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Search results

  1. Calumon

    Suicide Game! =D

    I get trampled by the people wanting an autoghraph from it. I drop a spagetti noodle.
  2. Calumon

    Hi peoples.

  3. Calumon

    Funny Moments at School V2

    In history class no one was paying attention and our teacher said "Mr. Obama has aids." as in helper people and everyone thought she ment AIDS. XD
  4. Calumon

    Suicide Game! =D

    I run from its scary face into a building that's on fire. I drop a spork.
  5. Calumon

    see i changed it.. or not. ya i changed it.

    see i changed it.. or not. ya i changed it.
  6. Calumon

    Hi peoples.

    No I'm not whoever that person is. Your calling the person him, I am a girl. and No! My clock!
  7. Calumon

    Then why did you say ewww? It makes it seem like you think it's discusting. btw this is the...

    Then why did you say ewww? It makes it seem like you think it's discusting. btw this is the first forum I've joined and I don't plan on keeping the pic.
  8. Calumon

    Hi peoples.

    It can have the "demon" clock me and my friend disected. :D It made chicken noises and my friend is afraid of chickens. I would have to find all of the peices though.
  9. Calumon

    You know I really don't care if you like calumon or not.

    You know I really don't care if you like calumon or not.
  10. Calumon

    Hi peoples.

    Ok you're wierd. No offence. But why would whatever you're talking about want clocks?
  11. Calumon

    Hi peoples.

    Well it disappared so yay no more "why don't you introduce your self here"
  12. Calumon

    Hi peoples.

    I really dought that because it was the same thing that said that guests couldn't post and all that stuff.
  13. Calumon

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Some baby birds just hatched in my backyard! :grin: They are sooo cute.
  14. Calumon

    another homework poll ...

    I picked math, I would have picked gym but we don't have gym homework.
  15. Calumon

    Hi peoples.

    sooo.. Hi I'm new and the notice thing at the top told me to do this, so hi!
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