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ORAS Mafia Confirmed - Game Thread

Abstain. Hate having to do this first turn, but there isn't much to go off of.
The strange circumstances surrounding the deaths lend no conclusive evience, and the attempts to solve the mysteries lead only to myriad and relatively unpopular fringe theories. A dark shadow is confirmed hanging over Hoenn, but its identity eludes all thus far.

No one was lynched.

72 hours for night actions.
Adding to the earlier spate of human death, a disaster of seemingly natural procedence strikes. The fields of Route 116, just outside Rustboro City, are wreathed in blue-green flames. The cause seems clear -- a large Salamence lies collapsed against the side of the mountains. Rustboro's emergency Pokémon control squad has confirmed that the creature is dead and has been so even before they arrived on the scene.

Fortunately, most of the wildlife has managed to escape, although the destruction of their natural habitat prolongs the threat to their survival. Rustboro authorities are being pressured to deal with these natural refugees somehow, although the more reactionary groups proclaim that Rustboro should be for the Rustborians.

Searches are also underway for any number of Pokémon that could not escape the catastrophe. A badly redenned Mega Lopunny was strangely found somewhere amidst the ashes, and also, a large underground colony of Nincada lay horribly still (moreso than usual), with even fallen Ninjask and Shedinja being found nearby.

But was this truly an incident borne of the force of nature? Or was it a result of direct human action? The incident seems suspicious, but conclusions are not fast to come. And besides, it seems that all who gaze upon the still live flames feel something begin to stir within them...

Mai, the Mega Lopunny, is dead. They were innocent.

Nocturne of Shadow, the Salamence, is dead. She was innocent.

Stormecho, the Shedinja, is dead. She was innocent.

72 hours for discussion.
Well, holy shit.

I know that reading into the flavour too much is bad, but blue-green flames sound a lot like Mega Gallade (RespectTheBlade), and it would be strange to include that specific detail arbitrarily. Any defence, RespectTheBlade?
My god, what is going on here...

I know that reading into the flavour too much is bad, but blue-green flames sound a lot like Mega Gallade (RespectTheBlade), and it would be strange to include that specific detail arbitrarily. Any defence, RespectTheBlade?

I kind of took it to mean that the dead Salamence was the one who caused the flames or something, actually.

Ok, Mai and Storm died by the same hand, if their closeness means anything. So maybe Mai's a bodyguard and they protected Storm last night, and it backfired.

Blue-green flames... I have no idea how Mega Gallade could make flames. Gallade doesn't, period. In fact, a dragon would be more suited for that. And seeing how Winona went down yesterday... It seems we have an aerial attacker on our hands, friends.
Blue-green flames... I have no idea how Mega Gallade could make flames. Gallade doesn't, period. In fact, a dragon would be more suited for that. And seeing how Winona went down yesterday... It seems we have an aerial attacker on our hands, friends.
To the contrary, this drawing by Ken Sugimori depicts Gallade with blue-green flames. Of course, that's very specific and I'm not sure if Metallica Fanboy would have gone out of his way to find that detail, but on the other hand, it would be strange to use that detail with any other Pokémon, seeing as no other Pokémon that I know of are confirmed to have flames of that colour.
Yikes that is a lot of deaths :( Perhaps there really are serial killers in this game?

A dark shadow is confirmed hanging over Hoenn, but its identity eludes all thus far.
This bit of flavor puzzles me a bit. It sounds like a singular entity rather than a group. Unless it was just poetic flavor?
Again, I really, really don't think the flavor text means anything, and discussing it is likely to be a waste of time.

Yikes that is a lot of deaths :( Perhaps there really are serial killers in this game?
Superbird was almost certainly a serial killer, if Metallica Fanboy's using the same system message conventions he was for trainer class pokechoice mafia. Multiple serial killers would definitely be consistent with so many kills, although for whatever reason last game all the killers just sat around and did nothing, so having actual deaths is a switch.
"Neither innocent nor mafia" doesn't 100% guarantee a serial killer, especially if there were even more deaths after he died. But, I suppose lovers or fishing brothers may have been responsible for one of those deaths last night. Or maybe the killers all targeted the same people or got doc-blocked.
It doesn't guarantee it, but I don't recall any other role that flips that way? It seems like the most likely to me, and having multiple serial killers would explain the fact that we've had >1 death every night so far.
Also, iirc, the serial killer role I had in Pokéchoice mafia took multiple nights to actually do anything. It could be a similar case here.
Again, I really, really don't think the flavor text means anything, and discussing it is likely to be a waste of time.
The only reason I brought it up again is because the colour of the flames is a really weird detail to add for no reason; it would have sufficed perfectly just to say that the hills were wreathed in flames, but apparently the colour was important enough to mention. Meanwhile, things like mentioning that the other Pokémon got away safely is clearly just superficial flavour, because it isn't especially descriptive or even likely to be pertinent.
I don't remember how alien flips and not sure if I want to go researching considering I'm on mobile.

Well, I mean, it's up to MF. Other people would have serial killers flip mafia, I think. But there are so many more third-party roles than serial killer, so I'm not sure why Negrek thinks serial killer is the only thing that would flip that way?

The only reason I brought it up again is because the colour of the flames is a really weird detail to add for no reason; it would have sufficed perfectly just to say that the hills were wreathed in flames, but apparently the colour was important enough to mention. Meanwhile, things like mentioning that the other Pokémon got away safely is clearly just superficial flavour, because it isn't especially descriptive or even likely to be pertinent.

There are lots of random details added for no reason, though. Isn't that how writing like, works? I kind of like entertaining stuff about flavour just for things to talk about but I'm pretty sure none of it means anything here. Not that MF ever actually gives clear answers about all flavour in general >:(
There are lots of random details added for no reason, though. Isn't that how writing like, works? I kind of like entertaining stuff about flavour just for things to talk about but I'm pretty sure none of it means anything here. Not that MF ever actually gives clear answers about all flavour in general >:(
Except we're not really writing a novel, here. It just seems like a really weird detail to include arbitrarily. Flames are not naturally blue-green, so it must have been suggesting something.
I didn't know about that artwork, cool find. However, flavor in MFia has rarely been an indication of anything, and if you wanted to actually take it into account, then:
Metallica Fanboy's post (please don't modkill me) said:
The fields of Route 116, just outside Rustboro City, are wreathed in blue-green flames. The cause seems clear -- a large Salamence lies collapsed against the side of the mountains.

I took that emphasized bit to imply Dragon Pulse or Draco Meteor or something. Or maybe just residual damage. Perhaps a lover/scheming duo like ganondorf/bowser last match? 3 deaths seems like an awful lot for one night.

I don't have a clue as to who to accuse just quite yet, but action seems pretty crucial this round.

also I probably won't be very active here for a day or so because I have my first 3 finals here at college and I'm sorta freaking the fuck out.
Except we're not really writing a novel, here. It just seems like a really weird detail to include arbitrarily. Flames are not naturally blue-green, so it must have been suggesting something.

I was trying to say that you kind of are writing a "novel"-like thing.. that's what flavor text is for half of the time. It's fun to play mafia with GMs that write fun stories.

Something that's sort of been twigging at me a lot is how Negrek sort of seems to be stuck on the idea of serial killers (from negs all of two or three posts). Do you have any specific reason for expecting MF to repeat the same old thing so soon? Did everyone's mind immediately jump to serial killers (and nothing else) while I just missed something, or something?

The reason I ask is that when I get fixated on a certain thing in discussion in the presence of a bunch of other possibilities, it tends to be because something in my role description or whatever gave me some information that I want people to know without actually claiming. I'm kind of wondering if it's anything like that.
This is giving me bad memories of that one MFia game with the D1 Killionaire. I think the flames are caused by Salamence, because the literal next sentence says the cause is clear.

mfw I didn't see RTB say the same thing. Oh well. Leaving that there to agree with him.

dazel's persistance that RTB did it because of the flames is a little odd, because I doubt any host (let alone MF who likes to make it difficult) would use such an obvious clue as to the killer's identity.

I don't think anyone has dabbled with the thought that maybe Nocturne killed Mai and Storm? They all flipped town though so maybe a vig? I don't know. Because the flavor makes it seem like Mai and Storm died because Nocturne did. I don't know what could do that. None of them are psychic, so no destiny bond? Interesting.

I'm actually rather curious as to what Shedinja did in this game, because of the health and ability. I don't think gameplay has anything to do with canon traits though.

((If these seem like i'm talking to myself, I'm just writing whatever thoughts I have and going with it, not bothering with proofreading and editing))
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