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Kyogre,Groudon,or Rayquaza?

Kyogre, Groudon, or Rayquaza?

  • Kyogre

    Votes: 15 26.3%
  • Groudon

    Votes: 11 19.3%
  • Rayquaza

    Votes: 18 31.6%
  • They all suck

    Votes: 2 3.5%
  • I like all of them

    Votes: 11 19.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
When I said it looked like the only one that would kill you, I simply meant that the look on Kyogre's face is so much more intimidating and more "You touch me, I kills you". Rayquaza to me just looks like a "mwahahaha" poker face look to me. Groudon just looks like it just wants to have fun[/s go on a mad rampage. Also, it is based on a killer whale/orca, which does make it seem like it will kill you. (I doubt it would eat you though) Groudon would probably be my next favourite design, but like I've said before; it's just a red armored dinosaur.

You will also likely die faster from drowning then heat exhaustion. And it's more interesting how a vital source of life can kill you so fast.

It was also my first legendary as well :) That gives Kyogre bonus points.

Hm, you have a point there.

Although I still can't choose...
All of them.
If I had to choose one it would be Rayquaza, but if I had to have two it would be Groudon & Kyogre. Because my mind works funny like that.
Well I picked Groudon even though i'm not a major fan of any of them. My least favourite is Rayquaza. I hate it's sprite and I hate it's appearance in Subspace Emissionary but I can't help but love the shiny rayquaza.
Kyogre has SQUARE CLAWS. What type of whale (Kyogre is obviously a whale judging by his tail) has those things.... or pseudo-gills for that matter? His red designs are pretty cool.

Groudon... doesn't look agile/cool- just a bulky lizard thing. Scales and ridges with pretty red patterns. Okay I guess.

Rayquaza has the craziest snake-dragon design ever; would be amazing were it that he did not wear lip stick. Golden ring designs are pretty great against the green, red, and black. I like him better than the other two.
Kyogre all the way. Groudon looks weird, Rayquaza's overrated. Also, I like water Types...
Kyogre. One, I hate Groudon, two, I never liked Rayquaza, Three, Sapphire was my first of the 3rd generation, and 4: It's just that flipping awesome.
Kyogre, definitely. I've always loved it, and my Sapphire is my favorite game. Plus, my Kyogre was my first level 100. Groudon I just think is ugly and I've never liked, and Rayquaza's pretty cool, but not as much as Kyogre. (Rayquaza was my third level 100 ^^)
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