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Search results

  1. Smasher120

    The Clue Game

    I need 26 now.
  2. Smasher120

    The Clue Game

    Clue nine:
  3. Smasher120

    Childhood Question-Which pokemon would you have as a pet?

    Ermm... Pichu because it's my favorite. Mew because it's cute Espeon as a household pet. Dragonite for flying and gloating
  4. Smasher120

    Happy Birthday Dannichu!

    Happy Birthday! Just in time for Halloween, too.:grin:
  5. Smasher120

    The Clue Game

    Finally, now I need help on 23.
  6. Smasher120

    The Clue Game

    That's where I was looking, but I don't know what to find. Will the answer stand out or something?
  7. Smasher120

    The Clue Game

    I still can't get 22. I think
  8. Smasher120

    The Clue Game

    can you make the hint a little less obscure?
  9. Smasher120

    The Clue Game

    22 now. need help...
  10. Smasher120

    The Clue Game

    got it, now i need help on 21
  11. Smasher120

    The Clue Game

    Help on CLue 16? .
  12. Smasher120

    My Sprite Work

    Yeah, I'm using Butterfree's color palletes now. New sprite! I call it Blacktoise. EDIT: A Black Cat!!! And my best recolor EVER!!!
  13. Smasher120

    My Sprite Work

    I'm a newbie, this is all I got. Recolors: Black Pokemon: The colors are from Butterfree's black Pokemon sprites.
  14. Smasher120

    Requests Open Virtual and Physical Art Shop

    Umm... Can ya splice Mightyena and Arcanine?
  15. Smasher120

    Stupid things you thought were true

    Button Mashing, duh I thought Skitty evolved into Aipom and Gastly evolved into Cloyster.
  16. Smasher120

    Requests Open The Most Original Sprite Shop Ever

    Guess your new sprite shop is really crowded XD
  17. Smasher120

    Requests Open The Most Original Sprite Shop Ever

    Can you make a Ukulele Pichu sprite?
  18. Smasher120

    Requests Open Epic Sprite Shop

    AWESOMEZ. Could I also get a pink Machamp? This is my last one, I swear to Arceus.
  19. Smasher120

    The Clue Game

  20. Smasher120

    The Clue Game

    I still dont know it. Does it have good, or behaviour in the parts?
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