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Search results

  1. Princess Darknight II


    Well, to be fair, you're supposed to do it right before they actually do it. If they already put the fork into the socket, then you wouldn't see me touching them either. Or even being in the same room. Oh really? That seems really extreme to me but I've seen worse. I once saw a kid so afraid of...
  2. Princess Darknight II

    It's Super Fairy Dragon Pope Bros. The Hedgehog! He'll set you straight with God, or else...

    It's Super Fairy Dragon Pope Bros. The Hedgehog! He'll set you straight with God, or else. Nate, is that you? I missed you! c:
  3. Princess Darknight II

    The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

    Yeah thanks for calling me out in that. In retrospect, that was stupid and an excuse to make it sound more civil. The fact is, I like GTA because I blow up cars and throw them across bridges. Not to mention buildings. And with the right mods, I can fly around and have Charles Atlas superpowers...
  4. Princess Darknight II

    Bank of TCoD

    I'd like a registration, if I may. And no I won't waste the money on booze and partying. ...maybe.
  5. Princess Darknight II


    I went there once, for a sixth grade field trip. We watched the Phantom of the Opera. I have no idea if it's still running but if it is, you should see it for sure. It's amazing. Or just watch a Broadway show in general. There's only one place in the world where so many great plays are bunched...
  6. Princess Darknight II

    The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

    ...You do know that the Elder Scroll games and Fallout meet the criteria of sandbox games, right? They're huge worlds where the player has a fairly non-linear gameplay. They can do what they like. Anyway, I was comparing it to GTA: San Andreas because I know from personal experience that...
  7. Princess Darknight II


    I have a slight personal issue with this. Not from myself, but from my mother. When she was younger, she was a perfectionist student with no real support. When she did wrong, though, she would get beaten with all sorts of strange things. She told me that she was once hit with a Vans shoe...
  8. Princess Darknight II

    The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

    Yeah this game is definite time-waster; I can't count the numerous hours I've spent on it. Yet I still haven't quite ran out of quests for my Acrobat Redgaurd (Don't ask, it works) to take. If all else fails, we'll just wander the country-side and search for what little we haven't found. But...
  9. Princess Darknight II

    The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

    I couldn't find a thread for this game, so I thought I'd make one. It's a bit of a shame too, it's a really good game. And not like Fallout at all. Really. I got the game fairly recently, in comparasion to how old it is. Even still, I hooked up on that game faster then a crack addict. It's...
  10. Princess Darknight II


    When I was younger I suffered from a pretty crushing Pediophobia (no, not PEDOphobia), the fear of dolls. My grandmother gave me a pair of china dolls, real fine handy-work, and I absolutely hated them. Still do. It just felt like their soulless eyes and uncanny valley was going to suck me dry...
  11. Princess Darknight II

    Open Super Smash Bros.: The Outsiders (working title)

    Re: [Now Started] Super Smash Bros.: The Outsiders (working title) ((Sorry I'm a bit late. The connection has been on the fritz, thanks to all the frequent thunderstorms)) While Mr. Game and Watch and Seth chattered away and layed flat (well... at least for one of them), they were unknowingly...
  12. Princess Darknight II

    Open Super Smash Bros.: The Outsiders (working title)

    (I see that the sign says open but the RP is a knockin'. This might be sudden, but I'd love to play this as someone I damn well wish was in SSBB, if I may)) (( Name: Rockman, although he is more than happy to go by Megaman Series: Megaman, of course! (The original Mega Man, not...
  13. Princess Darknight II

    What new crazy minority will fight for rights next?

    Lefties. Damn things can't even use all the wonderful things a rightie can. ...Nah, if the specialty shops have shown me anything. But by my experiences online and in real life, it feels as if Middle Eastern (not just Muslim) foreigners will have to fight for equal rights next. I mean, I met...
  14. Princess Darknight II

    Oh god I feel so ancient.

    Holy crap did the zerglings share their battle tactics? It's like a monster crowd of people swarming their welcomes all over me. Takings naps are clearly much more dangerous than they appear. ...I kid. I really do. It's really heart-warming to see so many people remember me, even if that...
  15. Princess Darknight II

    Did You Ever Want to Tell Something to a Character on Your Pokémon Games?

    Re: Did You Ever Want to Tell Something to a Character on Your Pokémon Games? "Did you know that shorts are notorious for riding up and being, surprisingly, not comfy?" Oh, and to all the Professors I have ever encountered in the beginning of my 'journey'. Save for ol' Grandpa Oak (who get's...
  16. Princess Darknight II

    Oh god I feel so ancient.

    Well, it's good to keep a name on the internet. It's like giving yourself a distinguished title, so that everyone knows it's you and can say "Oh god it's her again everyone get in the car." If it gives you any comfort, I've had this title for so long that I can't remember when I first started...
  17. Princess Darknight II

    Oh god I feel so ancient.

    I wonder how compelling 'compelling' is. Would the knowledge that "Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo" is a grammatically correct phrase be compelling enough? If you don't believe me, look it up.
  18. Princess Darknight II

    Your Biggest "Fail" Moment in a Video Game

    Oh, I know. It broke my little heart all the time. For example, that Pikachu can't use its tail as a lightning rod. And that Lugia won't attack me because I'm the chosen one. And we would go on a adventure to stop a giant Cool Ship and its Nietzche Big Bad. ...don't think I actually worded it...
  19. Princess Darknight II

    Oh god I feel so ancient.

    G-Mew? Hey, I remember you! ...And all your name changes... Please tell me you've gotten out of that habit - I have an issue remembering who is who enough. It's like a cancer eating at my brain. A memory cancer. Parasitical Memory Cancer aside, it's nice to see you again,
  20. Princess Darknight II

    Oh god I feel so ancient.

    Imprudent and audacious fool , you will gain no vengeance because you are the demons. ... cough ... damnit it turn into a zombie I missed you too. All of you. Now let's hold hands and sing a distracting musical number. Which will divert attention far away from me.
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