure to do so. I'm checking things out at the moment, but the instant I find something that confuses me, I'll be sure to take you up on your offer of help.
  4. Zoroark

    Maeror Astrorum [Sign-up/OOC] OPEN

    How far are you, and would you accept an untested newcomer to the forum into your roleplay? I suppose what I'm really asking when I say 'how far are you' is 'are you so far into the plot that adding a newcomer into the mix would upset things?' I know I get annoyed when my plots are upset. I'm...
  5. Zoroark


    Questioners of the status-quo get yelled at for asking questions? Interesting! You'd think ignorance was the questioner's fault, and a well-meaning suggestion was an attack at the very foundation of order and discipline. Which is to say, I'm sure the board isn't as bad as all that. Mm. I...
  6. Zoroark


    Something occurs to me right off the starting line: why so many specific rules? Oh, I know the probable reason; you've had all sorts come here, disrupting your quiet community and generally making themselves a nuisance. Every 'new' way they find to be irritating results in another rule...
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