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fka Grimdour, for the curious
Join iitttt

Okay, if you've been living under a rock, it's Google's answer to Facebook and it is AMAZING. Mostly because you can split your friends into work friends, internet friends, your boss, your parents so if you don't want one group to read your status, there. There's also video conferencing, and it's connected to gmail and of course, the search engine.

Plus it's SHINY AND NEW. Join and we'll add each other!
They opened up to everyone yesterday didn't they? Does that include under 18s, because people I invited before weren't allowed in because of their age :(
All I really know about it is that bizarre real names policy that forbids people from having names that don't look sufficiently like normal WASP birth names. Is that still in effect?
They opened up to everyone yesterday didn't they? Does that include under 18s, because people I invited before weren't allowed in because of their age :(

People under 18 are still not allowed to join.

Which is really terrible; Facebook keeps updating things and is getting worse by the day, while Myspace was abandoned by me age group long ago and the rest of the social networking sites are either really lame or not as useful.

Which means that everyone is stuck without a decent social networking service for a while yet.
Well they allowed mine, so it should be fine. The under 18 policy I think still stands.
While I don't condone it (obligatory), some, if not most people just lie about their age.
I'm in and I don't think I lied about my age. ?_?

I could just be misremembering, though.
The only thing is about that, I don't think you're able to change your age back at all so once you're 18 you're going to have to carry on saying you're that much older.
haha oh yeah I forgot that it wasn't open to everyone just yet

I've had it for months. :P it's okay I guess. the circles feature is nice, but facebook seems to be trying to copy that with 'lists'.

Mockingjay said:
Which means that everyone is stuck without a decent social networking service for a while yet.

oh no. really though, it's not as if social networking is a necessity, now is it?
Mostly because you can split your friends into work friends, internet friends, your boss, your parents so if you don't want one group to read your status, there.

I automatically decided Google+ is the superior social networking service as soon as I discovered this.

It looks pretty awesome all around so far, haven't played around with it too much yet.
*ahemcoughahem* First of all, lots of forumgoers barely reach that age (examples Mewtini, DarkAura, me, etc).THE NEW GENERATION IS TAKING OVER So we cannot access Google+.
*ahemcoughahem* First of all, lots of Pokemon forumgoers barely reach that age (examples Mewtini, DarkAura, me, etc).THE NEW GENERATION IS TAKING OVER So we cannot access Google+.

Fixed. Try getting a gmail account and joining. I'm only 17 and it worked just fine.
All I really know about it is that bizarre real names policy that forbids people from having names that don't look sufficiently like normal WASP birth names. Is that still in effect?

I doubt that statement very much, since Jordan has an account and I am pretty sure 'O'Hare' is not a ASP birth name at all. P: (I don't know if the name rules are still in effect, I'm just a pedant.)
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