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Search results

  1. F

    How many Shiny Pokemon do you have?

    I got a ShinyRaikou. o_o; I was very surprised. That's the only one, though.
  2. F

    My site

    I really don't do sprites. More of the other kind of things. ._.;
  3. F

    My site

    Tutorials based on? ><
  4. F

    My site

    Lawl. I'm working on that. Any ideas? :3
  5. F

    My site

    It doesn't have much. ._.
  6. F

    x3 8D

    x3 8D
  7. F

    My site

    Will Absol - Sure. o.o; Nick - I knew about all that stuff I could improve. :< Maybe I needed for someone to tell me that. xD Anyway, thanks. Much appreciated.
  8. F

    My site

    http://sketch.it.freehostia.com/ Yeah. Pretty boring. Dx The other two spam the news. >>
  9. F

    Have YOU gotten the Lucky Egg?

    I was training something, and went in the grass. And I found a Chansey, and it didn't let me run. So I caught it, and there it was. I was like WTF COOL 8D
  10. F

    Celebi Forest Network

    What? It is working fine for me. o.o Omg, wrong link. There you go. ^.^
  11. F

    Celebi Forest Network

    So here it is. I work on the Network, and the RPG I just help in it. =D Clickie!
  12. F

    The Final Pokemon Game

    More generations. That's all we need. D= I wish I knew how to scratch sprite. All the tutorials I have gone through don't help. Not even Butterfree's. Most of her things help me.
  13. F

    Butterfree's Math Doodles

    OMG! They are so cute!! ^^
  14. F

    Favourite Bands/Artists?

    Who are all these people?
  15. F

    CSS Not Working With IE7

    Re: My first browser problem! :D <ul id="rightmenu"> <li><div id="center">Affiliates</div></li> <br> <br> <li><a href="http://www.moonlightcaverns.com"><img src="http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a69/Pocketmouse563/mc.jpg" alt="Moonlight Caverns">Moonlight Caverns</a></li> <li><a...
  16. F

    Is there going to be a Generation V?

    I think they will keep going.
  17. F

    The Legend of Zelda

    I think that was the worst game ever. I don't see why they were thinking of Wind Waker 2 instead of Twilight Princess for the name.
  18. F

    Favourite Bands/Artists?

    Haven't heard of any of these. =/ Alicia Keys. =D
  19. F

    Is there going to be a Generation V?

    Arceus is NOT the God Pokemon. At least I don't think so. Mew is.
  20. F

    Platinum Discussion

    Yeah. Hm... That got me wondering. D=
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