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Childhood Question-Which pokemon would you have as a pet?

It would be pretty cool to have either a Pidgeot or a Swellow. Maybe a Fearow. Then I could fly with them. =3

The only question is how do you evolve a pet Pokémon? When I imagine a pet Pokémon, I imagine one that stays home and doesn't battle or anything; otherwise it would be a trainer's Pokémon. Any opinions on this matter?

An Eevee would be pretty adorable as well.
Most Pokémon most likely naturally evolve over time. Just that the time period might be quite a bit longer than most trainers would like, on the order of years, maybe longer. Thus, 'training' a Pokémon is probably done to speed up that process, in some way.

That does raise a question, though, about the true health of a Pokémon that's really a 'baby', being forced to evolve through training...
I'd want a Yanmega because I could fly on it, and 'cause 6 foot long dragonfliess that weigh more than me are cool.
Alakazam, because it is my favorite.

Salamence for flying and oure awesomeness.

Rhydon because it looks awesome.

Gengar because I hate small doorways.

Darkrai because I cheat and love legendaries and Bad Dreams is hilarious.

But that raises a question, if you had a pet Darkrai, wouldn't you always be in that forever nitemare from the games?

So I guess a Cresselia to heal me.
A Piplup, a Prinplup, an Empoleon (male, male, female), a Flygon (female) and an Azelf as a personal always-with-me pet. The rest stay at home. Oh, and a Skitty (female), a Glameow (female), an Eevee (male) as household pets, and a Porygon2 as a computer buddy and pet.
Dratini is my favourite "normal" Pokémon, so I would love to have it.
Rayquaza is my favourite legendary, and it's snakelike as Dratini too.
Totodile wold be nice if it would wander around the house and do same as Ash's one in anime.
Also Mighthyena to guard house. Meh
I would say Charmander because it's the base form of my favorite.Though a flaming tail might hurt my security deposit. I choose Eevee. It's fluffy.
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