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ORAS Mafia Confirmed - Game Thread

I dunno. I can't be the only one that's annoyed when people join a game and know they'll be inactive/won't talk. It just bugs me. I mean to the point where we automatically know that it's going to happen and almost defend it (oh that's normal).

Sorry if that's rude, but it gets on my nerves
Well, I don't really want to be the one who decides the lynch today, but I also don't feel like it would be fair to leave it down to a coin flip if nobody else is going to vote and Lilypad is going to be participating more in the future (...right?). So I'll change to Flora for now.
I hate lynching inactives. :( It doesn't actually get us anywhere helpful, especially since in this case, our killers are clearly active. I think we're going to regret wasting a lynch on dead meat tomorrow if the death rate continues like this, but on the other hand, what else can we do... Flora it is then, just for the sake of doing something.
Hasn't Flora been known to not post while being active mafia before, or am I confused? In any case I think she's probably our best bet.
Hasn't Flora been known to not post while being active mafia before, or am I confused? In any case I think she's probably our best bet.

I don't think so. She rarely sends in night actions either, as far as I know.
Hasn't Flora been known to not post while being active mafia before, or am I confused? In any case I think she's probably our best bet.

I've seen some shadow play from Flora in the endgame nightaction logs before, but I don't think I've seen her post in a game thread more than once in the time I've been playing here.
Apologies for the delay.


Hoenn refuses to back down before the evil that threatens to consume it, but its reaction is still infantile -- it simply lashes out against an obvious target. A former criminal, whose rap sheet does include multiple attempts to sunder all life underneath catastrophe, some unintentional and others not.

When Courtney is suddenly assailed by a great mob, she has nothing to say. This is a result of her regular quiet nature, but it's taken to mean that she had something to hide. Temper goes out of the window swiftly, as does the former Magma Admin. Forcefully.

However, absolutely no piece of information retrieved eventually seems to even remotely link the woman to the mysterious events of the past few days -- even after her home and personal belongings were laid open for investigations (Maxie became shell-shocked from the information laterally uncovered for a good week or so).

Flora, the Courtney, is dead. She was innocent.

72 hours for night actions.
Argh, I knew I was forgetting something.

In pursuit of justice, the people gaze upon the undying flames that remain in Route 116. They seem to fill everyone with an unusual energy...

This Night, all night actions can be performed twice. This means you can designate up to two different targets to apply them to. For further details specific to your role, you may send questions to me by PM.

The Night phase's 72 hours are now counting from this point.
Just as they gained momentum, the hopes of those who strove for peace in Hoenn were smashed to bits, with recovery made difficult -- if at all remaining possible.

Lord Mega Rayquaza itself lay fallen along the outer edges of the crater that houses Sootopolis City. It seems that even the most fervent wishes of the people were beginning to fall into deaf ears.

That day, local Gym Leader Wallace wept bitter tears, but not because he had failed in his duties of heritage, but rather, because a Milotic had drowned just nearby. The loss of beauty in this world was too much for him to take. He spent the rest of the day locked in his room, listening to Simple Plan songs.

But beauty may have belied the beast, in the end, as a suspcious marking was found in the Milotic's tail... Could it be a lead?

Visitor Message, the Milotic, is dead. He was mafia.

Dazel, the Mega Rayquaza, is dead. He was innocent.

72 hours for discussion.

I may or may not grant extra time extensions this phase, what with the holidays and all.
I completely forgot the roles were random. Whoops. But I can say I will be participating as much as I can on mobile.

So with multiple deaths each night, I'm pretty sure there's a vigilante type role here. I don't know where to go from that, though.

And about this part:
Just as they gained momentum, the hopes of those who strove for peace in Hoenn were smashed to bits, with recovery made difficult -- if at all remaining possible.

It hardly seems that our hopes would be smashed to bits now, what with a mafiosi finally down ( woohoo! ). But maybe it means that we don't have many innocents left and the mafia are starting to win, and we don't many defenses left. Perhaps the innocent killed last night was an important role - a doctor or the vigilante.

Maybe the momentum was killing the mafia, and the bad part was the possibly important innocent dying.

UGH too many maybes. Anyone else got some ideas?
There have been multiple deaths each night, yes, but I doubt it's a vigilante. A vigilante would be aligned with the innocents, and once they notice they're doing more bad than good they'd stop. It's probably some other third-party role, or the mafia have some weird thing where they can attack multiple people or some sort.

I'm guessing there would be about what, three to four mafia in a game of this size? I don't think we're on the verge of losing. Still, this might explain why two people were killed per night instead of one (if there were three mafiosi, town outnumbers them 6:1; four mafiosi leads to a ratio of 9/2, I believe). Surprisingly, we didn't wake up with four corpses today, so the mafia's kill power might have not been affected by the boon MF granted last night. In fact, one of the Mafiosi's powers could have the effects of letting the rest of the players do two actions at night instead of one, like they can.
Hmm, so a Mafia faction is confirmed. But still there is another death... I agree a town vig would not be so reckless, unless it has a Compulsive modifier, which would be very odd. So to me, all evidence points to there being a third party/serial killer lurking amidst.
Actually,a third faction member does make more sense. I mean, we do know at least one existed ( superbird ) so it would make sense to have more.
Okay, so I seem to have received something.... odd. Apparently, someone(?) has given me a slip of paper. I wrote on it, and if I were to die today or tonight the message would be released. Has anyone else gotten similar items?
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