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Walkers have gone too far...


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Really? When I lived at home and we bought multipacks of crisps, my dad and I would fight to the death over the prawn-flavour ones X3

Well, none of this is accounting for the fact that you're really not normal. xD

In my house, multipack Prawn Cocktails were left to die. Or sent to my nan's, but heaven knows where they went from there because I swear to God nobody in my family likes them...
^ My brother loves Prawn Cocktail flavour crisps, but I always disliked them. I also don't like prawns - but I love prawn crackers. :3 Ahh, my favourite flavour has got to be Ready Salted. But as for the new ones, I haven't tasted any yet, though I've heard a few opinions about some of them - most people seem to find the Fish and Chips very much not good. I might try them sometime. Crispy Duck and Hoisin sounds... very interesting. I love crispy duck.
Mike said:
Well, none of this is accounting for the fact that you're really not normal. xD

Well played, sir.

Ready Salted is good, but I can't stand Salt and Vinegar.
I also really like BBQ Rib.

Fun fact: Flavours like Smoky Bacon, BBQ Rib and Roast Chicken have been suitable for vegetarians for absolutely ages, but Cheese and Onion has only just become so.
Cheddars (not Walkers, but still) still aren't.
Fun fact: Flavours like Smoky Bacon, BBQ Rib and Roast Chicken have been suitable for vegetarians for absolutely ages, but Cheese and Onion has only just become so.

Thank God I'm a corpse cruncher, I love Cheese and Onion. xD

Oh how I wish the competition hadn't ended before me and the weird people I hang around with spent an entire lunch break scribbling down everything that came to mind as a crisp idea. Over 200 flavours we had. None of which were actually feasible, but oh well.
Ready Salted is good, but I can't stand Salt and Vinegar.
I also really like BBQ Rib.

Fun fact: Flavours like Smoky Bacon, BBQ Rib and Roast Chicken have been suitable for vegetarians for absolutely ages, but Cheese and Onion has only just become so.
Cheddars (not Walkers, but still) still aren't.

I'm not much of a fan of Salt and Vinegar crisps; they're really strong in a bad way. >.< Cheese and Onion are definitely bearable and quite nice to boot. Hehe, it's weird about the suitability for vegetarians thing - though I suppose it isn't that weird if you happen to know about the ingredients they tend to use - or something.
I too dislike Prawn Cocktail. (Except for Prawn cocktail skips)

Fish & Chips flavour is actually quite nice when you get used to it. It really tastes and smells of fish & chips.
I too dislike Prawn Cocktail. (Except for Prawn cocktail skips)

Fish & Chips flavour is actually quite nice when you get used to it. It really tastes and smells of fish & chips.
Minus the chips. Plus vinegar.

Onion bhaji is the only flavour that really tastes all that realistic, imo.
Tried chilli & chocolate, builder's breakfast and onion bhaji.
Chilli & chocolate tastes more like chilli and the chocolate is hardly there.
Builder's breakfast tastes like fried peppered egg with a tiny hint of sausage somewhere.
Can't describe onion bhaji, but it is nice.

Oh, and cheddar cheese is the worst Walkers flavoured crisps I know.
So I've came to the conclusion that they are all not good apart from Onion Bhaji and Chilli & Chocolate. C&C was pretty disappointing so I go for Onion Bhaji (even though I voted for C&C in this poll).
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