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How nerdy are you?

<a href="http://www.nerdtests.com/ft_nt2.php">
<img src="http://www.nerdtests.com/images/badge/nt2/8be0d26854c91161.png" alt="NerdTests.com says I'm an Uber-Dorky Non-Nerd. Click here to take the Nerd Test, get nerdy images and jokes, and write on the nerd forum!">

How comes you have to be either a dork or a nerd?
The questions weren't varied enough in my opinion. You had to be nerdy in a /very/ specific way.
ie: Like Star Wars, Pokémon and Jeopardy. Otherwise you're not realy a nerd in the opinion of the quiz.
<a href="http://www.nerdtests.com/ft_nt2.php">
<img src="http://www.nerdtests.com/images/badge/nt2/23f995e438fc9fa2.jpg" alt="NerdTests.com says I'm an Uber-Dorky Nerd. Click to take the Nerd Test, get nerdy images and jokes, and write on the nerd forum!">

Woot! Mewtwo would be the ULTIMATE PET! :evil: >:-) I don't know whats up with the pic though? Maybe its cuz I added the mewtwo pic? :huh:
<a href="http://www.nerdtests.com/ft_nt2.php">
<img src="http://www.nerdtests.com/images/badge/nt2/bb9a16532318df2e.png" alt="NerdTests.com says I'm an Uber Cool Non-Nerd. Click here to take the Nerd Test, get nerdy images and jokes, and talk to others on the nerd forum!">

Apparently I'm an Uber-Cool Non-Nerd.
My boyfriend got 'Uber Dorky Nerd King' and got at least 85% in each category. x)
I'm an Uber-Dorky Non-nerd, though most of my answers to questions were "Huh?" XD

I chose internet over sex, because I'm too young to have sex. I also chose to have a dog as a pet :)

My god, I am truly shocked at how high my "Dumb/Dork/Awkward" rating is. I'm taking this as a major sign I should get out more.

Was expecting a low grade on the maths/technology grades, and blame the high scifi/comic level on my Buffy obsession.
I'm a non-nerd. I really thought that I would be higher than that.
Also, the main reason why I wouldn't want Mewtwo as a pet is because I don't think that something with an intellect that surpasses their master should be a pet. I'd much rather just get a regular old low maintenance cat to snuggle with while on the computer.
And I didn't have my lightsaber (a cheap plastic one that doesn't even light up) clipped to my belt because SOMEBODY busted it into unfixable pieces.
They should have had more gamer nerd questions as well. Like, doesn't most of the nerd population consist of gamer nerds in addition to the other types?
I also got Mewtwo for a pet :3


That's only because they didn't ask any questions about astronomy, cosmology, biology, simple physics, etc.

Hey, I bet that most people who took that test don't know there's such a thing as an anti-neutron or that scientists once called oxygen "nebelium." Yeah, that cheers me up.

I have no idea where it got my 83% dorkiness (I can see about three relevant questions?) but okay.

Also it's doing percentiles wrong! I'm pretty damn sure these should be 78.5, 89.5, 66.5, 89, and 79 (counting half the equals as below; not all.)
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<a href="http://www.nerdtests.com/ft_nt2.php">
<img src="http://www.nerdtests.com/images/badge/nt2/0ddf339d5a39ba8e.png" alt="NerdTests.com says I'm a Dorky Light-Weight Nerd. Click here to take the Nerd Test, get nerdy images and jokes, and write on the nerd forum!">

I practically failed. I didn't understand what they were talking about half the time.
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