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ORAS Mafia Confirmed - Game Thread

Wow, this day has certainly been... interesting.
However, to make a point, from one who's been scum his fair share of times—the Mafia don't always have the best of communication. I've had instances where we'd all share our roles N0 and then not speak to each other for days.

Negrek seems our best lead now, but I'll wait for her to explain herself before hopping on the lynch train.
MF has confirmed that the player I target will be informed what the action will do if I do it. So that should prevent people from accidentally causing any deaths or anything.

I'm thinking I target Eifie tonight since I feel reasonably sure she's innocent. Any better ideas?
MF has confirmed that the player I target will be informed what the action will do if I do it. So that should prevent people from accidentally causing any deaths or anything.

I'm thinking I target Eifie tonight since I feel reasonably sure she's innocent. Any better ideas?

So will I be told what the action will do at the end of the night?
Yes, at the end of the night you should be informed that you can request an action from a player (you won't be told it's me), and be told what that action will do if that player accepts it. You won't be able to actually request the action until the night after. At least if I understand this thing correctly.
Okay wow I didn't even notice before that Negrek hasn't been on since the 19th. I guess there's little chance of neg showing up to defend negself. Not cool, but what ILS said is pretty damning anyway.
Rather than losing all hope, the Hoennians instead choose to avenge their fallen divine lord through decisive action. No longer will they accept to sit around twiddling their thumbs as their most important figures fall into the darkness, and neither will they simply half-ass an attempted solution in order to satisfy that drive.

The discussion that sparks in Sootopolis City grows intense rapidly. Accusations fly back and forth, shocking reveals are announced, at some points it seems almost as if a fistfight will begin... And yet, they converge into a simple plan: they storm the Magma Hideout, undeterred by the earlier proven innocence of former Magma Admin Courtney.

They navigate the warp tile puzzle (at least 2 are lost in this particular endeavor), and after testing their wits and their guts alike, they reach the innermost room of the base, with such memorabilia as a stone on display and a marvelous ship replica, polished to a luster. What a nerd.

Speaking of which, there he sat on the couch, reading something quite intriguing (but only to other nerds). Maxie was very deeply engaged by the text, so it took him a moment to notice anything -- by the time he glanced aside, there was already a mob squished into his anteroom.

"Okay, look, I know that Groudon thing was bad, and there is precious little I can ever do to make up for it, but-"
"This isn't about Groudon, you fool!" Someone piped up at the front line of the lynch mob. "You stole a bunch of rocket fuel, didn't you!"
"I needed it for sci- wait, did you just end that interrogative sentence with an exclamation mark?"

His words do little to deter the inflamed people. All he could do before he met his end was stare, mouth agape and glasses partially falling off his face.

The rocket fuel was recovered, as was a note describing plans to jettison it into Mt. Chiney because "it'd be savage". Perhaps this time, the heart of the aggressive crowds was in the right place.

Negrek, the Maxie, is dead. Neg was mafia.

144 hours for night actions.
(happy new year!)
Far away from the bustle of the bigger cities, one had laid content to have done their part... However, now all that lies is their body, still holding onto the vines that dropped from a tree. While his head, seemingly disconnected in least clean way possible, lay a fair distance away.

Fortunately, the Pokémon Rangers found Aarune's carcass before any roaming children did. Knowing of his reputation, they also decided to check out the tree he'd been attempting to climb.

Although it was terribly dark inside, switching a lantern on easily revealed that it was some sort of Secret Base -- and also that, right at the center of it, a dead Mega Beedrill lay in the middle of a circle of strange runes, as if it had been sacrificied for nefarious purposes. Most notably, the corpse had no apparent cause of death, although that was the conclusion of a pair of woodspeople, rather than any kind of entomoautopsy expert. Perhaps it simply had its injuries cleaned up as part of the ritual. Or perhaps it truly had its very spirit extinguished. Who can tell?

Wargle, the Mega Beedrill, is dead. She was innocent.

I Liek Squirtles, the Aarune, is dead. He was innocent.

72 hours for discussion.
Well, that's certainly grisly. Dunno if that implies that ILS "did" it or if he "discovered" it.
These double-death nights are taking its toll. We only have seven players left, and since we got two (I think?) Mafia out, there's at the most two or three left.
Eifie, do you know what the action you can request is?
Oh. I just asked, and apparently I'll be the one getting the inspection result, not Butterfree.
Very interesting. Is this action randomized for each person it's offered to? And do we have any idea who to inspect?
My role PM indicated that the action depends in some not-necessarily-obvious way on the alignment of my target.
ugh I like, sat straight up in bed at 2am last night wondering what possessed me to stupidly reveal the bit about who gets the inspection result to the general public... don't mafia when you should be sleeping you guys >:( I lost hours of sleep agonizing over that stupid move

Well, now that I've painted a nice big target on my back, uh... I'm not really sure what to do now. The two deaths indicate still two active killers, and Lilypad's pretty much been cleared by ILS' thing, so I'm most inclined to suspect Zero Moment? This is by process of elimination rather than anything he's been doing in thread. Dar, RtB, and hopeandjoy, please get in here. :'(

Ideally, I would like to be able to inspect someone and survive to tell the tale, but that's looking kind of unlikely. Butterfree, Lilypad? I'd especially appreciate your opinions since I'm inclined to trust you two the most (Lilypad especially because ILS thing).
It's definitely troubling that there seems to be still two killers running around. At this point, I don't really think that there's an option other than two mafia fractions. Unless we've continuously missed a serial killer or something.

As for my activity level, I've been kinda inactive in the face of the holidays. Did you know I hadn't gotten the "it's been two weeks since you posted wtf" message in years?

...Well, before last Wednesday that is.
I'm also vaguely suspicious of Zero Moment, though I couldn't really explain why. Seems like a decent target, but yeah, hard to make sure you survive. :(
Every night where someone was lynched the day prior, I can target one person, and any killing power that targets them that night will not land.
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