• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Hi peoples.

Hopefully you got to your profile fast enough before anything was stolen. The notice is a notorious thief, liar, and swindler. And not the good kind.

Welcome to the forums, read the rules, and have fun.

That's one of its tricks. It's a notorious master of disguise...and annoyance.
I'd suggest you take stock of your belongings.

Especially your clocks. It likes clocks.
It can have the "demon" clock me and my friend disected. :D It made chicken noises and my friend is afraid of chickens. I would have to find all of the peices though.
Listen to Umbreon. It's coming. For. Your. Chocolate. And. Clocks. Run. Away. Right. Now.

Hi. There. New. Member. Have. Some. Tea. And. Cod. But. Look. After. It. Or. It. Will. Be. Stolen.
For a second, I thought this was Turbo. O_o

Digimon name and all. Hopefully, it's not...

Hello, new member who is hopefully not Turbo/Celestial Blade. :P Welcome to TCoD. Watch your step, the last one bites~

*coughs* You probably won't see me except around the RP and Fanfic boards, but hello anyways.
Oh yes, he came back what, two days ago? I foget what his name was. >> Before that it was Terra Force, I think.

But welcome to the forums, enjoy the tea and cod, but enjoy it quick before the prompt sneaks back and tricks you into giving it to him. o_O O_o
Well, I admit I was being a bit paranoid. :P But well then, welcome truly to TCoD~ If you ever plan on writing any fanfics, I shall surely check them out and provide criticism. ^^
Hi person who's tea cod and demon clock i stole then fed to RYUBANE claiming it was a teacup and cod skin.:huh:
Don't bring me into this. And I'm allergic to clocks, so it's not like I could have done anything about it anyway.

*returns clock and tea and cod to Calumon*
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