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Stupid things you thought were true

Thanks to being completely uninformed by my friends before I bought the game, I thought that Lucario was a legendary pokemon. And until I looked it up, I remember battling Maylene for the first time and thinking: "Holy crap, that's not fair. Why does she have a legendary?! I can barely find one!" Also, I though that Bidoof and Budew were the same, before I saw what either of them looked like. (This is the same friend that gave me a fake phone number which led to a credit union. :/ )
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I used to believe that Numel evolved into Torkoal. I have no clue why.

They do look a tiny bit alike. More alike than a lot of Pokémon and their evos/prevos, anyway.


Plus they came out in the same generation and are pretty close in the Pokédex iirc.
I once heard... that a Pokemon could learn all the "TMs"... and "HMs"... I thought it was Porygon-Z... after all it is a machine... but then I realized it was the "secret" Pokemon, Mew.
I always thought that Kingdra,Phanpy,Teddiursa and Mantine weren't real due to the fact they were conjured by the little girl in the 3rd pokemon movie.
This is more something I thought wasn't true, but I saw Spoink somewhere on the Internet without having found one in Ruby and thought it was a ridiculous fakemon. Then I eventually found one and was all "wat"
Let's see, I thought that...

- the button smashing thing would really make capturing easier (but I still do it, it kind a lowers pressures)
- if you leave Kyogre & Groudon to day-care, you get new legendary
- Spiritomb is fakemon when I first saw it
- Carnivive is evolution of Cacturne
- Using Sweet Cent in special place would open secret passage somewhere (because of it's field effect, then I found out that it just lures wild Pokémon...)
- Salamence is fire/dragon
- Gyarados is water/dragon
- Lucario is legendary (thanks to Blue rescue team)
- Chansey is legendary
I thought that pressing A and B consecutively over and over made catching pokémon easier. I still do it sometimes out of habit.

I also used to think that Lugia was a Water-Flying type because Ho-Oh was Fire-Flying.
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I thought you could get Mew in Pokemon Green. This is before I realized that Green is basically the Japanese counterpart of Blue.
Probably a lot of EV trainers (including myself) thought rare candy didn't apply EVs. Serebii now says otherwise.
Serebii said:
One last thing on EVs - Rare Candys. The so-thought dreaded item that doesn't boost your stats as high as if you took the time to level up. They usually accumulate in someone's box or are sold. Rare Candies, in reality, do take EVs into account when the stats increase. It's safe to use them after all.
It's because in the first two generations, the Stat. EXP system meant that it was actually not uncommon for a Pokemon to reach level 100 without maxing out its stats, meaning that it was best to level them up via battles the whole way because the Rare Candy would mean it's not getting some of the Stat. EXP it could be getting. With EVs, virtually all Pokemon will max out their EVs within perhaps 50-75ish levels of battle training, so Rare Candies don't hurt like they did in Gen I.

On the other hand, the storyline of the handheld games is so easy you could beat it with a fucking Magikarp if it was a high enough level, so the only people who are going to be concerned with maximizing their stats are the competitive battlers, who are going to be counting their EVs carefully anyway so whether a Rare Candy hurts or not isn't going to matter to them.

P.S. If I'm not mistaken, all Pokemon in Gen I/II had the potential for 999 in all their stats since there wasn't a cap on how much Stat. EXP a Pokemon could get (unlike EVs, which have a cap). Of course, the Pokemon wouldn't gain any more stat points after it hit Lv. 100 unless you did the PC box glitch, so for the average player it was effectively impossible to hit 999.

That was quite a wall of text.

tl;dr blah blah stupid stat stuff
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