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ORAS Mafia Confirmed - Game Thread


A new day is confirmed. You cry at the nostalgia-inducing intro, but the stark reality is that soon you will have to fight for your survival. The dew dropping on the puddle merely represents, in a smaller scale, the many that will soon fall and the ripples that it will send across all of Hoenn.

Can you trumpet to the challenge? Or will you sink below too much water?

72 hours for night actions.
can you trumpet to the challenge

yes i fucken can
Cor blimey.


A trainer nonchalantly checks BuzzNav for news.

"Latios, Regice, and DUMP ME STRAIGHT INTO THE GARBAGE CAN JUST DO IT... There's something deep about it all. Good trainers do have good things to-

Urgent, breaking news! FORMER Champion Steven Stone was found dead this morning in the outskirts of Petalburg Woods. It seems that he was discovered with a wide grin plastered across his lifeless face -- one might even assume that he died of sheer excitement, although the coroners have yet to report on his true cause of death."

An aide then shows up on screen, frantically whispering in the presenter's ear.

"... This just in! More urgent, breaking news! It seems that Fortree Gym Leader Winona has fallen from grace... literally, as she was also found dead this morning, with multiple bruises and broken bones and on top of an avian Pokémon that has been damaged beyond recognition! Authorities are still investigating whether this incident has any connection to the death of FORMER Champion Steven Stone -- there are many details still to discover about both happennings."

The trainer turns off BuzzNav and looks around, disconcerted. Today was not a good day to go bug catching in the woods, it seems.

Superbird, the Winona, is dead. He was neither innocent nor mafia.

Altissimo, the Steven Stone, is dead. She was innocent.

72 hours for discussion.

Well, at least we're down a third faction member as well.
Oh great. More "neither innocent nor mafia" tomfoolery.

And two kills. Do we have a whole bunch of vigs running around actually using their powers this time?
Oh, apparently MF actually quoted that in his post so my joke isn't original >:(
Would a serial killer be "neither innocent nor mafia?"
You were a serial killer and neither innocent nor mafia two games ago, right? I can't actually remember what you flipped but I know Negrek definitely showed up neither innocent nor mafia.

I'm kind of wondering about some kind of lover role? Like the kind that picks someone and the someone technically retains their original alignment, but really the lover pair are in it to win the game together? Probably just my wishful thinking though because I love lovers with their own win condition.
You were a serial killer and neither innocent nor mafia two games ago, right? I can't actually remember what you flipped but I know Negrek definitely showed up neither innocent nor mafia.
I had forgotten about that. Well, I just looked back and it does look like I flipped "neither innocent nor mafia" in that game.

So that's one possibility.
Well, the champion being dead is quite a way to start a game.

I am sort of confused about the whole FORMER business in the day text. Does that have something to do with Steven's faction, or is it just flavor?
ohhh man that's definitely a hectic start

I don't know, the red text is certainly... super visible so I'd be more inclined to say it has something to do with role or faction but

at the same time I have no clue what that would indicate so ???
I had forgotten about that. Well, I just looked back and it does look like I flipped "neither innocent nor mafia" in that game.

So that's one possibility.
Right. There were no mafia at all in that game, just several serial killers, all of whom flipped "neither innocent nor mafia."
stop making fun of me for not trumpeting to the challenge, it's not my fault i died :'( (*pulls out Trainer's Eyes* I DEMAND A REMATCH AFTER THIS DAMMIT)
ok i promise this will be my actual last post but i just remembered that, like me, superbird also plays trumpet irl

neither of us could trumpet to the challenge
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