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I don't get why you're asking since you seem to have already formed some opinion of this forum anyway, but whatever!

I do sometimes tend to overreact for humorous effect to see if anyone notices, it's true. Also, I might have taken an Encyclopaedia Dramatica entry a little too seriously; the forum isn't anything like it's made out to be.

I'm quite enjoying it so far, in fact, even if it is a little slower than I'm used to.

As an aside, links on that Encyclopaedia shouldn't be clicked under any circumstances. >.o
oh gosh are you going by that ED article?

that thing is so old, also half of the stuff on there was written by people from tcod as a joke. I'm kind of surprised it's still there, actually.
Why do they sound like Rekhyt? /person I know.

Look, if you read that and believe it, why did you join?
I'm aware of that. It mentions the year 2005, and I'm fairly sure it was edited by the regular denizens there since it mentions that the members here kept editing the entry. To be utterly honest, I was expecting another dead forum.

Imagine my surprise. It's been quite a pleasant one on the whole.

Look, if you read that and believe it, why did you join?

I said I 'took it a little too seriously' not that I believed it. I mean, you'd have to be some simple-minded dumbass to believe everything you read in that place. That said, it's usually possible to at least get a sense of what something is like from the Encyclopaedia Dramatica entry on it. I suppose the problem would be that I was getting the flavour of what this place was probably like six years ago.

It's exceeded my expectations.
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The ED entry is hysterical, other than that six-year-old picture of me. Shiver.

You're a little late, I'm afraid, Pathos. It's dead. You can stop beating it.

And we're all prettier now than we were six years ago, Sparkle, I'm sure.
I'm not sure you do, Spunky. You can't unsee some of the things there, and most links are traps for the unwary. If you really do want to read something where clicking a link has a greater-than-average chance of showing you the inside of some guy's ass, I suggest you join 4-Chan.

You might prefer this instead. It's a lot tamer, but it has most of the content.
I agree with Superbird...

Zoroark, we're usually friendly.

I hope I can say that.

You want a summary of TCoD?

Let me think.


-welcoming to all romantic orientations and can PROUDLY boast a QUILTBAG club (LGBT)
-if you're a jerk you will get stepped on big time (I haven't formed a real opinion yet)
-people will prod you to play ASB
-we have had a few trolls but are relatively good at warding them off I think (example: turbo, who has come back a few times, someone else from Cosmo forums, other people that I think I may raise some annoyance if I state)

And um.

If you need anything else I'm here.
one more thing Zoroark

do not, I repeat, do not take ED articles seriously.
I actually thought you were Meowth back from the dead at first glance. He changed his name to Zoroark once, right?
I agree with Superbird...

Zoroark, we're usually friendly.

I hope I can say that.

[snipped for length]

And um.

If you need anything else I'm here.

one more thing Zoroark

do not, I repeat, do not take ED articles seriously.

Yeah, I got most of that already. I'll say honestly that sometimes I can be a jerk on my off days. It doesn't happen often, and usually when I'm tired and grouchy, but it does happen.

And maybe I really should have stated that when I said I take ED articles 'too seriously' that there was a hefty dose of sarcasm in there. At the moment it's like a bad joke that keeps coming back from the grave and lurching in my general direction.

okay, seriously? google is your friend.

Mhm. It's how I found that Cave of Dragonflies article in the first place, and afterwards the forum itself. I can't remember the exact words I put into the search engine at the time now; I'm sure Spunky should be able to make some guesses that might lead to it, though.

I actually thought you were Meowth back from the dead at first glance. He changed his name to Zoroark once, right?

Yeah. It's like this thread only has three pages because everyone thought I was someone else, and not because I'm somehow witty enough for people to want to get to know properly. MY EGO! SHE IS BRUISED!

No, but seriously, it's fine. If you'd come straight out and asked I'd have said 'nope, not me', and then wondered why everyone thought I was that person. I'd have been trying to check my breath and everything.
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