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ORAS Mafia Confirmed - Game Thread

So, hmm... I really don't know what to do at this early stage of the game, so I guess maybe the flavor holds some clues?

So Winona died on top of a bird, with broken bones? It seems like she was flying and got shot down or something. If she was flying, it was probably some kind of investigative role, and since each character's role is tailored to them, not the other way around, it's highly likely that she was indeed flying. Why she was shot down, I would say an aerial attack that killed her ride since it took most of the damage.

As for Steven, I imagine the grin is more like... a grin of pleasure. Of sexual pleasure, to be precise, since his body wasn't mangled and broken like Winona's. I would say this is Wallace's fault (because they are perfect together), but he is sadly not in this game.:(

I have some suspicions at the moment, but I'd rather not voice them as the game just started and this is based purely off of flavor.
So, well, as fun as it would be to just speculate on the huge number of possibilities that could account for the two deaths and stuff, I guess there isn't actually a point in doing so without any more information. Man, I hate that time of the day in mafia when I realized everything I've wanted to talk about is useless and have no idea where to go from there. someone pls advise
I think something MF told me made it seem like he rolled roles and then from the up to three choices we made, picked one that went with that role the best, so if that's true then maybe Winona fit whatever Superbird's role was better than Blaziken did. I can't check what MF actually said because the forum keeps yelling at me about my inbox being full so I've been deleting all my recent PMs >:(
I can't check what MF actually said because the forum keeps yelling at me about my inbox being full so I've been deleting all my recent PMs >:(
Why not delete older ones?

Also, this is just speculation based on the vague flavour, but doesn't Alit (Steven)'s death sound like something a Ghost-type might do? I looked around to see if any of the Pokémon chosen are capable of learning Astonish, and it doesn't look like any of them can, so the obvious culprit would be Shedinja... what's your two cents on this, Stormecho?

Also, Negrek, as you're absol, do you have any inspection powers? Or does anyone, for that matter?
Why not delete older ones?

Also, this is just speculation based on the vague flavour, but doesn't Alit (Steven)'s death sound like something a Ghost-type might do? I looked around to see if any of the Pokémon chosen are capable of learning Astonish, and it doesn't look like any of them can, so the obvious culprit would be Shedinja... what's your two cents on this, Stormecho?

Also, Negrek, as you're absol, do you have any inspection powers? Or does anyone, for that matter?

Noo I can't delete PMs from my childhood :(

I don't know how much we should actually be reading into the flavour - there's a possibility that the character someone ended up being is a bit better suited to their role than the other ones they chose, but as MF said a few posts up he didn't tailor roles to anyone's character. If somebody only made one choice then we definitely can't use it to say anything about their role at all. MF got stuck trying to make my role work with Wingull because it was the only thing I chose, and it's kind of amusing.

(Did Negrek actually say neg was Absol, though? I mean neg also picked Maxie in the sign-up thread.)
astonish is more... a move to shock someone, right? that's not really the same as excitement, so idk I don't really think that fits with the description of steven's death

also I don't have the capability to target other people so

oh man I've been going by storm so long that seeing the full name really weirds me out I should probably change that sometime soon..........
It might be that Leafpool has powers that she doesn't get to use until after her death, or something, and that's why she died all happy and stuff. That's not exactly a new concept in MF's games, so maybe?
(Did Negrek actually say neg was Absol, though? I mean neg also picked Maxie in the sign-up thread.)
Hm, I seemed to have missed that. My mistake, then. My question as to whether anyone has inspection powers is still standing, though.

astonish is more... a move to shock someone, right? that's not really the same as excitement, so idk I don't really think that fits with the description of steven's death
Yeah, you're right. I was just trying to make sense of the flavour, but as Eifie pointed out, it's probably unreliable at this point. I guess we'll just have to see how this plays out.

Abstaining, for the record.
I don't know whether to be happy that a 3rd party died, or sad and confused because there might be more. At least we know now that there is the possibility.

Might be reading too much into flavor, but the deaths are way too different to be related. Off the top of my head I can't think of anything that would leave you dead from pleasure. ((Attract maybe? but that seems lover-ish tom me))

As for Wionna and her bird brought down ((aww man right in the feels)) Maybe Smack Down/Thousand Arrows?
I think reading anything at all into the flavor is reading too much into the flavor. I can't recall a single instance where MF's day flavor actually held any discernible clues to what went on in the night, although feel free to point out a counterexample if you can find one.

I really don't like to abstain, but I'm pretty sure I say that every single game and we end up abstaining day one anyway, so call that my token dissent right there, I guess. >:(
I think reading anything at all into the flavor is reading too much into the flavor. I can't recall a single instance where MF's day flavor actually held any discernible clues to what went on in the night, although feel free to point out a counterexample if you can find one.

I think Metallica's made some obscure flavor clues before, but I can't think of any times where we've actually figured them out. The one thing that comes to mind is that massive deathpile day one, where Superbird(? I think) being dead off to the side showed that he was killed first. We might've guessed that one, actually.
The one thing that comes to mind is that massive deathpile day one, where Superbird(? I think) being dead off to the side showed that he was killed first. We might've guessed that one, actually.
Actually, that was a mechanically irrelevant detail and everyone spent half the game trying to make heads or tails of it. I had such a blast watching that unfold.

(Again, he was found first because, being a rotting Aromatisse, he had the worst scent.)
what did I get myself into I am not ready for this level of mafia fuckery

also abstain unsurprisingly
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