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Search results

  1. Zoroark

    Maeror Astrorum [Sign-up/OOC] OPEN

    I suddenly have specific questions that haven't been addressed yet. The main ones are these: What clues do the transformed pokemon have that might lead them back together? What clues might they find that leads them all to the same place? Would they decide that heading for the scientists main...
  2. Zoroark


    Yeah, I got most of that already. I'll say honestly that sometimes I can be a jerk on my off days. It doesn't happen often, and usually when I'm tired and grouchy, but it does happen. And maybe I really should have stated that when I said I take ED articles 'too seriously' that there was a...
  3. Zoroark

    Least favorite Pokémon generation?

    Re: Least favorite Pokémon generation? Yes. Then when it asks me for the second pokemon I want to switch out, and the one I want to switch it with, it freezes.
  4. Zoroark

    Testing thread

    First test failed. Second test: |||||||||||| Is this thing accurate? Success.
  5. Zoroark

    Username changing?

    That's a sensible feature.
  6. Zoroark

    Quick, TCoD, Give Me Some Bible Quotes!

    I think I should ask, since it seems like no-one else is going to: why do you care what's in the bible? What purpose are you going to be using these quotes for? Anyway, here. Good luck.
  7. Zoroark

    Least favorite Pokémon generation?

    Re: Least favorite Pokémon generation? Personally, I thought Generation 1 was the worst one in the entire pokemon series. Not because of the pokemon themselves, I mean they were all pretty damn cool at the time, even if I think they're a bit meh now, but because of the huuuge amount of coding...
  8. Zoroark


    I'm not sure you do, Spunky. You can't unsee some of the things there, and most links are traps for the unwary. If you really do want to read something where clicking a link has a greater-than-average chance of showing you the inside of some guy's ass, I suggest you join 4-Chan. You might...
  9. Zoroark


    You're a little late, I'm afraid, Pathos. It's dead. You can stop beating it. And we're all prettier now than we were six years ago, Sparkle, I'm sure.
  10. Zoroark

    Maeror Astrorum [Sign-up/OOC] OPEN

    Everything's done. The bold bits are bold again, and so on.
  11. Zoroark

    Things that ARE NOT Pokemon yet.

    Baltoy is more of a spinning top, Claydol looks more like an idol. And, frankly, if Gardevoir was based on a doll it'd have to be a barbie. I really liked Gardevoir up 'til now, too. No, I meant based more on a traditional kokeshi doll. I mean we have a few things already from Japan in...
  12. Zoroark


    Your picture's on that entry, Sparkle?
  13. Zoroark

    Luck, I suppose? No, I'm not Meowth. Hello anyway.

    Luck, I suppose? No, I'm not Meowth. Hello anyway.
  14. Zoroark


    I'm aware of that. It mentions the year 2005, and I'm fairly sure it was edited by the regular denizens there since it mentions that the members here kept editing the entry. To be utterly honest, I was expecting another dead forum. Imagine my surprise. It's been quite a pleasant one on the...
  15. Zoroark


    I do sometimes tend to overreact for humorous effect to see if anyone notices, it's true. Also, I might have taken an Encyclopaedia Dramatica entry a little too seriously; the forum isn't anything like it's made out to be. I'm quite enjoying it so far, in fact, even if it is a little slower...
  16. Zoroark

    It is! I never squee. I suppose now I'll have to say that I rarely squee, though that doesn't...

    It is! I never squee. I suppose now I'll have to say that I rarely squee, though that doesn't sound as good, or as final.
  17. Zoroark

    Things that ARE NOT Pokemon yet.

    What about a doll? Has anyone mentioned a doll pokemon? We should have a doll. I'm not on about a plushie, a-la Banette, either. That thing in the video I linked is utterly creepy; she keeps chasing you around the haunted house, giggling and making little spooky jingling noises when you...
  18. Zoroark

    I've just noticed something. Is this why you were insisting I'm not new to the forums?

    I've just noticed something. Is this why you were insisting I'm not new to the forums?
  19. Zoroark

    Bizarre forum error.

    Ah! And I thought I was being so original when I chose this name. Well, the more you know...
  20. Zoroark

    Bizarre forum error.

    So, I was browsing the forum, I clicked into Forum Games, and I noticed this: I'm pretty sure I've never even posted in these threads, nor was I around when they started, so quite why these threads seem to have my name on them I have no clue. It seems to be a superficial thing, though, since...
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