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Search results

  1. The Darksmith Legacy


    Jim Carrey because of YesMan & Bruce Almighty only. I like him doing those sort of roles. Jim Carrey VS Raichu.
  2. The Darksmith Legacy

    Favourite & least favourite Classic Doctor Who episodes

    Watch it. Now. Yay, Earthshock. Also I hope you mean the 60's cybermen, the creepy, silent ones with 3 fingers. WhaWhaWhat now? The most Dr Who its got? Its a good story but its just a memorbilliafest. BTW My first episode was Castrovalva (I think) and I don't like that story. @ Muse: Yup...
  3. The Darksmith Legacy

    Pokemon Name Game

  4. The Darksmith Legacy

    What were you and your partner in PMD red and blue?

    I got cubone on my first go, I then got bored of him and redid the test with the oppostie of what I wouldn't do. I got Machop with a mewoth partner called PayDay.
  5. The Darksmith Legacy

    Favourite & least favourite Classic Doctor Who episodes

    If you haven't noticed already i'm a major doctor who nerd. This forum needs more Dr Who discussion, so TCod what are your favourite Doctor Who stories and why? I absolutely adore McCoy's era, we suddenly didn't know who the doctor was again and his personality would change at any time. The...
  6. The Darksmith Legacy

    Sum other users up as Pokemon.

    What about me? Kai : Golbat Flora & Ashes : Bellossom Darkarmour: You are a Yamna, because you suck. S.K : Smoochum Objection: Sandshrew Die : Oddish
  7. The Darksmith Legacy

    The Brown Fox jumped over the lazy dog.

    Savage man was cuddling sadistic mudkips.
  8. The Darksmith Legacy

    The Prediction Game

    incorrect. i predict the next poster has a celebrity crush.
  9. The Darksmith Legacy

    The Prediction Game

    Correct, the same time as you. 0_o
  10. The Darksmith Legacy

    Your All Time 5 Favourite Movies (Oh and least favourite)

    We have. Best Bond films. Never could get into Goldeneye, don't know why. Live & Let Die & Thunderball are my favourites. 1. Hancock 2. Revenge of the Sith 3. Doctor Who the Movie (yes it was crap but I fucking love McGann) 4. I am Legend 5. Saw II Least favourite: 1. Twilight (never seen the...
  11. The Darksmith Legacy

    Pokemon nicknames.

    ^ You have a gible breeding farm in the basement, Ridley. Shame you can never spare me a proper one.
  12. The Darksmith Legacy

    Requests Open DarkSmith's Sprite Manor 2009

    I experimented with this sprite. and its not entirely horrible.
  13. The Darksmith Legacy

    Howya doin'?

    Welcome to the forums. I am Smithy, also known as the Doctor Who nerd. Do you like Dr Who? Anyway, have a good time here.
  14. The Darksmith Legacy

    Tales of Tcod 2: More tales of Tcod

    by Darkarmour's rival company which is a series of deathtraps when a man from friday the 13th came out with a chainsaw aimed at turtkes head as....
  15. The Darksmith Legacy

    You know me.

    Welcome Sorta Callisto!
  16. The Darksmith Legacy

    Requests Open DarkSmith's Sprite Manor 2009

    I know Terry is banned but I am so bored i'll go ahead and do them anyway.
  17. The Darksmith Legacy

    Kyogre,Groudon,or Rayquaza?

    Groudon is a flipping fire dinosaur. So yes.
  18. The Darksmith Legacy

    Walkers have gone too far...

    I can conclude, I have tried all of the flavours and hate all of them, especially chilli & chocolate and cajun squirrel.
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