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ORAS Mafia Confirmed - Game Thread

Aww, I want a cool mysterious message to be displayed when I die. :(

If anyone's distributing them, can I have one next? Just kidding, it's okay. But it does seem like a cool little add-on.
I haven't gotten any messages. So I have no idea.

I'm not right sure what that message could mean :/
Hmm, we're almost out of time again. Anybody got some ideas on who to lynch? I'm going to comb through the thread and try to come up with some ideas of my own.
ugggh I'm sorry I haven't had the energy or motivation to post

Okay, so, apparently we all got to use our actions twice last night, but the same amount of people died today as yesterday. Maybe that indicates enough protective roles to somewhat balance things out?? idk

Speaking of the double night action thing, any ideas what caused it? Could it have been a consequence of Flora's death? Or maybe one of the people who died the night before?

As for lynching... I don't know. Christmas isn't exactly a good time for mafia.
I mean, yeah. Basically not many people are going to be on and participating in the next few hours when the time extension ends for kinda obvious reasons. However, if you're here, please prove me wrong. I reeeally don't want to be the one that decides the lynch today. But abstaining is probably a terrible idea. Somebody has to make a move.

So in response to you wondering about the double night actions, MF mentioned the "undying flames of route [I think it's 119] filling us with an unusual energy." Which I took to mean the flames are why we could use night actions twice. If that's true, then maybe using night actions twice was an aftereffect of the Salamence ( or whoever caused the flames, I'm on mobile and don't feel like looking it up right this minute because you know what I mean) dying.

Im kindof grasping at strings here, but i noticed that, at least with VM, the mafias are not being very helpful during the day. They mostly reference other irrelevant stuff and/or agree with other people and jump on trains. But then again maybe that was just VM. Anyway if its not just VM then ive seen that behavior in a few other people. But, i could be wrong, so im kindof waiting until somebody else makes a move to voice my opinions. If it comes down to the last few hours, though, ill say something and give them time to respond. But i kindof dont want to lynch around christmas, cause if they are simply unable to get on, thats kind of unfair. Ah, well, it has to be done.

If anybody wants to stir up some discussion, ill be back in an hour.
Im kindof grasping at strings here, but i noticed that, at least with VM, the mafias are not being very helpful during the day. They mostly reference other irrelevant stuff and/or agree with other people and jump on trains. But then again maybe that was just VM. Anyway if its not just VM then ive seen that behavior in a few other people. But, i could be wrong, so im kindof waiting until somebody else makes a move to voice my opinions. If it comes down to the last few hours, though, ill say something and give them time to respond. But i kindof dont want to lynch around christmas, cause if they are simply unable to get on, thats kind of unfair. Ah, well, it has to be done.

If anybody wants to stir up some discussion, ill be back in an hour.

Actually, you're 100% right. It's typical mafia behaviour to try to appear helpful by posting without actually posting much of use. Usually it's by answering questions that aren't all that relevant to scumhunting as you said (like maybe questions about game mechanics or something), or by rehashing something someone else has said. Basically facts vs. analysis.

If it'll make you more comfortable, I'll go first. I've been noticing a lot of that from Butterfree lately. I keep sort of making excuses for her in my head like "oh, she's obviously been busy lately, there hasn't been much to say, etc. etc." but I'm kind of tired of letting everyone go for general unhelpfulness because of the same old excuses. But at the same time, if that really is the reason, then that's not a marker of mafia-ness at all...

Something that really made me suspicious was her willingness to do something as useless as go after Flora when we really could not afford to, when I thought that as an experienced player she should have known better. Like, on one hand it felt like there was nothing else we could actually do. But on the other hand, we've had a pretty alarming number of deaths during the night and going after an inactive player like Flora at that point, even if she did turn out to be mafia, would not actually benefit us much at all. It was sort of a low-risk low-reward kind of thing, but that really wasn't the time in the game to be making those kinds of moves. Then again, we had zero other ideas... but then again, it's a different thing to act like lynching Flora was actually a good idea. omg I'm just going to argue against myself for ages.

Lilypad, want to tell us who you've noticed this kind of behaviour from? Maybe we'll agree, or maybe we won't. It'd be helpful to know. (Anyone else, too!)
Actually, wow, that's exactly what I was going to say! I have become suspicious of her too, for about the same reasons. Right now, she seems like the best choice, if we have to choose.

Butterfree. I hope this gets us somewhere.
I mean, the only post she was actually sort of being useful in she said "doesn't mean a third party won't be bad news for the innocents" she referred to the innocents as a separate party. And with acting like lynching flora was a good idea - heck, I knew it wasn't good, I was just trying to protect myself at the moment - that's pretty fishy too. Of course, for a mafiosi lynching innocents is a great idea. Which leads me to vote for her.
I was hoping for another opinion, or maybe to hear from Butterfree herself, but I'd forgotten about the time limit. Let's hope we're right. I'm going to leave the votes the way they are in case somebody else does happen to show up.
OK. But isn't there some kind of negative connotation with being the tiebreaker? I must've picked that up from somewhere.

And MF isn't on right this minute, so we've got only a few minutes until day ends - not much time for anyone to show up. But let's hope by some stroke of luck someone shows up/were right about butterfree, too.
OK. But isn't there some kind of negative connotation with being the tiebreaker? I must've picked that up from somewhere.

Sort of. Like, it's possible for mafia members to jump in and ninja a vote against some innocent at the last second, but it's pretty obvious when that happens. Usually people tend to be nervous to actually throw out a vote (or at least I definitely do) when nobody else has, but games never get anywhere that way. I think I've seen some people in the game online and looking at the thread since you voted, so people at least don't seem to have any objectons - if MF thinks they haven't had a fair amount of time I think he'll prolong the day.
Oh, good. Well, he's already given us another extension, so I'm pretty sure we've had enough time. Just waiting for either another opinion or the day to end now...
Actually, I'd been meaning to hand down another extension regardless of the current poll results, since Christmas and all.

Should have given a 48-hour time extension to begin with, but...

24-hour time extension, unless anyone has significant objections to that.
Uh, I really don't have much to contribute since what most of what needs to be said has been said, so I'll just share some information.

I can pick someone and have night communications with them, but only with that one person. On N0, I picked Dazel, the resident Mega Rayquaza. His power was to find if anyone was communicating with anyone else during the night. Now, if MF made such a role, it means there are a lot of people talking to one another, not just the mafia. He found the following, in no particular order:
-Nocturne (flipped innocent)
-Lilypad (talked with someone one night, quiet the next)

This, combined with her extremely helpful posts, pretty much proves Lilypad's innocence innocence. She voted for Lilypad because MF would modkill someone, which I think is pretty weird, since abstains are unlimited.
Uh, who voted for lilypad? If you mean I voted for flora, that was just because it was kindof already established (to me at least) that abstaining would be a bad idea, and it seemed to me that the two candidates were me and flora.

But thank you for sharing. ( I feel like a kindergarten teacher now ) And if youre wondering who I communicated with, I'm pretty sure it was on night 0 because I asked MF what "night actions" were and what do i do with them. This is still my first game (ever), you know. And, thank you for calling me helpful! I'm flattered.
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