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ORAS Mafia Confirmed - Game Thread

It was probably fairly obvious who I was planning to inspect, so maybe I should have expected some tampering, but I want to leave that aside for now because I'm pretty convinced that RespectTheBlade is mafia. He never bothered to respond when called out and from how he's acted in previous games, if he was innocent I would have expected a roleclaim from him when he was approaching the chopping block. I checked and he was definitely online between the multiple times he was mentioned and the end of the day. It's definitely very early to vote and I would like to keep discussing as much as possible but I really want to put some pressure on him to say something while we're at it.
Hunh, I've just realised that there's only 5 left. With likely two Mafia, and working on the assumption that Butterfree and Eifie are innocent, that means RTB and hope are the remaining Mafia.
For reference (and to remind myself that no, I'm not remembering things that did not actually happen), here is RtB actually answering suspicion (i.e. mentions of his inactivity) to claim in MF's two previous games, where he was innocent both times. In the second instance he's actually been voted for, but in the first he hasn't.
Eifie's logic makes sense to me. hopeandjoy kind of looks even more suspicious with the blocked inspection, but a non-hopeandjoy mafia might have blocked it in the hope we'd therefore lynch hopeandjoy, so RespectTheBlade.
Yeah, now that I've gotten out a bunch of the thoughts that have been bouncing around in my head for days, I'd like to know people's opinions on that failed inspection. First I thought it must have been the mafia specifically targeting either me or hopeandjoy with something, but then I remembered in the MFia game with the mass deathpile, we mafia had the power to basically dictate the answers for every type of inforole once in the game. If MF reused something like that, the inspection could've been doomed from the start. Actually doing it in a way that alerted me to the fact that my result was tampered with doesn't seem like the smartest move ever at this point in the game, but maybe it makes sense if the mafia weren't sure who I'd target. hopeandjoy could be mafia or not, the jury's still out on ZM, but right now RtB seems like a pretty sure bet, so at least there's that.
No idea. Clearly it's scum messing with results. Which is unfortunate for me, because I had checked who Zero Moment targeted last night and got that he targeted Lilypad. But if that power from the other game is what caused it, I don't think I can trust those results.
No idea. Clearly it's scum messing with results. Which is unfortunate for me, because I had checked who Zero Moment targeted last night and got that he targeted Lilypad. But if that power from the other game is what caused it, I don't think I can trust those results.

Ooh, that's quite interesting! I don't have time to talk a lot right now but I will ponder this while I'm in class and post more later.
No idea. Clearly it's scum messing with results. Which is unfortunate for me, because I had checked who Zero Moment targeted last night and got that he targeted Lilypad. But if that power from the other game is what caused it, I don't think I can trust those results.

Ohoho, bold move. I like it.
Well, as I said last day, I've been inactive over the holidays. The only time I actually sent in a night action was the night before that and found that Wargle targeted me. But nothing happened?
Okay, I meant to post yesterday, but I didn't. Here are some things:

  • Only one person died last night.
  • Generally you can only use one power per night. That was definitely the case in the MF game with the messing-with-inforoles power, i.e. Zexion couldn't use that power and carry out a kill in the same night.
  • The messing-with-inforoles thing worked by having us give MF 4 things: a yes-or-no answer, an alignment, a system message, and a night action like "Eifie threw a pie in Butterfree's face" or "ZM killed Lilypad". (I have no such objections with Butterfree, but I think the example MF gave us had something to do with someone throwing a pie at Butterfree.) Inforoles would receive the appropriate answer for their category.
  • If that power is indeed what happened, then that would mean the mafia sent in something like "yes/no/q/whatever, Nice try, bleep blorp bloop, ZM [did something to] Lilypad". The last part in particular seems... kind of unlikely? The nice try thing is kind of weird since now I know for sure that my result was tampered with, and I'm wondering how well it could be explained by the fact that the mafia wouldn't have known who I was going to inspect, and so didn't want to risk giving me a blanket "mafia" result? Does "Nice try" over just "innocent" make strategic sense for the mafia right now? pls help me out you guys

I think those were the main ideas that I wasn't sure how to string together appropriately. Of course if MF wanted to reuse that inforole thing (since it was such a shame that we didn't get to use it to hilarious effect in that game - I'm still bitter, Negrek) it's possible that he could have changed some aspects of it. Some other ideas for what could have happened last night:

  • I (or Butterfree? not sure who would need to be targeted) was roleblocked? In that case I'd expect a different sort of flavour.
  • Some sort of one-time-activation power that blocks all inspections for the night, or blocks all inspections on mafia for the night? Then the "nice try" thing makes sense, especially in the case of only protecting mafia since giving an innocent result would be way overpowered.
  • uh... I think I had another idea, but I forgot it.

In any of those cases, hopeandjoy's result would not be affected and would still be accurate. That's, of course, assuming hopeandjoy is telling the truth, which we have no idea about.

So... in short, I still have zero idea whether hopeandjoy or ZM (or both, but since I'm pretty sure RtB is a bad guy, that's very unlikely) is lying, and it's even possible (though unlikely, I think) that they could both be innocent and all the inforoles were just screwed with, and I guess my post hasn't really gotten anywhere...
omg I see MF replying time to ninja him - hopeandjoy, it'd be cool if you could target ZM again! I hope nobody else has a better idea because they won't get a chance to say so ehe
The Hoennians almost uniformly lay their suspicions on a quiet, roving Gallade often found hanging around Lilycove. In fact, they focus on discussing the prospects of going after those who might be associated with him -- such was the extent of their certainity of the Gallade's guilt.

Finally, at twilight, they suddenly decide to strike. The Gallade nonchalantly reveals its Mega Evolution and eagerly challenges the mob. Moreover, its sense of honor in combat renders it ill matched in a fight that is very far lopsided from a duel, and is in fact closer to hundreds against one.

Mercifully, the hubris on their conclusion did not affect the truth of it -- in its dying breath, Mega Gallade whispered the damned name of its twisted master...

RespectTheBlade, the Mega Gallade, is dead. He was mafia.

72 hours for night actions.
This clash was perhaps inevitable. As the population of Hoenn dwindled through incidents large and small alternating, the perpetrators were bound to cross blades as both inched towards their goals. And the one to take the duel home would most likely see their objectives through.

They met almost as if fate itself had scheduled their duel for them. Each had set out to kill the other, and each had discovered the other prowling. And that was how they started to fight in the field of spider lilies at the edge of Victory Road.

The flowers surrounding them represented departure, even death -- and so these things were wrought. Furious blasts of searing water, superhumanly stiff slapping motions -- their killing moves were on point, but void of the element of surprise, they required many hits to a kill.

And finally, it happened. By chance, their final attacks both landed at the same time. Together, they fell. Zinnia, whispering of reunion with her beloved Aster, and Wingull, damning those nosy kids who ruined the evil plot.

And just as that, Team Magma and Team Aqua were no more once and for all. It took no time to realize that the spate of incidents had come to its end, and the darkness that had shrouded Hoenn was lifted -- its bright hot sun shone as strong as ever.

The brave survivors, Flygon and Aggron, tirelessly worked to restore the environment; the humans could sort themselves back out more easily.

Eifie, the Wingull, is dead. She was mafia.

hopeandjoy, the Zinnia, is dead. She was mafia.

Town win confirmed!


And here we are. This one's been quite a bit more fun to watch than most of my games lately! I'll put out the role PMs and the action listings in a little bit.

Also, as for the next party I'm rolling with here -- my next big gimmick game has been in the works, but I have no idea how much longer it'll take me to finish setting it up. In the interim, I could set up a simpler game and make it something like, I dunno, Elite Four Choice Mafia or something. That, or I could just focus on putting out that round of gimmick mafia. Any thoughts?
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