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Open [Sacred Waters]

Nen swims silently, scanning the area around him. He finally settles on a rock and runs his fingers through his hair. His ice blue eyes look up at the waters surface, dazing over as his loses himself in thought.

Maia..my dear cousin...please, be alright..
A bluish-colored seal swam deeper down in the water, looking around curiously. After a moment its skin seemed to fall off, revealing a girl with a sword. She tied the seal skin to her back and sighed, playing with her hair nervously. Pulling out her sword, she began fighting practice with it, as if waiting for something to happen.
Nixie lay on a rock. He hummed abit while relaxing. He noticed others swimming about and doing things. He batted his long blue eyelashes and watched.
Belle's body moved silently through the water, each movement careful and controlled. The mermaid's shark-like tail did not lash but instead moved back and forth with minimal noise, calm and patient. Dangerous things lurked outside of the city walls; the scars that covered her tail and cut across her shoulder were a harsh reminder of that. Many times, stealth equalled survival.

Belle's eyes flickered to a patch of weeds. She could have sworn she'd seen it move out of the corner of her eye. She froze in place, weighing her options as she stared unmoving at the seaweed. She hadn't had a good fight in a while, Belle decided, and it was best to dispose of any unpleasant creatures before someone else wandered into their company.

Belle's muscles tensed and she made a beeline for the seaweed, sacrificing her stealth for speed. She swung her tail in a wide arc, whipping through the seaweed. It hit nothing but a tiny crab that went flying through the water and then scurried away in fright as soon as it landed.

I'm getting paranoid, she told herself, It was just a crab. Still, something told her she wasn't alone.
Nen snaps out of his daze and looks around a bit. He sees that others have appeared while he was daydreaming. He then sees a mermaid with a shark tail speeding towards seaweed and attacking a crab. He chuckles a bit, reconizing her from the castle.

"Miss Belle...I see you've come to save the princess"
(I'd like to join, if you don't mind ^_^')

Name: Glaring Ice

Age: 1,400 years (14 human years)

Gender: Female

Species: Serpentine Water Dragon

Appearance: Glaring Ice is a Serpentine Water Dragon that lives in freezing, arctic waters. Her scales are a pale, dull shade of viridian. She has two sets of spiny fins, one on the back of her head and one halfway down her back. Her body is extremely long, even for her species, and thicker than usual. Her belly is a bright, light shade of turquoise. She has one pair of wing-like fins which she uses when swimming leisurely. Because of her immense size, she fears no one. Her sizable jaws allow her to swallow most small sharks whole, and even take most of a single orca in her mouth at once, if chomped on from the front. A strange mark, similar in appearance to a scar, lies underneath her left eye. When she casts a spell, which is extremely rare, this symbol glows. It is rumored in the arctic seas that this mark is the sign of an Ancient Water Dragon.

Personality: Glaring Ice has a very mixed personality. She loves attention but, due to her fearsome appearance, not many are willing to talk to her. She is usually very gentle and tries her best to help others, and is extremely loyal once someone gets to know and befriends her. However, when hunting for sharks and whales, she becomes an extremely vicious dragon and knows nothing but killing until she finishes her meal. If she spots prey, it is best to keep out of her way, lest she eat whoever disturbs her as well.

History: Glaring Ice was abandoned as a child, so she was left to fend for herself in cold, arctic waters. Despite this, she managed to grow very fast, into a decent-mannered Water Dragon. Though, she has grown to be a bit more naive than others. She has a strange, vague memory of one member from each known species of every element holding a meeting in a bay. In her memory, a Serpentine Water Dragon that slightly resembles her self could be seen, though the one in her memory was even larger, looked older, and just somehow generally appeared different.

Other: Glaring Ice possesses few magical powers. If anything, she is still learning what she can do. Though she hasn't mastered this skill yet, she can cause the temperature around her to drop at will. In water, she knows not to force the temperature to fall below freezing point. But, when Glaring Ice was first practicing this skill, she was often surfaced, causing it to hail. Due to this, her scales have become very tough. It is rumored that they are tougher than the strongest clam's shell. Though she doesn't know what beans are, the idea of them makes her giggle. She prefers the nickname "Ice" or "Icy" to her full name.

EDIT: A cartoony, unshaded, not-so-well-done picture of Icy
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((HA! My brilliant plan to get more players *points to sig* succeeded!))

A dragon stealthily swam through the tall grove of seaweed, searching for something to eat. Although it didn't really matter how quiet she was able to be, given that it was a tad difficult to completely hide something so massive. For the sake of comfort, Reskia's bulging stomach was only lightly brushing against the sandy bottom, but even then a noticeable portion of her back was visible over the leafy horizon. Her eyes were straining to see through the vegetation, though her mouth was frozen in a comical grin from holding in the laughter caused by the probing weeds rubbing against her.

She could vaguely remember that there was something important she was supposed to be doing, judging from how far this expanse was from the cave she lived in, but at the moment hunger had taken precedence over all other thoughts. Now nearing the field's edge, Reskia poked her snout out of the brush, and saw a rather cautious-looking seahorse observing his surroundings. For a moment, the notion of food perked her up a little, but her subconscious tail-wagging stopped when she remembered that eating fellow intelligent creatures is considered "unethical" (at least in most cultures).

She stood still, watching the curious boy while hoping that the green in her scales would provide sufficient camouflage, and tried her best to ignore the crab that had started skittering up her leg.
Belle looked up at the sound of a voice, jolted out of her self-berating. Her eyes landed on a familiar face. It was Nen, the palace doctor; his tattos were unmistakable. She made a move to swim toward him, when suddenly her eyes locked back on the patch of seaweed or, rather, the scaly something that had moved into view.

Belle jerked back, eyes wide in alarm. If what she could see above the seaweed was a good indicator of the size of this creature, it was much larger than what she accustomed to taking on in combat. But she couldn't just back down, not with Nen right there. He was of royal blood, so her job was as much to protect him as it was the rest of the royal family, and she had no reason to believe the word would not get out about any cowardly act she showed in front of him.

Shiftling smoothly into a battle stance, she scanned the creature's exposed back. She then lashed out, striking its spine soundly with her tail.
The superior senses of a dragon will usually allow him/her to detect the presence of hostile creatures, then act before they're able to do something that could be threatening. Unfortunately, Reskia had surrendered her ability to act so swift in these situations a looooong time ago. In almost painful slow motion, she felt the unnamed blunt object sink into her back just a bit before the remaining force pushed her down further into her own gut with a disparaging "oof".

So much for surveillance, she thought while turning to face the assailant, standing up at her full height with a snarl on her face. When she caught sight of her target, however, she slightly taken aback; where she had expected a shark monster or even another dragon, there was instead a simple mermaid. Well, a rather wild mermaid at that, as Reskia took note of the scars running along the girl's tail and the feral look on her face.

Now, combat with creatures as large as herself wasn't particularly difficult, but this girl would doubtlessly be able to swim circles around her. Better to try intimidation first, she figured before announcing, in a very loud and boisterous voice, "Stand down, infidel, or experience true fear under the wrath of Reskia, the divine fist of justice!" Silence followed while the dragon held a fist in air dramatically. Maybe that wasn't the best choice of words.
Nen watches as Belle attacks someone in the seaweed. He tilts his head when he heard the voice.


He swims over to the two fighting, careful not to get too close in case a battle did break out.

"Belle...for what purpose...do you attack this dragon? Are there not Dragons in our mission?"
Lind swam down from above, jaws gaping wide and revealing several sharp rows of teeth. In truth this was just to help him let water run over his gills, making it easier to breathe, and he didn't even consider how intimidating it might look, especially since he was slowly spiralling around the collection of several different peoples much as he would any prey.

And most of them could become prey, if he so chose.

He grinned as he approached them, simply observing as he descended through the water. His sharp eyes spotted another sea dragon, though of a different clan than his. She would be as interesting as any of the other clan representatives here. He couldn't tell which clan she was a part of, but he probably didn't have any relations with them. She was much larger than him, though, and evidently a lot older - she wasn't one he could spar or anything, and he had to show due respect.

He respected everyone, of course, but for her it would have to be greater. More politeness, for one thing.
Belle was slightly taken aback when the creature she'd struck rose from the seaweed and bellowed at her. She was also painfully aware that Nen had swum up to her and knew she'd made a mistake.

"Didn' know you were a dragon," she said, trying not to sound as harsh as she usually did and failing. Her scarred tail lashed as she continued, "Couldn' see what you were. Thought you'd hurt someone." She looked at Nen, fixing her burning eyes on him for one long moment before turning back to Reskia and adding, more quietly, "Can't afford to risk it."
Nen notice that someone else has joined them. He smiles a bit at her.

"Just a little mistake...we're all just meeting each other for the frist time..so we must be careful"

He looks back at Belle, giving her a smile as well.

"Now...Shall we first wait until the others appear before we try to attack them? I'm not trying to sound mean...I just think we should first talk before we act"
Nixie saw that things had began to calm down with the little group that had been conversing and swam down from his relaxation spot. He stayed a small ditance away from them, but spoke to them. "Hello."
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