• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Lord Arceus, he's back!


Gone with the wind, perhaps to a happier place.
Yeah, you read that write. I'm back, after an extended hiatus, length in time exactly "God-knows-how-long" months.

See, the original reason I left was because I figured this forum was taking far too much of my time, and hence, I dropped all ties to it, hoping to forge more time to do more productive things. It worked, to an extent, except that I didn't really notice a change to anything in my life, not even what one would assume to be first in the line of fire, my school results.

So a while ago, I was sitting down for a bit of a ponder, and this forum, and, by extension, the amazingly awesome community, (Yeah, you guys) popped into my head. I had some spare time that I wasn't going to be productive with anyway, so I figured I might take a stroll back and see what was going on. And then the memories washed over me like a ocean wave. Although it is true I never really got around to /fully/ integrating myself here, I did leave some fond memories behind. And I'm back to find them.

So yeah. That's that. I'm back. Lovely to see you all again.

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So, God has finally decided to join us, eh?

I welcome you by offering this foam sword.
I have a friend who was proclaimed to be god since wenever he decided to cross a road the lights would turn green. He's awesome. Anyway, welcome back I suppose?
Welcome back. I am brand-new, so realy I have no idea who you were.

Here is a BlasTech Exo-suit as a token. This is futuristic and has helped me dozens of tiomes in the apocalypse. Be careful with the Chrono-beam, though.
@ All the comments about God.

I was trying to go for the "Holy Crap!" or "Dear God!" kind of effect, except pokemonised. I did not make any proclamation that I am God. That being said, if you choose to worship me, I have no objections. :D

@ All the welcome backs.

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