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How nerdy are you?


Believe it or not, this is about right. For all those computer and tech questions I chose the "Huh?" answers (I'm WAY less computer-savy than you might think) Funny thing is that History/Literature is the highest, considering I can't stand either of them. I thought I would've at least scored higher in Science.

And I think I got the lowest "dork" score out of anybody here. Hehe, apparently I do get out
enough :)
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Yay for me...? I was only doing this absent-mindedly so it probably isn't that accurate, but meh.

Seems fairly accurate.

I'm not sure why the computer part's the lowest (I would've thought science/math would be lower, since I'm not that good at math)... probably because I don't give a damn about the iPhone and wouldn't have to think twice about going without the Internet forever instead of staying a virgin forever.

Lawl. Some of the questions were a bit off. I have no idea why the Sci-Fi/Comic category is so high, I don't really know anything about comics aside from the few Marvels I have lying around and various movies and cartoons I've seen. But they didn't ask about any of those anyway.

And, uh, I wasn't sure how flexible some of the implied rules were. Like, if you chose computer over your DVD's, then could you still download/order/stream movies? Or if you chose Interwebs over sex would pr0n still be available, etc. And some of the other questions were kind of situational, like, I'd usually have been online for quite some time before taking the test, but tonight I went to bed late so, yeah.

I guess the title's right, though.
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