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Walkers have gone too far...


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Good god, no wonder we're all getting obese.

Walker's crisps aren't actually that bad for you; their Prawn Cocktail crisps only have about 5% of your daily satfat in. The fact that there are only about three crisps per packet (I swear they're putting fewer and fewer crisps in every packet) might have something to do with this, however.
I misread "Crispy Duck and Hoisin" as "Crispy Duck and Heroin" when I first saw it...

But wow... those are some weird flavors. I've never seen this brand before (I'm guessing they're not in the USA... or at least not where I am, since it's the middle of nowhere and all), but I'd probably pick the Fish & Chips one. At least that way I have some idea of what it might taste like, and it doesn't sound really nasty (egg-flavored potato chips? hot peppers and chocolate? ewww.)
I went with the onion one, because it probably tastes nice. I'm curious about the squirrel one.. but if the builder one tastes like egg, and the fish one tastes like.. fish, I think I can put two and two together. xD

No, they just renamed it "chilli and chocolate".
LOL, you're awesome. ,xP
LOL, you're awesome. ,xP


Anyway, I tried chilli and chocolate on Saturday. Not too bad, surprisingly, but probably oinly because, as is common with chilli flavour crisps, after eating three you can no longer taste them. And on Sunday I had Cajun squirrel... no idea what squirrels taste like but it was definitely Cajun.

Walker's crisps aren't actually that bad for you; their Prawn Cocktail crisps only have about 5% of your daily satfat in.

The fact remains, however, that prawn cocktail crisps taste absolutely revolting.
Wow, I wanna go to England for this now. XD

For those of you who don't know: Walkers crisps are the English (maybe European?) equivalent of Lays chips in America.
I was figuring that Walkers = Lays because they have the same logo. I've never had any of these flavors but I picked the Builder's Breakfast because anything that tastes like breakfast food must be good. ;)

My boyfriend brought home ketchup-flavored chips and pickle-flavored chips from Canada last week. Those were pretty weird.
My boyfriend brought home ketchup-flavored chips and pickle-flavored chips from Canada last week. Those were pretty weird.
They have pickle-flavored chips in the US too. I like them. :]

That said, I'm rather intrigued at "Cajun Squirrel".
I'll give pickle-flavored chips one thing, which is that they really do taste like pickles. I was kind of hoping they wouldn't, though, because I hate pickles.
For those of you who don't know: Walkers crisps are the English (maybe European?) equivalent of Lays chips in America.

The logo betrays this truth.
But still?
I'm good with just original chips. Forget these newfangled fancy flavors.
Really? When I lived at home and we bought multipacks of crisps, my dad and I would fight to the death over the prawn-flavour ones X3
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