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Search results

  1. Elliekat

    Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, etc.

    My parents still go on about Santa whenever I'm around, and my dad STILL denies, after about 9 years, that it was him who was putting money under my pillow, when I clearly saw him doing it. It's pretty annoying, and it just adds to the problem I have with them seeing me as a little kid and not...
  2. Elliekat


    I just bought the game yesterday, and my mantra is EXAMINE EVERYTHING.
  3. Elliekat

    The CoD Word War - NaNoWriMo 2011

    Oh god, I really need to pick it up. I have a paper due this week, and I've been working on homework. But I have an idea for my next scene, so I should get at least a few thousand done tomorrow.
  4. Elliekat

    NaNoWriMo 2011

    I haven't even introduced one of my characters yet, and I'm already planning to have him commit suicide later. I have no idea where the plan came from, but that's what's going to happen now. Unless something changes later on.
  5. Elliekat

    The CoD Word War - NaNoWriMo 2011

    I'm tryinggggg but I keep getting home late and then having a ton of work to do D: I have to write a ton before Hell Week, where I'm going to be at my school doing stage crew during the play rehearsals until like 8 every day. *sigh* *furiously writes*
  6. Elliekat

    NaNoWriMo 2011

    I'm trying again this year! I'm shooting for halfway; I have so much STUFF going on this month that I know I'll never be able to make it to 50000. But anyways. I have a vague plot and I'm just going to run with it.
  7. Elliekat

    The CoD Word War - NaNoWriMo 2011

    Yaaaay, NaNo! I'm going to try my hardest to write as much as I can in between stage crew, band, and AP classes.... wish me luck! http://www.nanowrimo.org/en/participants/elliekat
  8. Elliekat

    If it was Harry Potter I would be an adult now

    Sadly, it's the real world and all I can do is see R-rated movies xD BUT ANYWAY I'M 17 TODAY!
  9. Elliekat


    It finally let me on long enough to be sorted! I'm a RAVENCLAW! :D Wand is hazel with unicorn core, 10 1/2 inches, hard. I'm MahoganyMidnight15, if you want to add me.
  10. Elliekat


    I got in today, but I haven't got more than maybe 10 minutes on all afternoon...
  11. Elliekat

    NaNoWriMo 2011

    Me this summer: OMG I HAVE A STORY TO WRITE AND I CAN DO THIS THIS YEAR Me right now: *slowly drowns in schoolwork* HOW WILL I DO THISSSS
  12. Elliekat


    I was all excited that it opened and then it wouldn't let me in because I'm only 16. WHY, GOOGLE?!
  13. Elliekat

    Rate the song above you

    I don't normally like that kind of music, but it was pretty good! 7/10 Lisztomania by Phoenix. Cropped up on my Ladytron Pandora one day and I fell in love.
  14. Elliekat

    The Lord of the Rings Club

    AW YEAH. THIS IS GREAT. I'd love to join! You should add in the Hobbit and the Silmarillion because those are great too!
  15. Elliekat


    I found the Magical Quill and everything, but no Welcome email yet D: If I don't get into Ravenclaw when I finally get in, I will be pretty confused since I am neither brave nor hardworking nor cunning xD But anyway, every time I see an email in my inbox I get my hopes up :(
  16. Elliekat

    5.9 Earthquake Rocks the North American Eastern Seaboard

    I'm around Pittsburgh, and my brother said he felt it, but I didn't feel it at all o.O
  17. Elliekat

    2011 London Riots

    Oh.... oh dear. I was way the heck off on that one. I mean, a lot of it isn't even about the riots! It's just accusing everyone the author doesn't agree with! That is not how you write news XD
  18. Elliekat

    The "Fwee" Thread III

    YAY I GOT INTO POTTERMORE! I'm MahoganyMidnight15 and now I only have to get put in Ravenclaw and I will be the happiest person ever <3
  19. Elliekat

    The "Fwee" Thread III

    Oh my gosh I'm catching up on Doctor Who and I got to the second part of the weeping angels part II episode, and holy crap I love Eleven and this show about 1000x more for how the Doctor acts XD
  20. Elliekat

    Imperial or Metric?

    I use imperial but only because I live in the US. Metric is about 1000x times easier XD
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