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Stupid things you thought were true

Another one I remembered

I used to believe, back when I first got Emerald, my first game, that if you lost to a Gym Leader they took all of your Pokémon exept your starter. When I lost against Roxanne and found out they didn't, I told my friend. He said "No, not the Gym Leaders, Team Rocket and Team Magma and Team Aqua. You should try not to lose to their admins"
I played through Emerald, happier now. Then I got to Mt. Chimney. I lost against the admin...and when I opened up my "Pokémon" tab, I had my whole team.

Needless to say, I didn't believe said friend when he told me breeding your starter and the first Pokémon you caught would create a fusion of the two Pokémon.
Remembered another one:

I used to think that Dratini/Dragonair was were Water-types.

(Hard to type when you have a hand covered in corn-chip dust)
Hmmm I am not sure I have ever been sucked in my a Pokemon rumor; does it count by any chance that when I begun my silver I thought ??? was supposed to be the rivals name and so kept it as such? >_< *head/desk* lol. It was only the second pokemon game I had ever owned so I was used the naming the rival after you name yourself from my Yellow.

Most of the time for me I WANTED to believe certain stories rather than actually did. Such as trying the itemfinder in mt moon 100 times to find Togepi, I knew it was shit but wanted to have Togepi in the old games so I could not help myself.
Way back in 2nd or 3rd grade, some friend of mine said he caught a glitch clefairy at Mt. moon that be trained to Lv. 9,999. After that, it would die.

Kids say the darndest things.
And here is another one

~That if you bred Miltank and Tauros, you would get a baby named Calfleet, and if it was male it evolved to Tauros and if female it evolved to Miltank. And Calfleet had really, really high Speed
Have I said this before?

Breed Lugia for Latios and Latias. Once you get the Eon twosome, you can no longer breed Lugia.
^ Your signature is so cute. :D

I just remembered, and I think I've said this before, but I used to think that Dratini and Dragonair were Water/Dragon. Oh, and Dragonite didn't exist.
When I was about 10, somebody convinced me that in Pokemon LeafGreen there was a place by Victory Road that let you get to Hoenn and get the Hoenn starters. I actually believed him and spent about an hour one day looking through every single nook in that area T_T
........Lololol how does that even make any SENSE? |D

Skitty's tail looks a bit like a hand...and cloyster's face kinda looks like a gastly. Since I started with sapphire, I only believed the second one, but it isn't impossible to get mixed up with these kinda things.
I used to think that if a pokemon was confused if I used a move that it had known longer it wouldn't damage itself.
I thought Clamperl evolved by leveling, so I tried forever to evolve it, it got to level 63 or so before I went on the internet, and someone told me that clamperl doesn't evolve. Then I thought it didn't evolve at all -_-" Then I started looking everywhere in Hoenn for a Gorebyss... -_-
[22:20] Alraune: I remember when I was little and I had the Blue instruction book...
[22:20] Alraune: I thought every Pokemon evolved twice, like the starters :<
[22:20] Vixietails: Aw :<
[22:20] Alraune: And there was an incomplete pokedex in the back...
[22:20] Alraune: So there was Ponyta, ?? and Slowpoke
[22:21] Alraune: I remember being sooo confused >x
[22:22] Vixietails: haha
One thing that scared the crap out of me when I was younger... Remember in R/B/Y there was that little pattern of white squares on the fifth floor of the Pokémon Tower? By the time I got to that floor, I had fought way too many creepy old ladies with gastlys, and finally I find this channeler on the fifth floor that says,

"Come, child! I sealed this space with white magic! You can rest here."

I was surprised the bleachy looking woman didn't want to fight me, but what she said had creeped me out... Come, child? creepy... White magic? What is white magic? I honestly thought that if I stepped onto this space, that witch would steal my soul. "You can rest here." Rest in peace? Would I die? Well, if one thing is certain, I didn't take any chances, so I avoided this creepy shit at all costs.

Except one day, I walked into the trap without thinking. My screen cut to a bright white.

I was panicking and thinking "OH GOD I'M DEAD, I'M DEAD!!!"

Then the screen went back to normal and said "Entered purified protected zone. Your pokémon are fully healed."

I just stared at the game for a while, thinking "What the fuck?"
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