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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

How nerdy are you?


Mewtwo makes a nice pet;) Though Flygon would be much better.

Oh, and Internet > Sex
I'm a Cool High Nerd. :o

I answered having one Carl Sagan book because I don't have any but I do have a bookshelf and I've wanted to read Carl Sagan for a while, so. There were a few other questions like that. Also, the "How long have you been on your computer before taking this test?" was unfair; I was having a driving lesson earlier! D: I would have been at the computer!


Generally Shadey has to drag me off the Internet for sex, so, well.
HTML is off so I'll quote mine:

Science/Math: 18%
Technology/Computer: 5%
Sci-Fi/Comic: 16%
History/Literature: 67%
Dumb/Dork/Awkward: 39%
Cool Non-Nerd

What? Technology less than Comic?
Uber dorky non-nerd, apparently. All of mine were just under 50% except the "dumb/dork/awkward" category, where I scored 96%.
Am I the only one who chose sex? D:

Nope. =P I could live without the internet, but if I never got a girlfriend I think I would die. =(


Bleck... The questions weren't really fair. Just because I don't know what Jeopordy and a bunch of other old shows that no modern nerd watches is just retarded. I have to say the math score is especially stupid - I am actually quite good at math, to the point that everyone hates me for being so "smart" at math. =( I can also be a walking dictionary at times - I tend to give near-dictionary perfect definitions of words when asked, especially when it comes to computers.

PLUS, they didn't even mention Javascript, VBscript, HTML, or CSS on the coding thing! T_T And that's what I'm good at....

It's not my fault I don't have the money to throw away on a C++ suite yet. =( (I would if I had the money)

EDIT: Well, I am pretty awkward though.. at least it got that right.
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