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  1. Stormecho

    Fandom Mafia 3

    welp! yeah, all I know is that someone's attacked me, but I don't actually know who so that's not really helpful at this time B(
  2. Stormecho

    yeah well things have... definitely quieted down a ton. I am a bit nostalgic for when things...

    yeah well things have... definitely quieted down a ton. I am a bit nostalgic for when things were busier and there was more stuff going on, but at the same time... there was a lot more shit I was on the fringes of or didn't notice or that just made things toxic so it's much better now! still...
  3. Stormecho

    well it's been like... over two years? so uh a lot went down and changed for both of us, I...

    well it's been like... over two years? so uh a lot went down and changed for both of us, I imagine! it is good to see you around, though
  4. Stormecho

    oh my god we've been hanging out on tumblr but we weren't friends on here wHOOPS

    oh my god we've been hanging out on tumblr but we weren't friends on here wHOOPS
  5. Stormecho

    hey! it's been... a really long while oh man. how've you been doing?

    hey! it's been... a really long while oh man. how've you been doing?
  6. Stormecho

    I am! my url is abyssalones if you want to check it out

    I am! my url is abyssalones if you want to check it out
  7. Stormecho

    oh hey!!! it's been a while yo, how've you been doing?

    oh hey!!! it's been a while yo, how've you been doing?
  8. Stormecho

    Fandom Mafia 3

    yeah abstaining seems like the safest bet right now, if only because well... we haven't lost anyone yet if we do lose someone tomorrow, things will be a looot more messy tho but vm's plan seems p good!
  9. Stormecho

    Fandom Mafia 3

    wow uh good job doctor and possibly role blocker??? or really inactive mafia maybe either way, no deaths! that's pretty cool
  10. Stormecho

    Pokemon related project to be announced on the 26th

  11. Stormecho

    Fandom Mafia 3

    wELP no deaths is always a really good thing! it kind of... doesn't give me much to say though from what I've seen, first day discussions are always kind of stilted anyways
  12. Stormecho

    Reverse Mafia

    whoops I am apparently an erratic wildcard, never give me killing powers (I chose phantom because uh... I figured it'd be really funny if the person with the ghost username turned out to be an angel and uh wELL THEN) sorry for hastening the game's end, though! I really should have refrained...
  13. Stormecho

    What gender do you play as in games?

    mooostly female, unless I don't like the model, which has happened in mmos where the fanservice got too awful and I switched to a male character
  14. Stormecho

    [CLOSED] Fandom Mafia 3

    Re: Fandom Mafia 3 idk my biggest fandom atm is Claymore, as well as the Tales of series, but feel free to issue me something else as well!
  15. Stormecho

    Reverse Mafia

    for a while I had the impression only the human players could even talk in the thread which is... clearly not the case idk how I managed to get that but yeah, I think only humans can vote
  16. Stormecho

    ORAS Mafia Confirmed - Game Thread

    what did I get myself into I am not ready for this level of mafia fuckery also abstain unsurprisingly
  17. Stormecho

    ORAS Mafia Confirmed - Game Thread

    astonish is more... a move to shock someone, right? that's not really the same as excitement, so idk I don't really think that fits with the description of steven's death also I don't have the capability to target other people so oh man I've been going by storm so long that seeing the full...
  18. Stormecho

    ORAS Mafia Confirmed - Game Thread

    ohhh man that's definitely a hectic start I don't know, the red text is certainly... super visible so I'd be more inclined to say it has something to do with role or faction but at the same time I have no clue what that would indicate so ???
  19. Stormecho

    [Closed] ORAS Mafia Confirmed

    Re: [Open] ORAS Mafia Confirmed I haven't played mafia in forever but let's do this mega steelix or shedinja!
  20. Stormecho

    Behind the Avatar, Redux

    I got my hair done today! so uh yeah hi
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