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ORAS Mafia Confirmed - Game Thread

dazel's persistance that RTB did it because of the flames is a little odd, because I doubt any host (let alone MF who likes to make it difficult) would use such an obvious clue as to the killer's identity.

I was playing with the idea that it was actually Dazel who did the deed, due to the fact that the only character he picked is Mega Rayquaza, and is the only one shifting blame onto RTB.
It's just speculation, though, as I doubt it's enough evidence to go off of.
I'm not actually blaming RTB; it was just an idea. I just think the flames are worth paying attention to.
Something that's sort of been twigging at me a lot is how Negrek sort of seems to be stuck on the idea of serial killers (from negs all of two or three posts). Do you have any specific reason for expecting MF to repeat the same old thing so soon? Did everyone's mind immediately jump to serial killers (and nothing else) while I just missed something, or something?
I'm not stuck on it. It's just that seems the most likely interpretation to me, given that I haven't seen MF use that alignment description for any other role. I'll admit that I might be too stuck on the last mafia I played in--and I would be very surprised if this one had the same setup--but nobody's offered any alternative interpretations, and that was the one that jumped out at me. If anyone else has any ideas (about... anything), that would be great.
If this game is anything like Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia with all the serial killers, it's already taken a drastically different turn. In that game, no one died for the first three nights. In this game, five people have died in the first two.
If this game is anything like Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia with all the serial killers, it's already taken a drastically different turn. In that game, no one died for the first three nights. In this game, five people have died in the first two.

MF's games always seem to go the direction of no deaths at all or mass deathpile...

Anyway, I think somebody already pointed out how we had two deaths the first night when Superbird died, then three deaths the night after; so unless you think we started with at least four killers or Superbird was like a poisoner or something, it's pretty unlikely that Superbird was a serial kiler.
I don't know, "neither innocent nor mafia" sounds like a pretty catch-all third alignment thing, so deciding it's only for serial killers just seems to be jumping the gun a bit. Doesn't mean third alignments aren't likely to be bad news for the innocents, but I don't see any reason to think they have killing actions, unless there is some further information I'm unaware of.
So, uh... we have, what, five hours left? I really don't know what to do. :( Considering the huge amount of deaths we've been having, doing nothing is a horrible idea.
I agree that abstaining is a bad idea at the rate this game is going. Should we try lynching someone who hasn't been participating in discussion? Flora and hopeandjoy haven't posted at all. The former is to be expected, but the latter not so much.
I checked on that yesterday too, but I wasn't sure how helpful that would be. The killers have clearly been sending in their night actions, so is it really a good idea to go for inactive people? (Then again, hopeandjoy could still be sending in night actions while not posting - Flora pretty much never does, though.)
Yo, I've been in the same boat as RespectTheBlade. Finals are a bitch and they just ended today. I haven't even had time to send in night actions.

Of course, today I've been packing and cleaning so I can leave for Winter Break.
Figured as much. I finished my finals last week but I guess a lot of people are still taking theirs.

Well, does anyone else have any suggestions?
I threw out everything I could think of. I'm basically out of shit to spew.

Killing idlers is definitely a bad idea this time of year. However, if we don't, we'll probably never know whether or not people like Flora (AHEM) who don't respond are Mafia or not; anyone with an inspection power should probably poke around a little bit.
We might not even have inspection powers this game. We didn't really have any last, except the weird thing Link/Charizard did.
We're out of time again. :( Maybe just vote for someone like Lilypad who's only posted once to jump on the abstain train? Absolutely everyone ever can just say that yeah, they haven't been posting because they were busy, but if they're not going to post then they're not going to be of help to us anyway. I dunno I don't want to bold that because there are no other votes and there isn't time for anyone to say other things.
Okay, so I was chatting with MF when he mentioned that he was going to modlynch someone if we didn't come up with a nomination before the extended deadline. I guess that's the way it normally works in his games, but I personally didn't remember/realize that, soooo I figured I had better throw out a name to prevent a randlynch if nothing else.

I'm going to nominate Lilypad because, like Eifie said, they haven't done anything so far besides agree to abstain, and unlike Flora there's at least a chance they'll show up to try and defend themselves, and that might generate some actual discussion/information.

Hopefully that gets the ball rolling.
And show up I have. I've been separated from my laptop for a while, ( I'm writing this on my tablet now) so I haven't been able to post much. I don't know much about mafia games ( this is my first one ) but at least I know now that not talking can get you killed.

Honestly I haven't had many ideas that seem worth posting to me. But I'll start posting more, now.

But I assure you that I'm nothing worth lynching. After all, why would MF give me an important role my first game? ...That might put a target on my back for the scum, but I don't care as long as I'm not lynched.

I have no idea who to nominate. But, like Eifie said ( in the same post that she got the ball rolling on the Lynch the Lilypad train :-P ) I agree we should lynch an inactive, they won't help much. It seems the two candidates are me and Flora, and I'm all for self preservation, so Flora.
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