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Search results

  1. L

    Light Mightyena vs Kratos Aurion

    *Light Mightyena strolls over to her side of the arena and gives the pokeball in her hand a casual toss. A Clefairy emerges from the burst of red light and glances around curiously. The little 'fairy then crosses her stubby arms as best she can and gives a cocky grin. "Bring it on."* I choose...
  2. L

    Open [Sacred Waters]

    Belle was slightly taken aback when the creature she'd struck rose from the seaweed and bellowed at her. She was also painfully aware that Nen had swum up to her and knew she'd made a mistake. "Didn' know you were a dragon," she said, trying not to sound as harsh as she usually did and failing...
  3. L

    Shadowstar versus Crowned Clown

    Shadowstar's Active Squad: [Moonshine]Eevee(Female) Item: None Crowned Clown's Active Squad: [Flame Tempest] Cyndaquil (Male) Item: None [Unabara no Hoshi] Chinchou (Male) Item: None Shadowstar releases her pokemon. Crowned Clown releases his pokemon and gives orders. Shadowstar gives...
  4. L

    The Challenge Board

    I'll referee Shadowstar and Crowned Clown's battle. I'll also issue a challenge of my own. Battle Format: 3 v 3 DQ Time: One Week Damage Cap: None Banned and Restricted Moves: Protect can only be used once. Otherwise, go crazy. Arena: Seviper Stadium This 'stadium' is little more than an old...
  5. L

    Computer Terminal

    Using Snaggletooth the Totodile to withdraw: [Sammy] Glameow (Male) Ability: Limber [Gina] Gligar (Female) Ability: Hyper Cutter [Tinker] Clefairy (Female) Ability: Magic Guard Approval for all three.
  6. L

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Requesting approval on pokemon bought with store credit through the teleporter. [Sammy] Glameow (Male) Ability: Limber [Gina] Gligar (Female) Ability: Hyper Cutter [Tinker] Clefairy (Female) Ability: Magic Guard [Velocity] Ponyta (Female) Ability: Flash Fire
  7. L

    Bill's Teleporter

    Alright. I was thinking that that may be the case, but I wasn't sure. I'll just take the Glameow, Gligar, Clefairy, and Ponyta on credit then.
  8. L

    Bill's Teleporter

    Okay, so, going on the assumption that I can take the pair of freebies offered and take out some store credit as well, and going on the assumption that the freebies can be made up, I'll take this oppotunity to rescue some pokemon from cyberspace (which is easier than trying to find old records)...
  9. L

    Profile Archive

    The Profile of Light Mightyena Money: $8 Battles: 0 Wins/Losses/Draws: 0/0/0 Item Inventory Destiny Knot (held by Tinker) (Bought here.) Fire Stone (held by Belle) (Bought here.) Active Squad [Belle] Vulpix (Female) Ability: Flash Fire Approved: Here Item: Fire Stone Signature Attribute...
  10. L

    Open [Sacred Waters]

    Belle looked up at the sound of a voice, jolted out of her self-berating. Her eyes landed on a familiar face. It was Nen, the palace doctor; his tattos were unmistakable. She made a move to swim toward him, when suddenly her eyes locked back on the patch of seaweed or, rather, the scaly...
  11. L

    Bank of TCoD

    Making a purchase. $45 - $37 = $8
  12. L

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office I'd like to purchase: [Belle] Vulpix (Female) Ability: Flash Fire Price: $10 [Snaggletooth] Totodile (Male) Ability: Torrent Price: $10 [Thorns] Budew (Male) Ability: Poison Point Price: $5 [Rosie] Abra (Female) Ability: Synchronize Price: $7 [Bane]...
  13. L

    Bank of TCoD

    Light Mightyena politely requests an account, trying not to grin like an idiot over the ASB coming back and failing miserably at it.
  14. L

    Open [Sacred Waters]

    Belle's body moved silently through the water, each movement careful and controlled. The mermaid's shark-like tail did not lash but instead moved back and forth with minimal noise, calm and patient. Dangerous things lurked outside of the city walls; the scars that covered her tail and cut across...
  15. L

    Pokémon Customization

    Re: Pokémon Customization Okay, first of all, I love that this item will be in the ASB, but it, unfortunately, seems really easy to be dishonest with. Exactly how is someone supposed to prove that a particular pokemon on their team had an EXP Share equipped during a particular battle?
  16. L

    Pokémon Team Regulations

    Re: Pokémon Team Regulations Oh, okay. Good to know I wasn't misinterpreting something. I have some questions regarding the PC rule (these should be the last questions I ask in this thread): If you take a starter for the rarity three price starting out, is it still considered a rarity seven...
  17. L

    Pokémon Team Regulations

    Re: Pokémon Team Regulations Thank you, Negrek, for the clarification. But if that's how it works, then that leads me to ask what the part in bold in this quote is supposed to be referring to. You've just confirmed for me that a second evolution by level requires four battles and not three...
  18. L

    Pokémon Team Regulations

    Re: Pokémon Team Regulations Absol is rarity eight? *sigh* I guess I'll be investing in a dark type for my team after all; Kiba will be in that PC for a while. Still, I like that new PC rule, and I'm as excited as ever over this. But the evolution rules are confusing me a little. Something...
  19. L

    Pokémon Team Regulations

    Re: Pokémon Team Regulations Okay, I'll just say first that I'm liking these changes. I do like looking at the ASB as a kind of roleplaying/strategy game (which it basically is, but the statement still stands), so anything that enhances the realisim and adds to the challenge looks like great...
  20. L

    Closed Prisoner! The mutations (pg-13)

    One of the room's occupants let out a mixture of a groan and a growl, rolling over and shifting so that the sheets moved away from their face. It was a woman, her gold-coloured hair partially covering her features and flared out around her head in messy disarry. Her eyes were shut, her mouth...
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