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Search results

  1. Ivy Newton

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV So I'm basically done with high school forever.
  2. Ivy Newton

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV So I randomly remembered that I had a $30 gift certificate to amazon I hadn't used and it turns out it still works so I figured out I can get two video games I've been meaning to get forever without paying a cent! Yayay :3 Also I was invited to a party this...
  3. Ivy Newton

    Dictionary Mafia [Night 4]

    Re: Dictionary Mafia [Day 4] pneu·mo·no·ul·tra·mi·cro·scop·ic·sil·i·co·vol·ca·no·co·ni·o·sis (n.) an obscure term ostensibly referring to a lung disease caused by silica dust, sometimes cited as one of the longest words in the English language. The latest death again set the townspeople on...
  4. Ivy Newton

    Misreadings and stuff

    Mixed all this into "In Porridge Order"
  5. Ivy Newton

    Dictionary Mafia [Night 4]

    Re: Dictionary Mafia [Night 3] Agh sorry I was waiting to see if I would get more night actions and then I just kinda forgot sorry :P ap·pog·gia·tu·ra (n.) an embellishing note or tone preceding an essential melodic note or tone and usually written as a note of smaller size. The town slowly...
  6. Ivy Newton

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV So today was apparently "give me free chocolate" day haha :3
  7. Ivy Newton

    Dictionary Mafia [Night 4]

    Re: Dictionary Mafia [Day 3] I feel kinda bad about the fact that he didn't get a real chance to defend himself, but I want to keep this thing moving. an·ti·dis·es·tab·lish·men·tar·i·an·ism (n.) opposition to the withdrawal of state support or recognition from an established church, especially...
  8. Ivy Newton

    Misreadings and stuff

    ... "Cock dangit"
  9. Ivy Newton

    Dictionary Mafia [Night 4]

    Re: Dictionary Mafia [Night 2] myth·o·po·et·ize (v.) to produce myths or mythological poetry. The boy started back as he flipped past another blank space in his dictionary. What is going on here? The townsfolk woke to an outcry. A woman had been found dead in her house early this morning, but...
  10. Ivy Newton

    Dictionary Mafia [Night 4]

    Re: Dictionary Mafia [Day 2] Bahaha so I'm like two days late. Ah well. dis·com·bob·u·late (v.) to confuse or disconcert; upset; frustrate. Though no fresh killings had been found, the townspeople were left on edge. Accusations flew, but finally a consensus was reached and the townspeople...
  11. Ivy Newton

    Dictionary Mafia [Night 4]

    Re: Dictionary Mafia [Night 1] The townsfolk woke the following morning, afraid of what they might find. But today everything seemed peaceful, surprisingly. Later that day, someone finally noticed that their colleague had not come in to work today, but the poor man had merely fallen ill and was...
  12. Ivy Newton

    Dictionary Mafia [Night 4]

    Re: Dictionary Mafia [Day 1] After some hesitation, the townspeople decided they didn't have enough evidence to find a culprit yet. They returned to their daily lives, where it would almost be a normal day if it weren't for the disquieting sense of foreboding. In the small, dark room, the boy...
  13. Ivy Newton

    Misreadings and stuff

    "Since when did clothing become illegal?"
  14. Ivy Newton

    Dictionary Mafia [Night 4]

    Re: Dictionary Mafia [Day 1] Thirded. And yes, you have... let's say two abstains. Regarding flavor text, I am attempting to make it at least vaguely relevant, but I suck at doing that and I managed to make things way too complicated for myself (again). So I don't know how useful you'll...
  15. Ivy Newton

    Dictionary Mafia [Night 4]

    Re: Dictionary Mafia [Day 1] chi·mi·chan·ga (n.) a tortilla wrapped around a filling (as of meat) and deep-fried. The boy flipped aimlessly through the pages of his dictionary, until something caught his eye somewhere in "c" - there was an expanse of white in the middle of a page. He knew...
  16. Ivy Newton

    Misreadings and stuff

    "You had me at six" Also I forgot this was the misreadings thread so I was like "You had me at six as you meat six" what that doesn't make sense what is this madness??? ^^;,
  17. Ivy Newton

    Dictionary Mafia [Night 4]

    In a small, dark room, a boy pulls a dusty dictionary off a shelf. Elsewhere, the town slumbers peacefully. Role PMs will be sent out in the next hour. Roles are generally slight adaptations of vanilla mafia roles. No talking outside of the thread unless otherwise indicated in your role PM. I...
  18. Ivy Newton

    Dictionary Mafia [Sign Ups CLOSED]

    Re: Dictionary Mafia shinyabsol, I believe you forgot to join the game itself? But. Okay other than that signups closed I'll get this set up asap.
  19. Ivy Newton

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV Oh my goodness what is this madness I actually gave this guy a valentines day gift-like thing and it didn't blow up in my face. Well actually I gave it to him two days after valentines but haha. I actually have social skills what is this. And he hugged me :3 I...
  20. Ivy Newton

    Dictionary Mafia [Sign Ups CLOSED]

    Re: Dictionary Mafia Alright, ten people! I'm going to wait a little while more and see if anyone else joins, but I'll definitely have it started by the end of this upcoming weekend.
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