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Search results

  1. Phyro Phantom

    Obsessive Scribblers

    Sorry for being so inactive here.... I haven't exactly had good past experiences on this forum, so I get really nervous whenever I'm here. =S Anyway, I heard we're all supposed to have persona references, so after much struggling, I finally got one done. Looks nothing like me, but at least I...
  2. Phyro Phantom

    Obsessive Scribblers

    Oh hai there. =3 Thank you very much! And also for the critique - sadly, you don't get much of that over on DeviantART. .... Anyway, yeah, I did forget about the lighting.... I usually just cell shade for the most part, and I'm not too good at going outside my norm when it comes to...
  3. Phyro Phantom

    Obsessive Scribblers

    Well, I sort of got invited here by Kai, so hopefully nobody will mind if I join. =3 I haven't been too active on this forum lately, for a couple of reasons. One is that I sort of got into a stupid fight, which I would like to blame on my immaturity at the time. =P So ANYWAY I dunno how...
  4. Phyro Phantom

    Ask Altmer Anything

    Why is the sky blue? What color are my eyes? Who was the first character to kiss Mario in Paper Mario & The Thousand Year Door? Are you getting tired of all these questions? So yeah, pointless topic for the win. Your answers are at least interesting anyway.
  5. Phyro Phantom

    Should Pikachu evolve into a Raichu already?

    They've already had several episodes that have shown that he doesn't want to evolve, and that Ash doesn't want to evolve him. Besides, he can actually achieve higher attack / special attack as a Pikachu if Ash were smart enough to give him a Light Ball. Ash kinda cheated, though... Pikachu...
  6. Phyro Phantom

    Yeah, I know. It's mainly because I've been more active on Deviant Art recently. xD And...

    Yeah, I know. It's mainly because I've been more active on Deviant Art recently. xD And working on stuff... I really don't have much of a life, though. =P I hate being sick... can hardly breathe right now.
  7. Phyro Phantom

    Favorite in game Music

    Just about anything from Mystery Dungeon, especially the Main Theme / Town Square, and also of course the Wigglytuff Guild music from the second set of games. Colosseum and XD also had some really great music... out of the main-series games, I have to say Johto had the best in-game music... and...
  8. Phyro Phantom

    Aw, thank you. xD Sorry I've been so inactive here... it didn't help that the server went...

    Aw, thank you. xD Sorry I've been so inactive here... it didn't help that the server went down, either.
  9. Phyro Phantom

    What gender is Pikachu?

    Um... of course Pikachu is male. xD At least we finally have proof though, lol.
  10. Phyro Phantom

    Phyro's Random Poké-Arts

    Re: Phyro's Random Poké-Arts I've posted more art, and I have a small bit of news - see the first post for details.....
  11. Phyro Phantom

    Hmm... forgot to say, my DeviantArt thingy is here. Um... yeah I use this user name for...

    Hmm... forgot to say, my DeviantArt thingy is here. Um... yeah I use this user name for everything ugh.
  12. Phyro Phantom

    Dude.. awesome. xD My Mom has told me some stuff about college, but I know they probably have...

    Dude.. awesome. xD My Mom has told me some stuff about college, but I know they probably have changed a thing or two lately. It... actually sounds pretty cool - I think I'll do well as long as I stop being so lazy and actually make a schedule for myself. That first course you listed sounds...
  13. Phyro Phantom

    Favorite song(s) ever?

    "I'm for You" by Toby Mac!!!!111111 ... What? o_O I also like just about everything done by Casting Crowns, Switchfoot, etc. I'm also quite a fan of the old Boston group and their works.
  14. Phyro Phantom

    Yeah, I can be kinda over-apologetic sometimes... So anyway, what's up? Is college going...

    Yeah, I can be kinda over-apologetic sometimes... So anyway, what's up? Is college going well? I'm kinda curious about what college is like, since I'm gonna be going to college myself in a few years. Like... How specialized are the degrees? 'Cause I was hoping to go into computer...
  15. Phyro Phantom

    Ideas please!

    Um... try Game Maker?
  16. Phyro Phantom

    What ships do you sail?

    Um.... wow. o_O So I suppose you take Brock's obsessive lust over everything female in the universe (except Misty, May and Dawn of course) to be a cover-up? Or what?
  17. Phyro Phantom

    Phyro's Random Poké-Arts

    Re: Phyro's Random Poké-Arts Yeesh, I have been gone too long... Anyway, the feet are.. um... yeah. >_> I've never been that good with drawing feet and mouse-drawing makes it even worse. The pictures that I posted was a still - I tried to upload an animated version, but I never posted the...
  18. Phyro Phantom

    Fears and phobias.

    I have a phobia of social rejection after what was a traumatic experience for my 7-year-old mind when I used to go to private school. While homeschooling helped me to recover from the shock, I've been pretty sociably challenged ever since. Oddly, the internet makes everything easier. I guess...
  19. Phyro Phantom

    Gamefreak is hiring Graphic Designers

    Or because Japan thinks their artists are way better than anyone else's. =P Seriously though, as much as we might try to imitate it, Japanese art is just kinda... different somehow. I dunno. They might be worried about the styles clashing.
  20. Phyro Phantom

    Oh my gosh... I am so sorry dude... I just haven't gotten around to this place in a long time...

    Oh my gosh... I am so sorry dude... I just haven't gotten around to this place in a long time. And really, you have more excuse to be inactive than I do, since you're in college and everything. Bleh... I need to get more active in this place again... I really wish I could get my dad to set...
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