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Search results

  1. Palamon

    You're online while I'm online. ...Interesting.

    You're online while I'm online. ...Interesting.
  2. Palamon

    Black Cat

    OMG OMG OMG OMG BLACK CAT. DAT ANIME... Dat anime was amazing. I instantly fell in love with it when I saw the first episode. Sven, Train and Eve are an amazing trio okay?
  3. Palamon


    Welcome to back to Dragon Fly Cave! I hope you enjoy your stay again.
  4. Palamon

    New Games: Pokemon Black and White 2

    The trailer makes the game look interesting. I wish this game would come to America much sooner than B/W1 did but I'm not going to get my hopes up.
  5. Palamon

    Ash's biggest mistake in the entire 5 series

    Catching Sunglasses Krokorok. And getting rid of Squirtle. Squirtle had potential until he got rid of it. This is why I hate Ash.
  6. Palamon


    Welcome to the forums. Enjoy your stay.
  7. Palamon

    Lord Arceus, he's back!

    Welcome back to Dragonfly cave! Enjoy your stay.
  8. Palamon


    Welcome to Dragonfly Cave! I hope you enjoy your stay!
  9. Palamon

    No, wrong. Best.Username.Ever.

    No, wrong. Best.Username.Ever.
  10. Palamon

    Hi, I'm new

    Welcome to Dragonfly Cave forums! Enjoy your stay.
  11. Palamon

    Headers,leave me alone :<

    Welcome to the forums!
  12. Palamon

    Ash catching Pokemon too fast in Unova?

    I can't see Ash getting a Litwick at all. I'm sure Trip's Lampent's going to evolve, however...
  13. Palamon

    Bye, my beloved TCoDf..

    Goodbye. Come back soon.
  14. Palamon


    Welcome to the forums. I'm Palamon, pleased to meet you.
  15. Palamon

    The world ends on Saturday

    And, thus...the world did not end in US.
  16. Palamon

    The "Fwee" thread II

    Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk II ^ Cool. 50 posts on here...finally~!
  17. Palamon

    You're Banned (Reincarnate)

    Banned for having a Ninetales in your avatar. 50 posts...w00t.
  18. Palamon

    If you were an admin here...

    ^ ...uh huh. I would also add a chat box if I were an admin.
  19. Palamon

    Battrio is the new Pokemon Game.

    I was thinking/hoping that it would have been a new PMD game... Now my dream of a new Pokemon game is crushed.
  20. Palamon

    Ash catching Pokemon too fast in Unova?

    Isn't he? He's already caught/obtained seven Unova region Pokemon. Pidove. Oshawott. Tepig. Snivy. Scraggy. Sewaddle. Palpitoad. Your thoughts?
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