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Stupid things you thought were true

Okay, this one is REALLY stupid. You know those spiral things on Cradily's head? Yeah, I thought those were its eyes. And I thought its actual eyes were its teeth.

Those don't even look like eyes but I only think the circles look any more like eyes because I've always assumed they were. Stupid anatomy D:
Okay, this one is REALLY stupid. You know those spiral things on Cradily's head? Yeah, I thought those were its eyes. And I thought its actual eyes were its teeth.

I only recently figured this out. Sometimes I still do see it that way.

I also thought that if you had a Japanese version of R/S/E and used Rock Smash on the white rock then a cave would open up that had Jirachi in it.

OH MY GOD THAT F*CKING ROCK. It still confounds me to this day. I mean, why put a special rock that actually gives you a message if you try to interact with it in plain sight if it doesn't do a single goddamn thing? There must be something hidden around that rock epnyfvpeaso.
Those don't even look like eyes but I only think the circles look any more like eyes because I've always assumed they were. Stupid anatomy D:
I think it's because when I first saw Cradily, it was looking down, so I thought "hey where are its eyes" and then I was like, "Oh! Those spiraly things are its eyes!"
Okay, this one is REALLY stupid. You know those spiral things on Cradily's head? Yeah, I thought those were its eyes. And I thought its actual eyes were its teeth.

That is not stupid if more than half of people who first saw it (including me) assumed the yellow things were its eyes. NOT STUPID.
...I thought Onix was only Rock-type. And I really can't say anything about Cradily, since I always picked Anorith. :P I've never actually heard my code for catching Pokémon anywhere else (A+B+Select+Start).
Okay, this one is REALLY stupid. You know those spiral things on Cradily's head? Yeah, I thought those were its eyes. And I thought its actual eyes were its teeth.

I thought this for a really long time. When I finally figured out that its "teeth" were its eyes, I thought Cradily was some sort of flower with eyes.

But that thing is just kinda cute if you draw it with a sad expression like I did...
I used to think that the black in a zubat's ears were it's eyes. I then realized zubat didn't have eyes.

...Oh, and Zubat learns Mean Look?

This is stupid, but whenever I go to train Sparky (LANTURN OF AWESOMENESS. PERIOD) Raikou appears. I keep thinking Volt Absorb attracts Raikous or something.
I thought it was Water-Dragon. Went I saw it was Psychic-Flying I thought it was a really random typing(I still think it should be Water instead of Phychic:unsure:)
Then Lugia would be ruined by a x4 Electric weakness.

This is why I don't use Gyarados.
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