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Search results

  1. P

    Odd happenings in the Introduction Threads

    what is TWO what is TWO Not really odd but hey
  2. P

    Billy Mays Dead

    2009 what a shit year
  3. P

    Names For Kittens

    Jessica Shoe.
  4. P

    "goodbye, you guys." sup with this

    "goodbye, you guys." sup with this
  5. P

    Always visiting.

    HEY sup
  6. P

    Name Change?

    You need to PM an administrator about it.
  7. P

    Pokeglobe Forums (IS BACK)

    I don't know, maybe we don't like people who try to make bullshit forums for no apparent reason xDDD
  8. P

    My dog.

    Thanks everyone. Maybe I'll fly everyone down next year to Rhode Island for her tenth birthday.
  9. P


    I love my hair.
  10. P

    My dog.

    Mmm. Thanks. That is her nickname!
  11. P

    My dog.

    ...is turning nine years old today. Lupita is a toy poodle given to me in 2000. She will be happy if you all greet her.
  12. P

    Hey. HEY.

    Happy birthday!
  13. P


    Thanks for this, I really enjoyed it.
  14. P

    Oh god I feel so ancient.

    Welcome back! (Mr. Game and Watch, by the way.)
  15. P

    Sum other users up as Pokemon.

    Espeon - Espeon
  16. P

    Zackrinian pokemon art... does requests (open)

    Perhaps a Digglet/Wailord splice will give you a challenge.
  17. P

    Anaface.com - HOW BEAUTIFUL ARE YOU

    5.54. Squidward got a 0.
  18. P


    You can't be too sure about that. Also, is this how annoying you sound in real life?
  19. P


    How do you feel about spanking children as a form of discipline?
  20. P


    Be unique and name her Tiger or Max.
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