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ORAS Mafia Confirmed - Game Thread


Surprise, surprise: I've been inactive because Christmas. Presumably other people have been inactive for the same reason.

Why on God's green Earth would the two of you go after me for voting for Flora when Lilypad was the one who started the Flora bandwagon, and she did it because Eifie had suggested lynching inactives, and Eifie herself then agreed to get on the Flora bandwagon before I did? Clearly you don't have to be mafia to be willing to lynch Flora, unless all of us are. You're all "oh, we ~really couldn't afford~ to kill Flora" but you agreed to it yourself; acting now like lynching Flora was an obviously bad move that no decent player should have been willing to make is just baffling.

I assume you think I was "too willing" because I suggested Flora has been mafia while inactive before, but why is a mafia member particularly likely to post something like that under these circumstances? There was already a Flora-lynching bandwagon; why bother trying to make it out to be possible she's mafia when people are already voting to lynch her even though she's probably innocent? Hypothetically, mafia-me would have been better off going along with your "oh she's probably not mafia but we have nothing else we can do" thing because it's more innocuous under the circumstances. I brought up that I thought I remembered Flora having been silent mafia before because you were all talking like she clearly wasn't really mafia and it's so tragic we're lynching her anyway, while I genuinely thought it wasn't impossible she was and wanted to point that out. You know, because I'm actually innocent, so I didn't know Flora wasn't mafia. If I'd actually thought there was no way inactives could be mafia, I'd have objected to lynching her and suggested lynching somebody who was actually active, who might therefore actually be mafia, because killing people we genuinely think are definitely innocent is kind of counterproductive.

As for saying "the innocents" as if I'm not a part of the innocents, that's a mistake only made by cartoon villains. Seriously? A mafia member giving themselves away because oh whoops I just totally forgot I'm supposed to be pretending to be one of you, how embarrassing? That is not a thing that happens in real life. I said "the innocents" because I was talking about the innocent faction as a group; I guess I could have said "us innocents" or something but I'm certainly not grammatically obligated to just because I happen to be part of the group I'm talking about.

I would say you're a couple of mafia members executing an elaborate gambit to get me executed, but my gut thinks you sound sincere, which is annoying because then we still have no idea who to actually lynch. At random, I'll vote I liek Squirtles for now; better suggestions would be welcome.

If you care, I'm Flygon, and I have a single weird power (Earth Power) where I can pick someone during the night and on one subsequent turn where I'm alive they can request I target some individual with an action. I won't know what this action does, but it will depend on their alignment in some not necessarily intuitive way, and I can choose whether to use it or not. I refrained from using it N0 because I wanted to see some day discussion and get some idea of who I thought was probably innocent first, and then I missed sending in an action N1 because Christmas.

Hypothetically this could be used as an inspection sort of thing where I target someone we think is definitely innocent, they order an action on the next night, I execute it, we see what it does, and then we do the same to test other players to see if their requested action does the same thing. But it's pretty convoluted and takes a lot of turns to work so I'm honestly not sure it's that useful, unless anybody else can think of anything more productive to do with this. Also for all we know the requested action might kill people.

...hmm, I'm only now realizing that I may have been assuming wrong about how this works. The way I understood the role PM initially, I got the impression the user requesting the action wouldn't know what it does either and thought that sounded pretty bizarre, but on reading it again, maybe they're actually told what the action will do if I accept it and I just won't know about it, which would make a lot more sense. I'll PM MF.
sgkjhrgheslurg ninjas why did I not reload the page

I have no idea what I liek Squirtles' entire last paragraph is supposed to mean; it's completely incoherent as is. Exactly what is supposed to prove Lilypad's innocence?

Communications with MF asking questions about roles can't be showing up for Dazel's power because I sent him two PMs asking for clarifications about my role on N0 and Dazel apparently didn't pick up on this. Given that and that Lilypad apparently claims not to have communicated with anyone but MF, she's pretty clearly lying about that. So I guess I'm switching my vote to Lilypad, despite my gut, unless I liek Squirtles can clarify what he was talking about with regards to Lilypad being innocent.
Well, there are probably better candidates than you to lynch so I'm gonna abstain until we find someone better.( I had some elaborations on this but this is my third time typing this post out on mobile so this is just the main point of what Iwas going to say)

And I'm honestly confused why he didn't pick up on that. The only explanation to me is that he targeted a specific person each night to see if they had been communicating.

And if there's a way to use your power to check if I'm innocent, please check. I have nothing to hide.
Let me clarify.

Dazel's power only worked on people he targeted (Nocturne, Lilypad, Negrek). Lilypad was the only one he checked twice, and she was found to be talking one night and silent the next.

What I wanted to say is that Lilypad's innocence is confirmed by the fact that she only engaged in communications one night. That is what clears doubt of her being mafia. The mafia always engages in some kind of night communication to formulate their plans and stuff.

I was constantly revising and deleting parts of my post, and that's why the last sentence of it makes no sense. Out of the three players Dazel had investigated, the only one that raised some kind of suspicion was Negrek, since Nocturne was killed that same night and Lilypad wasn't talking to anyone. Since Negrek really hasn't done much besides accusing Lilypad, they came off as kind of fishy to us.
Why on God's green Earth would the two of you go after me for voting for Flora when Lilypad was the one who started the Flora bandwagon, and she did it because Eifie had suggested lynching inactives, and Eifie herself then agreed to get on the Flora bandwagon before I did? Clearly you don't have to be mafia to be willing to lynch Flora, unless all of us are. You're all "oh, we ~really couldn't afford~ to kill Flora" but you agreed to it yourself; acting now like lynching Flora was an obviously bad move that no decent player should have been willing to make is just baffling.

While I am admittedly unsure about why Lilypad was so willing to agree about the Flora thing (I assumed that she was just agreeing about my paragraph before that instead), if you look at all my posts around that time you'll see I that I was clearly reluctant to waste a lynch on Flora and had only haphazardly thrown out the idea of lynching inactives out of a complete lack of anything better to do. It was really suspicious to me that people then started jumping on that like it was actually a good idea when, as others had clearly agreed before, lynching someone inactive was a bad idea when we clearly have active people killing and getting rid of someone inactive, even if they turned out to be mafia, does not actually address that problem right now at all.

Butterfree said:
I assume you think I was "too willing" because I suggested Flora has been mafia while inactive before, but why is a mafia member particularly likely to post something like that under these circumstances? There was already a Flora-lynching bandwagon; why bother trying to make it out to be possible she's mafia when people are already voting to lynch her even though she's probably innocent? Hypothetically, mafia-me would have been better off going along with your "oh she's probably not mafia but we have nothing else we can do" thing because it's more innocuous under the circumstances. I brought up that I thought I remembered Flora having been silent mafia before because you were all talking like she clearly wasn't really mafia and it's so tragic we're lynching her anyway, while I genuinely thought it wasn't impossible she was and wanted to point that out. You know, because I'm actually innocent, so I didn't know Flora wasn't mafia. If I'd actually thought there was no way inactives could be mafia, I'd have objected to lynching her and suggested lynching somebody who was actually active, who might therefore actually be mafia, because killing people we genuinely think are definitely innocent is kind of counterproductive.

I was actually thinking of the other part, when you said lynching Flora was probably our best bet. See above for what I was thinking about why I felt there was no point in using a lynch on Flora at that time (particularly the part where I thought her actual alignment was irrelevant).

You do make a good point about Lilypad starting the Flora lynching thing, which I hadn't actually noticed before. If the Flora thing was also what Lilypad was agreeing with in my post, her having the same suspicions as me doesn't make sense. I found it a little strange how readily she agreed with me and maybe I'm a little paranoid because my mind immediately jumped to the like, "buddy" thing where a mafia member sort of like... makes a connection between themself and an innocent during discussion so that if they go down, the innocent is likely to be lynched next? Or otherwise just jumping on what she may have thought to be an easy lynch, since two players could probably easily start a bandwagon here with nothing else to do. If Butterfree turned up innocent or made a good defense, I was going to be somewhat suspicious of Lilypad next, which was why I was hoping other people would get a chance to post.

I'm sort of confused by ILS's post, so I'm hoping he can elaborate. I'm sure communication with MF wouldn't count as communication between players; that would just be strange.
I'm gonna... stop using the word "clearly" so much.

Hold on... who were Dazel's targets, in order?
Oh, good, I was right about only targeting one person.

Negrek was talking one night, but since he didn't get checked again, we can't be absolutely sure. That said, he's the only lead we have right now, so I'm going to vote Negrek. He was acting a little bit fishy at the start, too.
I sent out the invitation to join me n0. He targeted Nocturne n1 (then they died, so it wasn't much help), then he targeted Lilypad. The night after he targeted both Negrek and Lilypad.
And in response to your slight suspicion of me, Eifie, I'm a bit of a noob here and at first I was just trying to self preserve by lynching her. I didnt think of it as a particulary good idea but it wsd an idea and since i was about to be lynched for being inactive i had to come up with something. I'm friendly and agreeable because that's just kinda who I am (heck, look at my Sig, I'm a mew). BBut look at ils's last post. It is kind of weird that pming the gm counts as communication but I never saw that communication was only counted if between players.

I had the same suspicions as you because they were valid suspicions. Now I didn't think butterfree agreeing to lynch flora like it was a good idea was a huge red flag but when your post brought it up I saw what you meant and went along with it. I was just generally suspicious , then you brought up details.
I sent out the invitation to join me n0. He targeted Nocturne n1 (then they died, so it wasn't much help), then he targeted Lilypad. The night after he targeted both Negrek and Lilypad.

Wait, so...

n0: nobody
n1: Nocturne
n2: Lilypad
n3: Negrek, Lilypad?

Unless I'm horrendously miscounting, we haven't had that many nights. Did you mean he targeted Nocturne n0? Nocturne died n1, though...
Let me clarify.

Dazel's power only worked on people he targeted (Nocturne, Lilypad, Negrek). Lilypad was the only one he checked twice, and she was found to be talking one night and silent the next.

What I wanted to say is that Lilypad's innocence is confirmed by the fact that she only engaged in communications one night. That is what clears doubt of her being mafia. The mafia always engages in some kind of night communication to formulate their plans and stuff.

I was constantly revising and deleting parts of my post, and that's why the last sentence of it makes no sense. Out of the three players Dazel had investigated, the only one that raised some kind of suspicion was Negrek, since Nocturne was killed that same night and Lilypad wasn't talking to anyone. Since Negrek really hasn't done much besides accusing Lilypad, they came off as kind of fishy to us.

I meant this post. Kind of unclear in my post.
Right, okay, that makes a lot more sense. (Though if Dazel can target multiple people each night, why did he not do so before?)

This does make Negrek seem pretty suspicious, so I guess yet another vote shift is in order.
Right, okay, that makes a lot more sense. (Though if Dazel can target multiple people each night, why did he not do so before?)

We had the double-action thing last night. Since you didn't even mention n2 when you claimed, I assume you totally missed it?
He became my grunt n0. After that, he told me he'd check out Nocturne. Now I see the problem. Before he told me his results of the dual investigation, he said
By the way, the fact that I could glean that Lilypad was talking but not who she was talking with is probably worth considering. I mean, if she was an innocent after all, this power may not actually be that helpful. I guess we'll see later; I'll be sure to fill you in with the results of my delta stream.
The "could" tripped me up. I thought he already had received the results, and that was it. Then, he told me Negrek was talking, and Lilypad was quiet.
...oh. I guess I did miss an entire night somehow. ~_~ Damn you, Christmas!

Now I'm confused again. So Dazel only investigated Lilypad once, and she wasn't speaking to anyone?
He became my grunt n0. After that, he told me he'd check out Nocturne. Now I see the problem. Before he told me his results of the dual investigation, he said

The "could" tripped me up. I thought he already had received the results, and that was it. Then, he told me Negrek was talking, and Lilypad was quiet.

Maybe he meant Nocturne??

So, let me get this straight. On n0 he investigated someone you don't know about and didn't ask about. On n1 he investigated Nocturne and found out she had been communicating with someone. On n2 he investigated Lilypad and Negrek, found out that Lilypad hadn't been talking to anyone but Negrek had, and got his results and was able to tell you that before he died?

(Also, Butterfree apparently missing an entire night sure makes it look like she isn't communicating with anyone at night, at least not mafia who I assume would have actually talked during the night.)
In that case I'm happy to vote for Negrek.

Hey... so Nocturne was innocent and talking to someone. The night Nocturne died, 3 people died; the other two nights, we've had only 2 deaths. Lovers?
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