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Search results

  1. Chao

    What's so wrong with Pokemon Battle Revolution?

    The japanese trailer for it made it look so much better than it actually was. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eOW6sa9Oc0&feature=related
  2. Chao

    Objection! (Ace Attorney fan-club)

    I got trials and tribulations today on the DS.
  3. Chao


    Sorry... What are we supposed to do here?
  4. Chao

    Kyogre,Groudon,or Rayquaza?

    My kyogre ditched me so... Groudon. I don't like rayquaza.
  5. Chao

    Requests Open DarkSmith's Sprite Manor 2009

    Recolour mewtwo please.
  6. Chao

    Comics & Manga[POSSIBLE SPOILERS]

    Battle Royale is a good series indeed, i'm at 13, where I did see it coming though.
  7. Chao

    Why did the chicken cross the road?

    Whats so wrong with a chicken trying to cross a road?! I mean sheesh.
  8. Chao

    Two sides to the person.

    Oh hi, I joined recently too! You seem... interesting...
  9. Chao

    Hi Butterfree. I joined recently and I accidently made a typing error, the name was supposed to...

    Hi Butterfree. I joined recently and I accidently made a typing error, the name was supposed to be "Chao" can you change it too that please?
  10. Chao

    Comics & Manga[POSSIBLE SPOILERS]

    I'm a fan of Marvel generally but my favourite of them is probably Captain America. Even though the Spiderman series have the coolest villains. (HobGoblin and Lizard are awesome)
  11. Chao


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