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Search results

  1. Blizz

    Are you disordered?

    Disorder | Rating Paranoid: Low Schizoid: Moderate Schizotypal: High Antisocial: Low Borderline: Low Histrionic: Moderate Narcissistic: Low Avoidant: High Dependent: High Obsessive-Compulsive: High This is pretty true.
  2. Blizz

    Bands/groups you've seen live?

    Skillet The Buddies Leeland David Crowder Band Barcelona Copeland Relient K :DDDDD This isn't an extensive list, but these are my favorites.
  3. Blizz

    How nerdy are you?

    I know I'm a dork.
  4. Blizz

    I'm here again.

    I'm here again.
  5. Blizz

    TCoD: The Café of Doom

    Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom As long as we have coffee here. *downs a whole mug of coffee* Let us do a happie dance!! :D
  6. Blizz

    TCoD: The Café of Doom

    Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom I've decided to be a hippie. "Come together... right now... over me." I've decided be a pirate. Argh! I've decided... oh, come with me, there's a whole other world underneath the floorboards!
  7. Blizz

    Flight of the Conchords

    I've seen quite a few of the Youtube videos of the live shows, they were all hilarious. Hiphopopotamus vs. Rhymenocerous is my favorite. "There's a picture of New York, there's a picture of New York, there's a big, fat, crazy picture of New York."
  8. Blizz

    Favourite Bands/Artists?

    My musical tastes are a bit diverse. Here's some of my favorites. Relient K The Classic Crime House of Heroes Skillet The Beatles Hawk Nelson Shawn Mcdonald Nevertheless Coldplay Thousand Foot Krutch Flyleaf Led Zeppelin The Doobie Brothers The Rocket Summer Bon Jovi Switchfoot/Fiction...
  9. Blizz

    TCoD: The Café of Doom

    Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom I'm finally out! I was stuck under the floorboards! But I had girly coffee, so I'm ok. Now where's my girly coffee?
  10. Blizz


    Hey, how's it going? Welcome to CoD, where all your dreams come true! Have fun, and stay active! Or else! *shakes 'or else' stick at Proggy* I'm going to call you Proggy.
  11. Blizz

    Ok. I'm going to stop being inactive. *Slapshissorryself*

    Ok. I'm going to stop being inactive. *Slapshissorryself*
  12. Blizz

    TCoD: The Café of Doom

    Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom *Explodes in to view* I'm am here! Who is ready for this: Deedeedeedeedeedeedeedeedeedeedeedeedeedeedeedeedeedeedeedeedeedee No one, I tell you! ~~~ I remember when I went on a school trip and skinned my hands on five tonne wires while competing in a obstacle...
  13. Blizz

    TCoD: The Café of Doom

    Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom I'm am doing push-ups with my nose. Oh no!
  14. Blizz

    TCoD: The Café of Doom

    Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom Hmm. Intersecting. Did y'all hear? White Wings United is playing tonight! Is DarkRedSkill playing? No, that's next week. This week it's WWU and Bolt. Then some stupid solo artist is playing. I think his name is Joshua Johnny Jackson or something. I'm the...
  15. Blizz

    I haven't been on in a while. Bad me. D: I need some grade A sclolding. Or at least grade J.

    I haven't been on in a while. Bad me. D: I need some grade A sclolding. Or at least grade J.
  16. Blizz

    Heyy! You know, sweet tunes and all that. What's up with you?

    Heyy! You know, sweet tunes and all that. What's up with you?
  17. Blizz

    TCoD: The Café of Doom

    Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom *is walking with the House-puppy Band* Hey guys [girls], I found the Napoleon Dynamite DVD of Doom with Extra Special Features! Let's watch it! *puts it in* Special features! Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip...
  18. Blizz

    TCoD: The Café of Doom

    Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom I just won the champeenship! Flying Free On The Capitalization Train! REEEEEEEEEED! House-puupy scares me...
  19. Blizz

    TCoD: The Café of Doom

    Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom Llama? I love Llamas! Llama! Llama! Llama! Get out of here Carl! No one can have me Lucky Charms!!! 6______6 Notory is eating them. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kids in China: *Wake up* 什么的挫折感是什么? Translation: What the heck was that?
  20. Blizz

    You're Invited!

    *Explodes violently* I invite you to eat pie.
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